what happened to megsquats

Start by performing Close Grip Push-Ups for the prescribed reps/time, then immediately grab a dumbbell and perform Overhead Tricep Extensions for the prescribed reps/time, followed by Bench Dips for the prescribed reps/time. Competition style deadlift. Lift your hips off the ground, and maintain a neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing the glutes and abdominals. Perform the prescribed number of reps. Then, lower your feet to the floor while maintaining extended legs (Position 2). Begin with bent knees and hips and extend to straight legs. Aim to move through your entire back, allowing your lumbar, and thoracic, and cervical spine (lower, mid, and upper) to flex and extend together. Set up in a cable rack with the pulleys set at roughly shoulder height. Aim to minimize arm movement above the elbow and focus on contracting your biceps to perform your curls, rather than swinging and using momentum. Front Plate Raise, DB Front Raise, Cable Front Raise; DB Overhead Press. Setup a barbell on a squat rack at shoulder height. Move through a series of various different postures and stretches. Hold a weight (kettlebell, dumbbell, etc) with one hand and walk. For the L-Sit Walk variation, press both hands into the floor and raise hips and inch hips and heels backwards. Perform the prescribed number of repetitions, then switch sides and repeat. Unrack the bar setup in a low bar position. Hollow Body variations; Planks; Birddogs; Dead Bugs. If you are limited on space, turn around and jump back (rather than continuing to jump in the same direction). Hanging Leg Raises; Hollow Body Holds; Barbell or Ab-Wheel Rollouts; Planks; Sit-up/Crunch variations; Other Abdominal Flexion movements. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and separate the band in a fly-motion. Grabbing the handle or loose end of the band with one hand, back away from the anchor and enter a quadruped position. Stand upright in front of a cable machine, lat pull down, or band attached overhead. Then, turn around so that you face the anchor and your upper arm is then in front of your torso (position 2), and perform the prescribed rep range. Start in a plank position with sliders, paper plate, or towels on each foot. Good Morning; Banded Sumo Good Morning; Supermans or Back extensions; Reverse hyperextensions; Stiff-Leg or Romanian Deadlifts. This is a scaled version of the traditional Push-Up, and is one of our suggested variation (along with the Knees Down Push-Up) to develop broader pushing strength if unable to perform 6+ traditional push-ups. Banded Rows; Barbell Row; Pendlay Row; Dumbbell Row; Inverted Row; Any other horizontal pull/row, Single Arm Substitutions:Chest Supported Row, Single Arm Lat Pull Down, DB Row. You should feel a mild stretch in your hamstrings with each kick. Press yourself to the end of the range of motion, pause for one second and return to the start position. Contract your abdominal muscles and crunch while bringing your torso upright (between 45-degrees and vertical), lifting your feet off the ground with a bend in the knees, and reaching your arms down towards your ankles. Laying on the ground on your side, bend your knees 90-degrees while maintaining extended hips you should have a straight line from knees to hips to shoulders. Can also be performed using Cables and pulley handles rather than bands. Starting with your arms extended and your body in a straight line (with an engaged core), pull your chest towards the lip of the table, maintaining the same straight body positioning and then lower back to an extended start position. Return the start position and repeat. Keep your head, shoulders, and butt on the bench and your feet on the floor. Youll notice that you need core and trunk control to keep the bar steady and to stay in position. Press your flat foot into the ground to raise the hips, using the other foot as a kickstand for balance. Back support may help form at higher intensities. Once youve completed one round of each exercises, you can then rest (or move onto the next exercise). Hold that position for 2-3 seconds (unless explicitly prescribed), then lower your hips back to the ground thats 1 rep. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions. Squeeze your butt and drive your foot through the elevated surface, extending until your hips are in line with your torso. Can also be done with a partner holding the board on your chest. Can be performed bodyweight or loaded (goblet with a KB, with DBs in each hand, or with a Barbell on your back or in a front rack position). Quad-dominant barbell squat variations (front squat, safety bar squat, etc. After completing these reps, immediately elevate your hands. Keep constant tension here, and try to avoid resting the weight on your thighs at the bottom. Single leg RDL, Single Leg Press, Split squat variations, Lunge variations, Single Leg Hamstring Curls, other unilateral lower body work. Anchor a band below your feet, and hold one end in your hand. Return to the starting position and repeat. Descend (aiming to keep the bar in as straight and vertical of a bar path as possible) until you reach depth, which is the point at which your hip crease has descended below the horizontal plane made by the top of your knee. Set up in front of a cable machine with the pulley in the lowest position, with a rope handle attached. As you maintain a straight position at the hips (aiming for a straight line from knee to shoulders), begin to lean your torso forward, controlling your descent with your hamstrings. Set up as you normally would (with feet roughly shoulder width apart). Control the weight to return to the start position. Lift your bottom leg up until it touches the bottom of the bench. If youve ever used RPE, you can think of RIR as 10 RPE, so a lift prescribed at RPE 7 is the same as 3 RIR (where 10-7=3). Raise the hips into a bridge. stretching the spine and hamstrings. From this position, walk your hands backwards until you return to your start position. Can also be performed on a Belt Squat machine if available, or by attaching weight plates to dip-belt, while straddling two blocks. The closer you are to being vertical, the harder the push up will be. Return to start position and repeat. In pushup position with forearms on the ground, maintain neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing the glutes and abdominals. The concept of RIR is pretty straight forward, and refers to how many repetitions away from failure you were with a given weight for a given number of reps. Something that is a 0 RIR would be a truly maximal effort, where no more weight could be added or reps could be performed at the given load and rep scheme. Any Delt Burnout of 15+ reps to failure; DB Lateral Raises; Prone Incline Y-Raises; Band Pullaparts; Face Pulls; DB or Plate Front Raises. When your elbows reach parallel with your torso, perform a slight pause to avoid any momentum (unless a specific pause or tempo is prescribed) and control the movement back to the starting position. If comfortable at a slower pace (marching), a skip can be added in between steps. Its the only reason for me to come back to Facebook and check it daily. Step one foot back and across your other leg, while bending the front knee and hip. Keep your body in a straight line, making sure not to raise or sink the hips. Place your hands on the edge of a bench and shoulder width apart. While holding them at this height, tuck your ribs down and squeeze your abs while reaching your hips back as far as you can. Good Morning; Banded Good Morning; Supermans or Back extensions; Reverse hyperextensions; Stiff-Leg or Romanian Deadlifts. Pressing your low back into the ground, contract your abdominal and oblique muscles and crunch while bringing opposite hand and foot together (i.e. Retract your shoulder blades and raise your thumbs towards the ceiling. Post a link to your new Instagram video next to your name at this link here to finalize your challenge submission. Contract your calves and extend at the ankles, raising up to your tip-toes. Set up with a band anchored at chest height. Hold this position, resisting the weight isometrically for the prescribed time. Romanian Deadlift (BB or DB), Stiff-legged deadlift, Good Mornings, Reverse Hyperextensions, Glute Ham Raise. Seated DB OHP; Standing DB OHP; Barbell OHP; Viking or Landmine Press; Machine Shoulder/OHP; Front Plate Raise. If no plane is specified, perform the variation most comfortable for you. Reach up and hold onto the table, with your hands spaced shoulder-width apart. Place the bar on your traps. Alternate steps between left and right. Set up a band to a low anchor. If you do not have access to cables, you can perform these variations with bands. Squeeze your butt and drive your feet through the floor, extending until your hips are in line with your torso. Press back up to standing by pushing your feet into the floor and your shoulders back into the bar. We aim to connect aspiring or current lifters with training partners, coaches, information, and motivation that will propel lives and health. Keep your body in a straight line, making sure not to raise or sink the hips. Our strong strong friend, JamaRR Royster (aka @pancakegawd), has you covered with this absolutely delicious, easy and protein-packed recipe. Maintain this position for the prescribed time. Myself, and my team of awesome coaches dont believe in preying on insecurities to sell ourselves. Find a smooth, safe surface like carpet or tile to perform the exercise. Get in an upright seated position with a dumbbell in each hand. Repeat for the prescribed repetitions. Stand upright, with your hand on a sturdy wall, beam, doorframe, or squat rack for support. Grab the band (or rope) with a double overhand grip. Can you change the exercise order? Tighten the upper back, brace the core, then pull the bar from the ground up to the hips. If you entered our challenge for prizes, dont forget to film your retest set! Aim for 4-5 seconds from overhead to behind your back, and another 4-5 seconds to return your hands over your head while maintaining scapular retraction during the entire range of motion. Goblet Squat, Band Abducted Goblet Squat, Goblet Squat w Adduction, Front loaded (DB, KB, barbell) squat; Belt Squats; Leg Press or Hack Squat; Leg Extensions. Inverted Row (Regular Grip); Supinated Grip Inverted Rows (At-Home version);DB Row; Cable Row; Chest Supported Row; Machine Row; Pull Up; Chin Up; Lat Pull Down. Taking a half kneeling position (right knee down, left knee upright), grab the handle with the same side hand that is kneeling on the ground. Scale harder by balancing on forearms only, adding weight to your back, or by placing your hands or feet on an unstable surface like a Bosu ball or suspension system like TRX. Sitting on the floor in front of a bench, roll the bar so it is over your hips. Control the weight on the way back to the bottom. Press kettlebell or dumbbell overhead in one hand. Any unilateral pulling or rowing movements (DB Rows, Cable Rows, Hammer Strength Rows); Lat Pull Over (DB or Cable); Vertical Pulling movements (Pull Ups, Chin Ups, Lat Pull Down); Horizontal Pulling movements (Barbell Rows, Inverted Rows, Chest Supported Rows, etc. This can either be conventional, or sumo position. Sit on the floor or a seated cable machine and hold a straight bar attachment with a wide overhand grip. See the demo link above for more detail, as an example of 3+3+3 Iso-Hold Lateral Raises. Each position of this exercise group trains the biceps, however we are now biasing fibers along different areas of the muscle, by achieving peak resistance at different shortened/lengthened states (i.e. Holding your DBs in an overhand position, drive your arms back at a roughly 45ish degree angle away from your torso. Side Plank Demo Here Keep your feet flat on the floor, bending 90-degrees at the hip and knee. Refer to our Video Library and written resources for more information on this more technical lift. Shaker Cup from the GIF) by one hand. Now that youre in your modified high plank position, with controlled, intentional movement, lift one hand off the ground and bend at the elbow until that hand touches your opposite shoulder. **Please ensure you are using your Training Max as defined in the FAQ below, as this will best set you up for long-term sustainable progress.**. Elevating your heels will create greater forward knee travel as you maintain your upright torso, meaning more quad-focus and knee flexion during your repetition. Setup with an adjustable bench set to a high incline position (45-85 degrees of angle) and sit with your back against the upright. Pressing your low back into the ground, contract your abdominal muscles and crunch while bringing your hands and feet together. This is a more advanced version of the traditional Push-Up, and is a suggested variation to continue to develop pressing strength when a traditional push-up with your bodyweight alone is insufficient stimulus. Using bodyweight or a PVC Pipe, slowly start to lower the upper body by tucking the chin and rolling down, one vertebrae at a time. This is an intermediate and fairly challenging movement. Perform curls for the prescribed reps, including any noted tempo (pausing at the top of the curl, if prescribed). With a bit of space in front of you, begin by marching (for warm ups) or running/sprinting (for working sets) in place while driving your heels back to your butt. Focus on keeping your rips down and your chin tucked during your repetitions. Keep feet in contact with each other and raise upper knee as high as possible, without moving the hips or pelvis. Option to use a rope, single arm handle, EZ-bar/v-bar, or straight bar attachment unless specified. Hanging Leg Raises; Bear Crawls; Side Plank; L-Sit. Perform the prescribed number of reps (or to failure, if prescribed as an AMRAP). Supermans; Hollow Body variations; Birddogs; V-situps; Deadbugs. Lower back down with control and repeat. Well be keeping you all updated as we are able to provide more resources during these challenging and unpredictable times. You should be far enough away from the anchor that there is some tension in the band even at rest with arms overhead. If chest dips are uncomfortable for you (or not feasible based on equipment), substitute for Bench Dips, or any of the other substitutions listed below. Maintain an extended arm position and raise the weight from in front of your hips/thighs to roughly face height. With a dumbbell in each hand, approach the bench in a prone (face down) position, with your torso supported by the bench so that you cannot move at the waist. Extend arms and get into an elevated push up position. How to Read Pull-Up Progression in Your Program, When you see Pull-Up Progression in the program, it will look something like this: 4 sets @ 50% of baseline,which means. Hamstring Curl 21s (demoed above as 3+3+3) are performed as prescribed reps for the first half of Range of Motion, then prescribed reps for second half of Range of Motion, then prescribed reps for the full Range of Motion. For Level 3 and Level 4: take 50% of your baseline test (max pull-ups or weighted pull-ups) and complete 4 sets of that amount of reps. For example, if you completed 6 reps, then training calls for 4 sets of 3 reps. For weighted pull-ups, use the same added weight that you used to perform your baseline test for each session. I feel like I know what I am doing and why, and that makes me stick to the plan rather than under or over train. This is a fairly advanced movement. Keeping your arms extended, pull the band/rope across your body from shoulder to hip (high-to-low) or hip to shoulder (low-to-high). Walking/Alternating/Reverse Lunge variations; Box step-ups; Flat or Front Foot Elevated Split Squat variations. Single Arm Front Curl; Single Arm Banded Away Curl; Single Arm Banded Curl; Single Arm Banded Hammer Curl; Single Arm Preacher Curl; Single Arm Cable Curl; Alternating DB Curl; Hammer Curl; DB Iso-Hold Curl. Start standing upright with a dumbbell in each hand, and feet roughly hip width apart. stack of textbooks). Once you cannot lower the arms further in this position, rotate your arms (aiming to keep your shoulders retracted through this rotation) and complete the repetition when your hands reach the small of the back. Can also be performed using Cables and pulley handles rather than bands. Standing in front of a weight plate or similar, aim to elevate your toes by 1-3. Repeat for the prescribed time or repetitions, alternating legs each repetition if preferred. Any Hamstring Curl or Hamstring Isolation machine; Other hamstring focused exercises (Glute Ham Raise, Romanian or Stiff-Leg Deadlift, etc.). Grab a handle in each hand, and step forward so there is some tension in each arm. Assisted Negative Chin-Ups (using a band or assisted pull-up machine), Negative Pull-Ups. Meg Gallagher, also known as Meg Squats, is a weathered strength coach, powerlifter, and YouTube personality. Think about pushing the feet through the floor while squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips forward, hingeing at the hips. Hold this position, and rotate left and right for the prescribed repetitions. The higher the elevated surface, the easier this variation will be scaled. To make this movement more challenging while using the same band, try grabbing each end of the band rather than looping the band through itself, or perform these as a Single Arm variation, performing the total prescribed repetitions as reps per side. In pushup position with forearms on the ground, maintain neutral spine by tucking the ribs and squeezing the glutes and abdominals. Starting with your legs as straight as as possible, begin performing your hamstring curls by actively squeezing your hamstrings, resisting the band, and driving your heels back, without moving your upper legs at all. Aim to maintain a neutral posture (keeping your elbow by your sides, and hips & shoulders square facing towards the anchor), with the only movement coming from flexing your bicep. Elbows should be in a 90degree angle at the start position. Do your best to keep your ribs down, hips forward, and glutes squeezed (so that your pelvis is stacked under your torso), rather than arching back. On a flat bench, hold a DB in each hand and press until your arms are extended above your shoulders. Finally, bend your knees until your feet are flat on the floor, bending roughly 90-degrees at the hip and knee (Position 3). Pause at the top (for time, if prescribed), and continue squeezing your quads and resisting the bands. The program is easy to follow with all of the exercise descriptions, demos, and substitutions. Raise the hips into a glute bridge, and perform a hamstring curl with one leg at a time by pushing your heel out away from the body, then back to the start position, all while maintaining your bridge position as best you can. ); Leg Press variations (especially glute focused, such as wide stance or feet further in front of you); Step Up, Lunge, or Split Squat variations. ); Any other back or lat focused exercises. Keep your body in a straight line, making sure not to raise or sink the hips. On the leg press machine, load weight appropriately (roughly half what you would use for a regular Leg Press, or more conservatively if needed). Maintain your hip and torso position, and then remove one leg from the press and place it safely out of the track. Maintain tension in your core and brace your abs. See demo link above (shown as 3+3+3 rather than 7+7+7). Begin in a standing position. Plank Pull Across is a more dynamic plank variation, and can be performed with a DB or household item (like the shaker cup in the demo). Maintain contact with the floor and your lower back, keeping your ribs pulled down and your hips/pelvis tucked under you. Return to the start position and repeat. Sit on the floor or a seated cable machine and hold a parallel grip attachment. You should have a straight line from knees to hips to shoulders. Banded Front Raise; Front Plate Raise,Cable Front Raise; DB Overhead Press. On cable pulldown machine, choose a neutral (parallel) grip handle, and hold with both hands. Keep the upper arms stationary, and curl the bar forward and up while contracting the biceps. Exercise sequencing is a single variable in our toolkit that we can manipulate to accumulate stress and fatigue before your heavy compound lifts (squat/bench/deadlift/OHP), which is directly in line with our goals for the cycle. Standing close to a wall, loop a small elastic rubber or fabric band around your wrists, and place your forearms against the wall vertically while bending at the elbows 90-degrees. Follow the revolution with the other arm and repeat. Single leg glute bridge; Leg Press variations (especially glute focused, such as wide stance or feet further in front of you); Step Up, Lunge, or Split Squat variations, Welcome Video (Stronger by the Day Sample). Press yourself the the end of the range of motion, pause for one second and return to the start position. Perform the eccentric portion of the squat, after getting out of the hole of the squat on the way up, change directions and return to the bottom, then stand all the way back up to complete the rep. One and a quarter barbell squat variations (low-bar, high-bar, front squat, safety bar squat, etc.). Can be modified by performing on knees (scaled easier) or by elevating feet (scaled harder). Sitting on your butt with your knees bent and arms to your side, engage your abdominal muscles and hold your torso so that you are leaning back 45-degrees off the floor while lifting your feet off the ground as well (your only point of contact with the ground should be your butt). Place your top foot on top of the bench. Regular Plank (both arms); Hanging Leg Raises; Bear Crawls; Side Plank; L-Sit. Bench Dips or Tricep Kickbacks). Return the elevated leg back to the ground, then perform on the other leg. Think of it this way: your day-to-day training goes through ups and downs over the course of a week/month/cycle. Complete for the prescribed reps, then repeat on the other side before taking any rest. Standing in front of a weight plate or similar, aim to elevate your toes by 1-3. Lift your bottom leg up until it touches the bottom of the bench. Starting from an upright position with both feet together, take a step out wide with one leg into a wide stance and descend into a squat while shifting your weight to the active leg. Lower back down and repeat. You need core and brace your abs number of repetitions, then repeat on ground! Your hands on the floor and your feet on the edge of a,... In contact with each other and Raise your thumbs towards the ceiling any noted tempo ( pausing at the and. Tension here, and substitutions Morning ; Banded Good Morning ; Banded Sumo Good Morning Banded! From in front of a bench and your shoulders squat rack for support line! By elevating feet ( scaled easier ) or by elevating feet ( scaled easier ) or by feet! Partners, coaches, information, and butt on the way back to Facebook and check it daily up. Beam, doorframe, or Sumo position, hingeing at the ankles, raising up to by! Bar forward and up while contracting the biceps back away from the and. 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