Like his predecessor form, Bardock obtains a more powerful version of the Heat Phalanx, called Final Heat Phalanx. During this time, presiding doctors attest that Bardock's power level is approaching 10,000,[18] and that at this rate he may surpass the strength of the Saiyan monarch, King Vegeta. All of the levels on this list are taken from the manga, anime, movies, movie pamphlets, Daizenshuu guides, video games and stated mathematical calculations. Additionally, while being controlled he wears a Mask, with the Time Breakers symbol on its forehead. This ironically leads Bardock to encountering Granolah and his mother who remain him of his wife and newborn son, whom he decides to spare and save. After all, Dragon Ball Super went to great pains to show Bardock's skills in this arc. Male He is being treated by two aliens: the village doctor Ipana and his son Berry. Gine (wife)Raditz (son)Goku (son)Kakarot (alternate timeline son)[4]Chi-Chi (daughter-in-law)Gohan (grandson)Goten (grandson)Videl (granddaughter-in-law)Pan (great-granddaughter)Goku Jr. (descendant)Beat (descendant)[5]Youth (Dragon Ball Online) (descendant)[6] How was it that Bardock with a power level of 10000 units, was a low class warrior. Together, the team makes a living by traveling to various planets where they decimate the defenses of these civilizations and prepare them for Frieza's Planetary Market. While fighting in the time rift between dimensions, Bardock takes advantage of the power increase he received from Towa's modifications to fight Mira in his base form. Arguably his most distinctive trait is the long thick, rough scar running down his left cheek. As he is incinerated within the Supernova, Bardock has one final vision, that of his son Goku (born Kakarot) challenging and defeating Frieza, which brings a smile to his face. Super Power Score and Level. In the opening of Xenoverse 2, a Time Scroll containing a history of the Genocide of the Saiyans is shown, Bardock has a vision of Golden Frieza confronting Super Saiyan Blue Goku in Age 779 before attacking Frieza with his Final Spirit Cannon only to have it absorbed by Frieza's Supernova which destroys Planet Vegeta and seemingly kills Bardock. Gas isn't a low-class warrior by any means, so it is good to know Bardock was a bigger beast than we realized. Regardless, Trunks and Chronoa assure the Warrior that will probably meet up with Bardock eventually. While at this state, he is referred to as the Masked Man, Time Breaker Bardock or Masked Saiyan. Not long later, he joined Leek on a mission. Bardock teamed up with Leek against Alien Warriors in this fight. These classes depend on the power they possessed. Bardock tells his son to be strong and brave for him and smiles at him as Kakarot is flown to safety. [8] Due to her gentle nature, Gine was not cut out for fighting and retired. And he had power level of 5,000 to 10,000. Now when it comes to Bardock, we know the Saiyan has some wild strength. Like all EX-Fusions, Barlot can remain fused as long as he wishes and can defuse at will by removing the single Metamo-Ring created by Bardock and Goku's Metamo-Rings fusing with them. In Bardock - The Father of Goku, Bardock's scouter was destroyed after he was hit by Dodoria's Mouth Energy Wave on Planet Meat. Now, the only question is whether or not Bardock's role in this arc is done. Bardock is a low-class Saiyan mercenary who leads a small platoon comprised of four other Saiyan soldiers in Bardock - The Father of Goku: Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh. The 10,000 was solely for the Bardock anime special, not for Bardock as far as main story continuity. His hair also stands up in the front with five spikes and four in the back. Bardock then says even though Mira saved his life, he will act on his own will, thus, Bardock charges a self-destruction attack and says farewell to his son Kakarot and launches it, apparently killing both of them while Time Patrol Trunks was waking up and could see the destruction of Bardock, but as the smoke wiped clean, Mira had survived the explosion. It is revealed that Chilled's knowledge about Super Saiyans was passed to his descendants. - Although this is non-canon, Bardock has the ability to turn Super Saiyan like all other full blooded Saiyans. Personal Status Saiyans are a warrior race, so it's very understandable they would have a caste system based on birth strength. The Masked Saiyan is also seen watching as the Future Warrior helps Trunks against Mira in Age 762. During the battle, Future Trunks reveals this is all due to Demigra. Eventually, Goku and Bardock stop fighting and Bardock asks him his name and his son reveals his adopted name Goku. Following Frieza's orders, the capable Soldiers Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh are instructed to clear the civilization of Planet Meat. "Get good and strong, Kakarot! Meanwhile, Bardock, who was stronger than Nappy and Raditz, is considered a low-class warrior. Lastly we were given Broly's power level at birth which had been 10,000, which was considered frighteningly powerful. Bardock offers to join Tekka's Team so he can train Goku causing Goku to ask Tekka if Bardock can join and Tekka agrees. Which is why King Vegeta III was so offended at Broly being in the same room as his son. Bardock holds Mira in a Full-Nelson to trap both of them in the Time Rift that had been created by Towa. This time, it's not about the Saiyans or even my son Kakarot! Despite these efforts, they were found by the Heeters, who mercilessly killed Granolah's mother. It's possible there was some similar bias against low-class guys like Bardock who managed to quickly rise into elite-tier power. Vowing to avenge the four, Bardock removes Tora's Armband, now soaked in blood, and dons it over his head. Bardock managed to help Granolah and Monaito briefly escape, but he was soon stopped by Gas, leading the two to fight. Combat Power) in the Dragon Ball universe. This survivor is then killed by Tora. After dealing a certain amount of damage, the fight ends. Manga name Bardock teamed up with 99.99% of Saiyans / Gine against Frieza in this fight. Instead of elaborating, he shoots Bardock in the shoulder, causing him to fall off a cliff into a forest below. When he sees Chilled, Bardock confuses him for Frieza and angrily attacks him with a punch to the face. As shown in Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, he has a very plain view in life. R. Exp, C. EXP & Zeni. Vegeta had 18k PL during Saiyan Arc, after he got his ass kicked on Earth and cured, he had 24k PL. Bardock fires a Full Power Energy Wave at Dodoria's Elite, Bardock as a Great Ape in Bardock, The Father of Goku. Goku was a cry baby when he born. The battle with Bardock causes Mira to realize that as he was created to be powerful, what he lacked was an unbreakable will. What episode does Goku go Ultra Instinct? In Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza, Bardock is mentioned by a Kanassan while Goku is visiting their planet. Bardock is the only user of Super Saiyan 4 to keep his tail secured around his waist even while in the said form. Son goku's father Bardock was still considered a "low class warrior". Obviously this is just anime continuity only issue because Bardock is way to strong for his rank. Like most members of the Saiyan Army, Bardock uses a Scouter to read and detect power levels as well as a communication device. He and Chilled begin fighting once more, and Chilled tries to Ki Blast him to death, and as a last resort, he uses a Death Ball to try to destroy Planet Plant along with Bardock. The two head back to the planet, noticing Frieza's Spaceship hovering in orbit above Planet Vegeta. 2023 Dragon Ball Guru - All rights reserved. What was Vegeta's power level as a child? Main articles: Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child and Dragon Ball Super: Broly, "You have to stay alive!" Bardock remarks that the medicine used to heal him is similar to the fluid in Medical Machines and Ipana says that the name of the planet is Planet Plant, the old name of Planet Vegeta, so Bardock starts to wonder if he is in the past. Later, Great Ape Bardock, Future Warrior, and Vegeta managed to defeat Broly. Doesn't help we just cut from a fight with two of the strongest mortals in the universe and the fight scenes are drawn pretty much the same way. However, Chilled throws the blast instead to him, wounding Berry. As the fight with Mira drags on, Bardock manages to transform further into his Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 forms. Would you like to see more of the Saiyan? Then of course this is only an issue with the anime special. In Dragon Ball Z, while he was facing Frieza on Namek, Vegeta remarked that, as a child he was already more powerful than his father, implying King Vegeta's power level is under 18,000. In Xenoverse 2, Bardock acquires the form briefly during his battle with Mira before transforming even further. Anime The opening of Cooler's Revenge shows the ending scene of Bardock - The Father of Goku, which appears Bardock confronting Frieza. 1,000,000 2x Super Saiayn Super Saiayn 3 . "That's right! The author also comments that all he really did was take Goku and give him the brutal edge of a warrior race, and dress him in the Battle Armor provided by Frieza's forces.[7]. Professional Status Nappa with a power level of 4000 units was a middle class warrior? Since no one else has said it, Bardock power level is over 9,000 just like his sons XD. Cooler witnesses his brother confronting the last Saiyan as well as him destroying planet Vegeta. A fear that was very well founded in the end as Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza not long after Goku was sent to Earth. Super Saiyan Bardock about to walk towards Chilled. His strength, like all Super Saiyans, increases in 50-fold. Race Bardock places his hand on the cockpit window as to does Kakarot. Bardock VS Raditz POWER LEVELS All Forms (DBZ/DBGT/DBS/SDBH) 37,181 views Mar 12, 2022 1.3K Dislike Share Save DBZMacky 323K subscribers [Bardock VS Raditz POWER LEVELS All Forms. Due to his actions of saving his companions, which is rare for a Saiyan, he is greatly adored among a portion of the low-class warriors. Time Breaker Bardock makes his first appearance. Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, "Yes, and you must be Bardocks son." Within moments, the Supernova is set free from Frieza's fingertip and careens through numerous bystander soldiers en route toward Planet Vegeta; Bardock is among the first of many to be consumed by the ball of energy. All of the levels on this list are taken from the manga, anime, movies, the official Daizenshuu guides, games and stated mathematical calculations. Characters with off-screen deaths who remain deceased, Characters with on-screen deaths who remain deceased, Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child, Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan, Power level estimated by observing doctors in the special, Dragon Ball Z KAI - Muestra del Doblaje Latino. In the Funimation dub of Bardock - The Father of Goku, after returning from Kanassa and having his wounds healed, Bardock is said to have a power level close to 10,000 and was expected to surpass King Vegeta in due time (Who, according to Vegeta himself, has a power level of under 18,000). So he could remain low class technically. Prince of saiyans with a strong battle power? Drained of energy, Bardock falls to the ground. Bardock's Win Loss Record is 1 - 1. Conclude the 8th Anniversary and challenge successive strong enemies! In this form, his hair is similar to that of a regular Super Saiyan in most of the cards (however, Xeno Bardock has the corrected hair in-game) but the electrical aura of the transformation are present. Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta with the same Ki attack that killed most of the Saiyans, including Goku's parents, Gine and Bardock. Then, all three characters are transported to Earth due to the Dragon Balls (a wish made by Goku to transport everyone to Earth). Frieza ForceSaiyan Army (Team Bardock)Dark EmpireTime PatrolTeam Beerus[3]Resistance faction (allies)[3] Squadron CommanderFighter The Masked Saiyan carrying the Energy Absorber full of Damage Energy in Xenoverse 2. He is an adept fighter and a devoted Saiyan Army soldier under the Frieza Force until he realizes his tyrannical boss plans to annihilate the Saiyan race. Bardock also displays some heroic qualities as well, as when Frieza launches his Supernova to destroy Planet Vegeta, Bardock flies up to try and stop it, resorting to fighting several of Frieza's minions and then throwing himself in front of it as a last-ditch effort to save his race from extinction. Bardock manages to escape the hold knocks Gas away. During the third Time Machine Quest (TMQ3), Time Breaker Bardock appears in the Age 761 to interrupt Gohan's training with Piccolo, the player has to pass through a number of battles, whilst doing it, Time Breaker Bardock succeeded in brainwashing Gohan in his Great Ape form. DBZ Bardock is cannon, DBS & DB Minus Bardock are lame. When performing it he will don his bandana to become the Traitorous Warrior. Time Patrol Trunks asks why Bardock is helping them, Bardock tends to respond that is because Goku is his son, but he reformulates his line just saying he owes him a favor, and then he makes an alliance with him. The Future Warrior spots the Masked Saiyan and chases after him as he tries to flee to another timeline and they end up traveling to Age 778, interrupting Goku and Beerus' conversation about how he absorbed the Super Saiyan God power. Where he was weaker than Gasa and through saiyan instincts became stronger. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. FAQ What is Bardock's Win Loss Record? And what databook or guide did you take this information from? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB. Upon learning of Frieza's growing fear of the Super Saiyan legend, Bardock quickly comes up with a plan to get Kakarot off the world so he could live. His tail is also draped more loosely around his hips. The level is set when connecting that Super Power to a character. He is able to defeat four of Frieza's elite soldiers at the same time after they ganged up on him before being blasted away by Dodoria's Energy Cannon. 500,000 50x Base Super Saiayn 2. I think Vegeta's power level as a child must have been around 5,000. Later, during the invasion of Planet Cereal, Bardock's growing compassion was shown by his willingness to spare a mother and her child, even working to protect them. Bardock View source History Talk (0) Bardock. That puts him below King Vegeta and Bardock, and it leaves enough room for improvement. Later, Bardock appears in Broly's scenario, Broly is trying to attack Goku during his fight against Frieza, the player must help Bardock in stopping Broly in Age 762, on Dying Namek. Main article: Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge. Bardock appears in a secret post-main story scenario. Literally the second highest battle power for a Saiyajin we knew at the time aside from Broli, in terms of before Namek levels. Bardock fills Gine in on what is going on and reassures her everything is going to be alright as he has a plan. When he gets injured in Bardock The Father of Goku, the doctors reveal that his power level can surpass . He makes his debut as the titular protagonist of the 1990 TV special Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku. Relatives Bardock first appeared in the form in Dragon Ball Heroes, introduced in Jaaku Mission 2, also also uses the form in Extreme Butoden, Dokkan Battle and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. Used by the Masked Saiyan to collect enough Damage Energy for Towa to use to power up Mira in Xenoverse 2. Used by the Masked Saiyan while under the influence of Time Breaker mind control. Vegeta? Occupation: Base: Relatives: . Difficulty. Every Super Power has a score (SPS) that is used to calculate the Class. Every breath you take is an insult to my honor. He then transforms into a Super Saiyan. Bardock appears using this form in the manga Dragon Ball Heroes: Victory Mission (with the proper hair) where he joins forces with adult Gotenks, Super Saiyan GT Gohan, Beat, and Super Saiyan 4 Goku. A warrior race, so it 's not about the Saiyans, increases in 50-fold into Super. R. Exp, C. Exp & amp ; Zeni are a warrior race, so it is good to Bardock. 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