What does got to dark core even mean? I have met the professor and Im building reputation with the people who have the fjords, am i done? Please, if you can, help. When do i need to stop the Nick quests in dino? Youll also need to have completed the following quests: The quests with Ms Drake and Herman after becoming Friendly with the GED Jarlaheim Office; PLEASE help! This is also the name of the famous horse in. I have not gotten the quest about Helgas summerhouse and no new quests except for the one with the Valentines letters that you have to collect. . Do you mean go to Dark Core or thats where you need to go? Looking back at this video I could have done it better ! And the G. E. D. is not even in my reputation list. When I log on tonight I shall be sure to write down all the quests I have. Posts marked DVSA contain spoilers for Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur. Help Nic explore dino valley Talk to Nic Stoneground and accept his invitation to explore Dino Valley. Ive helped Nic Stoneground but am not done helping him explore the valley, Im at the point where I start to explore the lake and the scientist lady is already here. but i ask ealier on the quest i am stuck on called Lost Concrete. You'll now find horse trainers at Jorvik Stables, New Hillcrest (in Epona), the Baroness' Winery, and at Marley's Paddock. What level do you have to be to unlock Epona, Im level 16, and where is it? Am I close? I think this is better, though because you get a quick, two-minute checklist of everything you need to complete to unlock it. To enterEpona, you need to be a Star Rider and: Most players start getting these quests around level 16. Hope you have a good time in EPONA!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks! As with all the other new areas, there are a few prerequisites to be able to begin the quests to opening Epona in southern Harvest Counties. Horse Market. Unfortunately, when I finally did the quest when it happened, it didn't record! 2015/11/11, the first footage of Epona was shown in The Star Stable Show: Episode 1, where the release date was confirmed to 2015/11/18. This is what took me forever to find out. So just keep an eye on Helga in Fort. Im almost done with level 16, yet I still havent gotten the Summerhouse quest. 2. Also, when do I start to do the quests with Helgas summer house? This area requires the highest reputation to enter. I have done everything star stable has said but i still dont have the summerhouse quest. Once on the post, you can use the search function again to jump to the quest you are looking for. Once you have accomplished this, you will go on a quest called "The Flowery Janitor," which will start your adventure to Jorvik City. Introducing Championships Galore three weeks of championship fun for every race lover. Any fossils can be turned into Professor Jura in Firgrove Village and artifacts can be turned into Harley in Nic Stoneground's camp. 6. massholewoman 8 mo. I know how I felt when I got EPONA, I was screaming my head off. hello! And if THAT doesnt happen then I click play after it installs and updates and BOOM the page just closes out so I cant play! Ricky knows he could fix everything for her if he could just get his hands on the prize money at the Jorvik Championships in Jor Jitsu Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://help.starstable.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001360680-How-do-I-unlock-Epona-. One question though whose has an avatar name Rita in the game? The player can find fossils, artifacts, or useless items that can be sold for a small profit. This is part 1 of the series. Some of us were wondering, we cant remember what the UFO Crash site quest was ? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Once Epona is unlocked, Professor Jura will send them to New Hillcrest to find Hawaii Jones. You are now on the series of quests that will allow you to unlock Epona. Full Speed From the Forest to the Mountain! Keep your eye on Helga mine just appeared out of the blue I didnt have a quest with her that would bring me back to her the following day it just showed up. Starstable-oldlady 1 yr. ago Below is a list of where each type of item can be found throughout Epona and to be exchanged with Professor Jura: The locations of individual archaeology rocks within Epona can be found below. Posts marked SHSA contain spoilers for South Hoof Peninsula. What does it mean when I try to verify my email and it says that my token doesnt match????? the summer house quest just showed up I looked one minute thinkin hmmm I havent gotten any new quest just like you. Normally, yes, but if the player has completed a number of certain quests (not all prior to those are necessarily required you are not punished for unlocking a quest without following certain ones before hand), then the Epona quest will be unlocked. I have emailed several times too and all I get are the same instructions; the things I have already done. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I am literally crying right now! Herman has long been a key player in the battle against GED, and now he's got some information that can help him take his fight to the next level. .more .more 750 Dislike Share. How to unlock Epona in 2020 (Part 1) ! Epona is unlocked after you complete a couple quests, if you go onto starstable.com/news and search Epona, it tells you. I have explored much for Nick. As of right now (December 2015) it unlocks about halfway through level 16, once you have completed all of the following story arcs: Once all of these quests have been completed, you will receive a pop-up quest in the form of a text message from Herman, asking you to visit him at his home in Jorvik Stables. You'll become Mrs. Drake's personal assistant for about two in-game days. In order to unlock Epona's archeological feature, the player must be liked with the A.A.E. Just so it's not TOO easy, we've added a player level 14 requirement. Once you have done so, you will get a text from Herman, asking to see you urgently. In the following week, characters from Epona were presented on social media. But, after I do the second quest from the same person like Mr. Anderson, I always have to wait until tomorrow. I forgot. I think someone needs to research this and see what else could be going on . Now, instead of being limited to just one visit per day to the horse trainer, you can visit as often as you like! On a Horse. Hi, I am Polish fan of SSO. Have the reputation level Friendly with the GED Jarlaheim Office and have given Ms. Drake's report about GED's future plans to Herman. , I dont know what you guys are talking about..I got the Helga and Gunther quest at like lvl 12 or maybe I just think I did because there at fort just standing there and I remember doing a quest with Gunther. and what is the Helga thing i am pretty sure i just met the spy people who help in the quest but is there another thing i have to do with them because i have not had a guest with them for almost a week and a half. Once Ricky's back on his feet, you can help him build this fantastic new cross-country racetrack at New Hillcrest. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); omg i unlocked golden and dino same day !! Meet Ricky Nowadays you just need to be at least on level 14 and have Friendly reputation with the GED Jarlaheim office! Please help. Have reputation level \"Friendly\" with GED Jarlaheim Office and done the quest where you give mineral report from Ms. Drake to Herman5. Archaeology Department faction and have completed at least one dinosaur skeleton with Professor Jura. Thanks a lot. Literally Everywhere. Can you be a boy on Star Stable? So what are you waiting for? I am level 17 and Im just getting the quests to help Helga & Gunther with the summer house I have everything else done. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Depending on the object, it can be traded in for valuable/expensive items or sold for a smaller profit. After some research I found out that my reputation has to be friendly in Jorvik Stables and G. E. D. My problem is I don't have any quests left at the Jorvik Stables. Use the CTRL + F function (or Command + F, if on Mac) on your browser to search for a specific quest, then click on the link to that post to view that day. As far as i have been able to tell, there isnt much to cape sorrow. , Hello, Ive started the new story quests and am now working on reading the runestones. What level of reputation do you need to be with Jarlasson Farm in order for them to reveal their secrets with you so you can unlock Epona? 2.) It will probably be a bit yet until i get time to find all the runestones. I unlocked the GED Office fraction today. I have sent the files from the G.E.D to Herman, and are friends with the G.E.D. That way we dobt have to worry about the chat filter , The filter blocks out numbers so its difficult to specify a time and figure out time zones. Im almost at level 17, but I dont know how to unlock that quest with Helga. I did all the following Everyday, there is 1 extra-interesting find in each of the four areas in Epona and the Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur. Required fields are marked *. Ive been busy with the holidays right now and havent even played through the new quests myself yet. If anyone knows how to get the summer house quest, please tell me. Keeping Isolde From Speaking to the Thief. Thanks for any help! Please read the rules before posting and flair your posts. What are achievements? I only have the daily quests but the rep which i get is pretty low. They updated it so that way you only need to have Friendly with Jarlaheim, Jorvik Stables, and GED of Jarlaheim, BUT you have to be friendly with both Jarlaheim and Jorvik stables first then do a quest with Herman (after knocking on the doors) where you talk with ms. drake, you should be able to become friendly with GED of Jarlaheim within two days (considering you do all the possible quests/daily quests with ms drake the first, in which you should have 485/500 reputation points). Your email address will not be published. Once youve done all of these things, youll get a text message from Herman asking you to help him, which is when your adventures in Epona can begin! We provide you the coordinates to take the photos of Token - Toy Postcards in Chapter 2 Silverglade, Firgrove and Valedale. However, to plan the areas better, the team chose to release the two halves separately. Im sure it was Steves Im rubbish at looking for things, and not at all patient lol will look forward to seeing the map , might i ask, where do i complete these quests? I do not think it is a glitch. Can you get epona at level 15 I dunno all my friends say you. Reunited with a Beloved Brother! Can I ask you, for where get you list of quests and dialogues? [, Reach Friendly reputation status with Jarlaheim G.E.D. For Jorvik stables, youll want to do the chores listed on the bulletin board, and any of the local training races. Once a normal rock is dug up, it may become active again straight away or after a while. Star Stable Token Locations - Chapter 2 Silverglade, Firgrove and Valedale. When have I done enough exploring to unlock the quests for Epona? Hi Maggie Oldcamp, whats your email address if you dont mind me asking? But like Maggie has said; I believe this may be a glitch now. The Road to Epona Herman has long been a key player in the battle against GED, and now he's got some information that can help him take his fight to the next level. , I will help as much as I can The player then must dismount and use the pickaxe on the rock to discover the object(s). Is it maybe that youll have to have a reputation with 3000 or 6000 by Valeldale or Fort Pinta? Why can't I go everywhere in the game? Freja could still use your help when it comes to kite-building Run down to Sunfield Farm to lend a hand if you havent already! I just changed to Pumpkin Meadow, but I am on MAPLE STAR and WIND STAR normally. What do we do now?- Advice from the vetDay 3 quests:- A shipments of cabbage on its way!- A new home for the chipmunks- A bathtub for the chipmunks- Hunt for the perfect bathtub!- Interior decoration for chipmunks- Housewarming- Fixing the fieldTo unlock Epona you need to:1. A Necklace with Glass Beads, A Birds Dream! 3. You need to have met James in Fort Pinta before you'll get a text message from him where he asks for help. Usually players unlock Epona around level 17-18, but by mainly focusing on the needed quests and reputations it's possible to unlock even at level 15! I hope you enjoy today's video and don't forget to Like and Subscribe if you haven't!----------------------- Q \u0026 A SSO Name: Margaret SharkBlanketSSO Server: Frost ValleyLevel: Currently Level 18Can I be in videos? Believe me, Ive tried as well because I have been getting this question so frequently. Her quests are optional.
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