A drug kingpin hires troubled ex-cop Matt Scudder to find his wife's killers, a hunt that leads to shocking revelations in New York's underworld. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. The haunted title of A Walk Among the Tombstones suggests that one's bigoted reflexes are common, lying just beneath the surface. Throughout the whole movie, I just wanted Ray and his companion to die. The moral ambiguities of the novel are transmitted to the big screen version and thats nice to see, but the concessions to the demands of a studio movie ultimately undercut what is a more potent procedural about moral decay, and what it means to take a life. Throughout the book series, including Tombstone, Scudder is hitting meetings almost on a daily basis. But after that, the movie settles into a more adult drama groove. Matt Follows Loogan. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. The two kidnappers, Ray and Albert, surveil the home of Yuri Landau, another drug trafficker. Watch A Walk Among The Tombstones: Scudder Tells The Kidnappers What They Look Like, Watch A Walk Among The Tombstones: Kenny Tells Scudder About His Wife's Kidnapping, Watch A Walk Among The Tombstones: Jonas Finds Scudder Snooping In His Shed, Watch A Walk Among The Tombstones: A Look Inside (Featurette), Watch A Walk Among The Tombstones: A Timeless Story, Watch A Walk Among The Tombstones: Liam Neeson On His Character, Watch A Walk Among The Tombstones: Dan Stevens On His Character, Watch A Walk Among The Tombstones: The Kristo Brothers. Coming Soon. Liam Neeson then became the go-to leading man for action thrillers for a period, leading toThe A-Team, Run All Night and several others. and the The Story And Setting A Walk Among the Tombstones - Rotten Tomatoes Trending on RT Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania Cocaine Bear The Last of Us Knock at the Cabin Most popular View All A Walk Among the Tombstones R. A Walk Among the Tombstones is a 2014 American neo-noir action thriller film[5][6][7][8] directed and written by Scott Frank, and based on the 1992 novel of the same name by Lawrence Block. Both of these things are true to the source material, but in the books by Lawrence Block, he has a much more interesting intersection of people in his life. 055 New movies & TV, plus Liam Neeson & Kevin Smith interviews. It's only to TJ that he confesses that one of his shots killed a young girl. He goes down the basement and sees Kenny's dead body on the stairs (implying that Albert killed Kenny). A Walk Among The Tombstones'movie finale sees Scudder and Kenny tracking down kidnapper Albert after the gunfight, with the latter having killed wounded partner Ray. In Blocks version, Ray (David Harbour) calmly garrottes his partner before Scudder and his pals get there. Its an interesting but not quite essential element of book, and Frank is right to drop it for the movie. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) Plot Showing all 4 items Jump to: Summaries (3) Synopsis (1) Summaries Private investigator Matthew Scudder is hired by a drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and murdered his wife. In 1991, while driving with his partner, Detective Matthew "Matt" Scudder is urged to seek assistance and told that he is not a trustworthy backup. I kept wondering what that could've been. [23] In Variety, Andrew Barker found it a well-made thriller "with a good deal of panache and style".[24]. It stars Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens, David Harbour, and Boyd Holbrook. And so, with the official movie tie-in book landing on our doorstep, we figured it was a good opportunity to investigate how the source material and movie were aligned and where changes were made, and how these choices affected the movie. I really liked how disconnected the killers were from emotion. It's offensive that the filmmakers' idea of villainy is so generic that the killers can easily be viewed as homophobic targets. Liam Neeson as Matt Scudder; Dan Stevens as Kenny Kristo; David Harbour as Ray; Adam David Thompson as Albert; Eric Nelsen as Peter; Brian 'Astro' Bradley as TJ. He does favorsdeliveries and little look-seesfor folks who need him. Based on Lawrence Block's bestselling series of mystery novels, A Walk among the Tombstones stars Liam Neeson as Matt Scudder, an ex-NYPD cop who now works a. PREVIEW. In the climax, Matthew finally subdues Albert with a taser directly to the testicles. Indeed, the bad guys display all manner of bloody tools and blades that they use to maim, torture and kill. "I just wanted" Maybe "I just wanted to make Ray happy?". He seemed very human, and didn't even want to handle this case to begin with. All rights reserved. Physically in the cold, mentally in the Caribbean. Chewing the fat with shop owners and others who might have seen more than they realize. Matt Scudder (Liam Neeson), formerly part of the NYPD, now works as an unlicensed private detective. Conclusion Probably drugs. Boys beat up TJ in an alley, giving him a black eye and a cut on his forehead. He sees polaroid photos of Reuben and Leila having sex. He also comes to care for a homeless kid named TJ, who he meets during his investigation. They demand $1 million, and in exchange, Scudder demand that they bring Lucia alive and well. Purchase A Walk Among the Tombstones on digital and stream instantly or download offline. Read on to uncover the details. 6. It was a stray bullet in the midst of an unexpected shootout. I really enjoyed this film and think its one of Liam Neeson's best in years. Jenna Ortega Will Dance, Dance, Dance With the Weeknd. He tells Scudder their address. Here are the main changes between A Walk Among The Tombstones' book and the Liam Neeson fronted movie. Now that's out of the way, a brief introduction. And while Kenny/Kenan is left there to dispose of Ray, he doesnt wind up getting killed, which seems to be a major studio way of ensuring a drug dealer doesnt become the hero of the movie (while giving Neeson a badass line of dialogue as a result in the ensuing final battle with the villain). In this film Liam Neeson plays Matt Scudder, a former cop turned unlicensed private detective. Its a nice undercurrent to a very grim story, and one sorely missed in the film. By continuing, you agree to the Privacy Policy and But the way the movie stands, its as if a vital body part has been lopped off. I'd wager they were out of money (or time) for production but still needed something though, which I'm willing to forgive. Its easy to see why a major studio wouldnt necessarily get behind a movie about a former alcoholic ex-cop turned private investigator, whose girlfriend is a prostitute, who helps a drug dealer find the men who killed his wife, and then has the dealer gruesomely kill the criminal. This weekend, yet another story is told about our leading action actor, entitled A Walk Among The Tombstones. I agree on the green screen, it was weak. It should have been avoided in A Walk Among the Tombstones, in which a pair of gay serial killers are hunted down by Liam Neeson playing Matthew Scudder, an ex-cop turned private investigator. Two armed men come in and kill the bartender. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) Plot Showing all 4 items Jump to: Summaries (3) Synopsis (1) Summaries Private investigator Matthew Scudder is hired by a drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and murdered his wife. Leave it to the real cops, he told the guy. Former cop Matt Scudder is now a private eye. Written & Directed by Scott Frank. He gave up his brother to a DEA investigator who was later targeted by the killers. Given the legal and cultural advances pertaining to gay rights and marriage equality, it was likely that some form of backlash would erupt. Hes got the eight-year-sober chip in his pocket to prove it. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. but freaks out and panics after he is shot near the end of the movie. Block has talked openly about his decades-long attendance, and Scudder is always taking breaks from detective work to pop into meetings. But this movie has a bit more to offer. Nowadays, hes something of a private detective. He is about to give up when they grab another girl and Scudder tries make sure she's returned alive. But when he understands the depth of the murderers depravity and the inevitability that theyll kill again and again he knows he has no choice. The Best Picture Race Got a Lot More Confusing This Week, Tom Cruise Made the Rounds This Week, but Other Oscar Nominees Got More Applause Than Top Gun: Maverick, These Oscar Categories Are the Hardest to Predict, Translating the Unconscious Into Images: The Cinematography of Bardo, Poker Face Takes Viewers on a Cross-Country Road Trip Without Leaving New York, Why TR Looks Different from Every Other Movie of 2022, The 50 Best Movies of 2022, According to 165 Critics from Around the World, All 81 Titles Unceremoniously Removed from HBO Max (So Far), 10 Shows Canceled but Not Forgotten in 2022. (Wong Kar-wai was generally taken as the auteur behind the barroom drama My Blueberry Nights, but Block co-wrote the screenplay, and the film had as much to do with his worldview.). He cries to Albert that he has never been wounded before. All rights reserved. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. The film was released on September 19, 2014. And then theres criminal Mick Ballou, who ticks off the box of every Irish clich there is, and counts Scudder as a close friend. It's pronounced Paw-rick, not Pad-raig. 0:57. Dont worry, it wont take long. Albert actually hears the ringtone, but dismisses it. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. And in watching the film this past weekend, you can clearly see Franks moves to make Tombstones an action movie, while keeping the thematic texture and pulp grit of Blocks source material. Overall the book is the superior version and is far more fleshed out, though the movie did a decent job capturing its gritty tone. The killers buy a guy drinks to better pump him for information. And Blocks story is pre-internet/pre-cellphone too, which lends it a grittier feeling. But now movies are about spectacle. 'A Walk Among the Tombstones' is a 2014 American neo-noir action thriller film directed and written by Scott Frank, and based on the 1992 novel of the same title by Lawrence Block. My main question is: How did T.J. get into the van with the fire fight going on? I just think that he is being pigeonholed, and I don't like it. Asshole Victim: No one sheds any tears when Albert murders him out of sheer petulance. I don't think they had motives apart from having a fetish and being unhinged enough to carry them out, and in the process getting ransom money from drug traffickers (likely not to call the cops, likely to have a lot of cash). For another, it would give The Human Centipede a run for its money. The plot is realistic and the viewer follows Scudder investigation. 2023 IndieWire Media, LLC. 2014 movie based on the book of the same name by Lawrence Block. He reads about victims Marie Gotteskind and Leila Andresen. Good movie. Anytime, as a captain, you step onto someone elses crew, its never an easy dance.. Because this is actually more of a gumshoe investigator's tale, a gritty cop-turned-unlicensed . Albert surrenders and Scudder cuffs him. As for the killers turning on each other, that shift doesnt need the excuse of the gunshot wound. It stars Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens, David Harbour, and Boyd Holbrook. As the body count goes up, he must use unreliable witnesses and gut intuition to try to catch the murderers. Ray And Albert. Im glad they left T.J. out of the trailers, though. [21], Richard Roeper gave the film a B+ rating, calling the film "a stylish and smart thriller". I don't fault him at all; he strikes me as a talented actor. This Article is related to: Features and tagged A Walk Among The Tombstones, Feature, Features. "[12], The film was completed on October 8, 2013 and classified by the MPAA as rated R for "strong violence, disturbing images, language, and brief nudity".
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