The Bowdoin endowment consists of more than 1,700 individual funds earmarked for the perpetual support of a variety of College initiatives. E. Farrington Abbott Jr. Memorial Scholarship (Class of 1931)E.Farrington Abbott Sr. ScholarshipAlbert Abrahamson ScholarshipClara Rundlett Achorn ScholarshipsRobert L. M. and Nell G. Ahern Scholarship FundLouella B. Albee ScholarshipThe Burke Albers Family Scholarship Fund George I. Alden Trust Scholarship FundFrank W. Alexander Scholarship FundStanwood Alexander ScholarshipWilliam D. Alexander Memorial ScholarshipWilliam H. Alexander Scholarship FundFrank R. Allen Memorial Scholarship FundVivian B. Allen Foundation Scholarship FundAnderson Scholarship Fund for Diversity, Equity and InclusionWilliam S. Anderson '80 Scholarship Fund Arthur and Phyllis Anicetti Scholarship FundDominic N. Antonucci Scholarship FundAroostook County ScholarshipArtine Artinian Scholarship Fund for Needy StudentsHarold D. Ashe Memorial Scholarship FundGeorgiana F. and Karl L. Ashenbach 66 Scholarship FundAshforth Harvey ScholarshipAlice S. Ayling Scholarship Leon W. and Hazel L. Babcock FundLouly Baer Scholarship Fund Eva D. H. Baker ScholarshipJeffrey G. Baker Scholarship FundDr. Page, M.D., Scholarship FundThe Solon and Kate Papacosma Memorial Scholarship FundPrescott H. Pardoe Memorial ScholarshipParis Family Scholarship FundToby Parker Memorial ScholarshipGeorge Winfield Parsons ScholarshipLindley F. and Mabelle Foss Parsons ScholarshipRobert B. Patterson Jr. 68 Memorial Scholarship FundLee G. Paul Scholarship FundThe John H. Payne ScholarshipThe John H. and Ernestine A. Payne Scholarship FundCharles Henry Payson Scholarship Fund (1935)Margaret Payson Scholarship FundLeslie W. Pearson ScholarshipThe Howard Pease '66, P'96 and Amy Hathaway Russell '96 Scholarship Fund Roland Marcy Peck MemorialJohn S. Peckham Memorial ScholarshipWoolf Peirez ScholarshipPendexter Family Scholarship FundPeoples Heritage Bank ScholarshipSamuel H. and Sarah Allen Perkins Scholarship FundPerper Family Scholarship FundArthur Lincoln Perry ScholarshipTrueman S. Perry ScholarshipDr. W. Field FundEdward Files Scholarship FundFinnegan Family ScholarshipJoseph L. and Margaret W. Fisher Scholarship FundFishman Scholarship FundJohn P. Fitch Scholarship FundRay L. and Elizabeth S. Fite Memorial ScholarshipJames R. Flaker Memorial ScholarshipCharles Lloyd Fletcher Scholarship FundJames C. Flint Memorial ScholarshipThe William L. Flye Scholarship FundThe Ruth Carter Fobes and Theodore Burgess Fobes ScholarshipSanford L. Fogg and Dorothy V. Fogg Scholarship FundErnest B. Folsom FundThe Dr. Ernest B. Folsom Scholarship FundFoot Soldier of Bowdoin Award and Scholarship FundFord Family Scholarship FundRaymond W. and Alice B. Forgit Scholarship FundForsberg Family Scholarship FundVirginia C. and Hallett P. Foster ScholarshipThe William E. Foster Scholarship FundRichard D. Foulkes Jr. Memorial ScholarshipFoundation for the Greatest Good Scholarship FundThe Foundation for Marylands Future Scholarship FundRobert S. Frank Jr. ScholarshipDesiree L. Franklin Scholarship FundSamuel Fraser Scholarship FundJohn D. and Mary Thomas Frates ScholarshipKathy and Jenny Freilich Memorial Scholarship FundFrench Family Scholarship FundThomas Simpson French, M.D., Memorial Scholarship FundFriedlander Family Scholarship FundFriedman Family Scholarship FundAlfred H. Fuchs Scholarship FundThe Fudge Family Scholarship FundThe Peter 59 and Karen 84 Fuller Family Scholarship FundGabry Family FundAlan L. Gammon ScholarshipGeorge Gannett FundGans Family ScholarshipThe Seward Garcelon and Samuel Merritt FundPaul E. Gardent Jr. ScholarshipRobert F. Garrett III Scholarship FundGauron Family Scholarship FundGay and Lesbian Citizen Leader FundEdward J. and Eleanor W. Geary Scholarship FundGehringer Scholarship Fund General Electric College Bowl ScholarshipGF Scholarship FundHarold S. Geneen Charitable Trust ScholarshipsWilliam D. Geoghegan Scholarship FundLevi Turner and Donald Payson George Memorial ScholarshipWilliam Little Gerrish ScholarshipGibbons Family Scholarship FundHarvey Dow Gibson Scholarship FundTimothy C. Gibson Scholarship FundGordon E. Gillett ScholarshipKatherine B. Gillett Scholarship FundCharles H. Gilman ScholarshipThe Gilpatrick Family Scholarship FundGranville S. Gilpatrick Memorial Scholarship FundElmo Giordanetti Memorial Scholarship FundGirard Family FundThe Given Foundation Scholarship FundGlobal Studies Scholarship FundMarion D. Glode ScholarshipRobert H. Glover Memorial Scholarship FundMark E. Goldberg 63 Scholarship FundEmma Jane and Bal Golden Scholarship FundGoldman Family ScholarshipRobert S. Goodfriend 57 Scholarship FundRichard T. Caulfeild Goodman Financial Assistance FundGordon Family ScholarshipEugene Bradley and Julia Gardner Gordon Memorial ScholarshipHerbert G. Gordon FundMary A. and Herbert G. Gordon Scholarship FundJoseph and Elke Gordon Scholarship FundLeonard, Burton, and Paul Gottlieb Scholarship FundThe Dr. Edwin W. Gould ScholarshipWilliam T. Graham Jr. Memorial ScholarshipGreig Family Scholarship Fund Greenacres Scholarship Fund Greenspun Family ScholarshipPeter H. Grossman and Lawrence W. Timmins Scholarship FundEdward and Roselyn Grossman Scholarship FundPeter J. Grua and Mary G. OConnell Scholarship FundGuiffre Family FundJoseph and Lester Gumbel Scholarship FundTimothy Gutmann Memorial Scholarship FundRobert A. Hadley Scholarship FundHague Family Scholarship FundAndrew A. Haldane 41 Scholarship FundJohn P. Hale ScholarshipWilliam W. Hale Jr. Memorial ScholarshipHalligan Family ScholarshipHall-Mercer Scholarship FundJohn Halperin Scholarship FundRobert E. and Priscilla V. Ham Memorial ScholarshipThe HCZ Promise Scholarship FundJames Hopkinson Hamlen FundHancock County Scholarship Hancock Family ScholarshipKyle Matthew Hansen Scholarship FundJames D. Hardee Jr. How does Hamilton's endowment measure up with its liberal arts peers? . This fund is used to provide one lecture each semester, rotating in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, with lecturers to be recognized authorities in their respective fields, to present new, novel, or nonconventional approaches to the designated topic in the specified category.Contact: Office of Stewardship, 207-725-3928. Bowdoin College, private, coeducational institution of higher learning in Brunswick, Maine, U.S. Bowdoin is an undergraduate college with a traditional liberal arts curriculum. Endowment per Student is a good indicator of the amount of aid it is likely to grant. Officer at Rockefeller Universityoversaw unrivaled endowment growth over the course of her 21-year tenure at Bowdoin, earning her widespread respect and acclaim in the financial world. Scholarship, Vivian B. Allen Foundation Scholarship Fund, W.S. In the 227 years since then, many thousands of alumni, parents, friends, and foundations have made endowment gifts to the College, the principal of which can never be spent. She holds an A.B. E. Farrington Abbott Jr. Memorial Scholarship (Class of 1931), Randall M. Ebner 77 and Ricki Ebner Scholarship Fund, Hyde Scholarship supported by Anonymous Donors and the Class of 2017, Hyde Scholarship supported by Robert A. Kingsbury 58 and Ruth S. Kingsbury, Dr. Benjamin and Edith J. Zolov Scholarship, Established as a memorial to Harriet Beecher Stowe, the fund. Scholarship Fund, The Brian '05 and Sanida Dunn '04 Comprehensive Aid Fund, The C. Earle Richardson and Ethel M. Richardson Fund, The Campaign for Bowdoin Scholarship Fund, The Charles Burnham Shackford Scholarship Fund, The Chester W. Cooke III Student Research Fund, The Clara Hawkins Mellen Memorial Book Fund, The Class of 1875 Prize in American History, The Class of 1896 Memorial Scholarship Fund, The Coyle Family Scholarship Endowment Fund, The David A. The Achorn gift is to be used to fund lectures or courses in the field of ornithology (the study of birds) or by the Department of Biology. Contributions count toward class goals and are reported in the annual Report of Gifts. This fund supports guest lecturers at the College who will bring a diversity of viewpoints, fresh perspectives, and novel approaches to the curriculum and the College community. Bowdoin's endowment was valued at nearly $2.5 billion at the close of the fiscal year, including approximately $33 million in gifts and other transfers that were added to the endowment. Endowment. On June 30, 2014, Bowdoin's endowment was valued at $1,216,030,000. Of the total endowment distribution in 20202021, approximately $35 million supported financial aid, accounting for about 81 percent of the Colleges $43.3 million financial aid budget in the current fiscal year, with about half of Bowdoins student body receiving need-based aida percentage that continues to grow. Stone Scholarship FundJanice Filipowicz Strauss and William T. Strauss III Memorial Scholarship FundStrawbridge Family Scholarship FundJames R. and Virginia E. Stuart Scholarship FundPaul E. and Grace H. Sullivan ScholarshipJanice M. Swales Scholarship FundMarshall and Katharine B. Swan Scholarship FundJoseph Swaye Memorial ScholarshipSweeney Family Scholarship FundJack W. Swenson Scholarship FundThe Loyola and Tage Sylvan '52 Scholarship FundWilliam Law Symonds ScholarshipHarold D. Talbot Jr. 40 Memorial Scholarship FundJane Tappan Scholarship FundThe Reverend Canon Albert Weatherbee Tarbell Scholarship FundEtta and Jack Tarmy ScholarshipTD Bank Endowed ScholarshipTewari/Moore Family Scholarship Fund Theta Delta Chi FundTheta FundLavon W. and Annie G. Thomas Scholarship FundW. The Chandler fund is used to sponsor regular lectures on any topic with a preference for the use of the arts and technology to enhance teaching and learning in the humanities, by faculty or staff members of Bowdoin or other colleges, universities, and cultural organizations; to sponsor other events including but not limited to art exhibitions, seminars, and presentations in the library's Chandler Room; and to the extent that the income is in excess of that required to support the above, for other purposes as the librarian may determine are in the best interest of the library.Contact: Bowdoin College Library, 207-725-3155. The College has announced the creation of four new endowed faculty professorships that honor distinguished Black graduates of the College. The museum of contemporary art of georgia's (moca ga) mission is to collect and archive significant, contemporary works by the artists of the state of georgia. This fund is used to support lectures, courses, or research in the field of mathematics.Contact:Department of Mathematics,207-725-3567. The Karofsky Faculty Encore Lectures feature one member of the Bowdoin faculty each semester selected by members of the senior class to speak at Common Hour.Contact: Dean for Academic Affairs, 207-725-3578. Thirty-seven years ago, on Aug. 5, 1984, Joan Benoit Samuelson won the first-ever women's Olympic marathon. Contact:Lectures and Concerts Committee. Last week, two of America's leading liberal arts colleges, Bowdoin and Middlebury, announced their fall reopening plans. National Endowment for Democracy Washington, DC 3 weeks ago Supply Planning Manager Supply Planning Manager . This fund is used to sponsor at least one lecture annually in the field of gay and lesbian studies. Bowdoins investment return, while negative, compares favorably with equity and bond markets, which registered losses in the double digits over this very challenging period, said Bowdoin President Clayton Rose. Scholarship Fund, Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller Memorial Fund, Benjamin Apthorp Gould Fuller of the Class of 1839 Scholarship, Benjamin S. Butcher '76 Fund for Digital and Computational Studies, Benson Family Foundation 'Beyond the Pines' Fund, Bernard J. Beaudoin '62 Family Scholarship Fund, Bernard Family Fund for Digital and Computational Studies, Bernard Family Fund for Faculty Development and Professional Engagement, Bertie K. and David D. North Scholarship Fund, Bockmann Family International Scholarship Fund, Bowdoin Chair in Digital and Computational Studies, (Bowdoin College) Alumni Association Fund, Bowdoin College Museum of Art Internship Fund, Bowdoin College Opportunity Fund for Music & Community Engagement, Bowdoin Faculty Scholarship in Honor of Barry and Karen Mills, Bowdoin Marine Corps Society Scholarship Fund, Boyd Bartlett and Boyd Wheeler Bartlett Fund, Bracebridge H. Young Memorial Scholarship, Burton W. Taylor and Claire M. Taylor Fund, C. Clark Truesdell 'Quiet Leader' Memorial Scholarship, C. Hamilton Preston, Class of 1902 Scholarship Fund, Camille F. Sarrouf Family Scholarship Fund, Carl F. Barron '38 Fund for Business and Finance, Carl W. Rundlett Class of 1905 Scholarship Fund, Carol J. Ramsey Equality and Justice Fund for Comprehensive Aid, Caroline and Edward Hyman Museum of Art Fund, Cecil T. and Marion C. Holmes Mathematics Lecture Fund, Charles A. Dana Foundation - Faculty Retirement Planning Fund, Charles A. Dana Foundation, Inc. Library Maintenance Fund, Charles and Gladys Edgecomb Memorial Scholarship Fund, Charles Baird Price III Memorial Scholarship, Charles H. Cunningham, M.D., Scholarship Fund, Charles H. Livingston Honors Prize in French, Charles Henry Payson Scholarship Fund (1935), Charles R. and Mary D. Bennett Scholarship Fund, Chester W. Cooke III Music Department Fund, Chittim, Hammond, Holmes Scholarship Fund, Christopher Wolf '76 Fund for Public Service, Clarence L. Cole and David L. Cole Scholarship Fund, Class of 1916 Dwight Sayward Memorial Book Fund, Class of 1920 50th Reunion Endowment Fund, Class of 1929 Chapel Chimes Maintenance Fund, Class of 1965 Senior Center Scholarship Fund, Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund in Memory of Deceased Classmates, Clayton and Julianne Rose Scholarship Fund, Clifford C. Cavanaugh Memorial Scholarship Fund, Clinton George and Rebecca Eberlein Weymouth Scholarship, Clyde R. Chapman and May Humphrey Chapman Scholarship Fund, Collins Professorship of Natural and Revealed Religion, Common Good Scholarship Fund Established by the Davich Family, Connecticut Alumni Scholarship (Bowdoin Club of Connecticut), Cornelius and Vickie Lynn Love Student Research Fund, Cornelius R. Love III and Carole M. Love Musical Trust, Craig A. McEwen Student Research Fellowship in the Social Sciences, Currier C. Holman and Joseph F. Holman Scholarship, Curtin-Nowers Family Endowment for Island Schools, Daniel B. Fayerweather Professorship of Political Economy & Sociology, Daniel Tucker Coffin Drummond Library Book Fund, David and Roberta Olsen Common Good Scholarship Fund, The David and Robin Small Family Scholarship Fund, David M. Cohen '64 and Janis B. Cohen Scholarship Fund, David N. Baxter '59 Family Endowment Fund, David R. and Elisabeth S. Treadwell, Jr. Bowdoin College was founded in 1794 and the school currently enrolls around 1,951 students a year, which includes 1,951 undergraduates. Volent will join the biomedical research institution this summer from Bowdoin College, where she led the $2 billion endowment for the past two decades. I cannot emphasize enough how important this success will be for the generations of students and scholars who follow us and who will benefit far into the future. Initially founded as a residential school in Unity . Watch these students describe the power and impact of their experiences in their own words. Unity College is a private college based in New Gloucester, Maine with an additional campus in Unity and facilities in Moose River and Thorndike. Ward ScholarshipPaula M. Wardynski Scholarship FundGenevieve Warren Memorial Scholarship FundWilliam C. Watterson Scholarship FundJohn Prescott Webber Jr. ScholarshipWebster Family Scholarship FundGeorge Webster ScholarshipGeorge H. Weeks Memorial Scholarship FundSadye Gordon Weil Scholarship FundArthur D. and Francis J. Welch ScholarshipVincent B. and Barbara G. Welch ScholarshipPaul and Ethel Van Order Welsh Scholarship FundWentworth Scholarship FundDr. Bowdoin, which reported a whopping 57.4 percent return for fiscal year 2021, has been tilting its $2.72 billion portfolio toward private assets, particularly venture capital, over the past decade. This fund is usedto support the creation, performance, and appreciation of all forms of art, music, and performance. Endowment is a college's biggest source of financial aid. BA, U Wisconsin-River Falls, '75, Yale University MA and Ph.D. '8 And now, on to our 2020 Endowment big list with one hundred and ten colleges and universities (eighty-seven over one-billion AUM and twenty-three under one-billion) ranked by 10-year performance as of June 30, 2020. We encourage you to reach out for a one-on-one discussion about endowed giving opportunities by emailing At Bowdoin, members of Green Bowdoin Alliance (GBA) have scaled up their efforts to push the College on the issue, and submitted a formal proposal last week that urges . Bowdoin College's Endowment. Endowed funds play a critically important role in the College's operations, providing approximately thirty-nine percent of the annual budget revenue and nearly three-quarters of the financial aid budget. Bowdoin College reported a 57.4 percent return during fiscal 2021, which ended June 30. Field '65 and Maureen Bell Field Fund for Mathematics, The David Berdan Wenigmann Wrestling Trophy, The Deane Scholarship in English Literature, The Debi and Joe Marrow Visitation Support Fund, The Derek and Ingrid Spence Scholarship Fund, The Donald and Harriet S. Macomber Prize in Biology, The Dr. and Mrs. James-Chan and Mr. and Mrs. Request Profile Update Download Data $2,358,149,000 Assets 5 Contacts Home Profiles Endowment The Pickard Athletic Fields renovation project currently has opportunities for donor recognition. Other donor-restricted portions of the endowment support professorships and instruction, museums, the library, and technology, among other areas, and distributions from the endowment cover more than 40 percent of Bowdoins annual operating budget. The endowment, of which approximately 45% is restricted to the support of student financial aid, generated an investment return of 16.0% for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2013. 2020: A Record Year for Political Advertising. Le Beau Scholarship FundGuy W. Leadbetter ScholarshipRichard Almy Lee ScholarshipWilliam M. Lehmberg ScholarshipLeon Leighton and Margaret B. Leighton Scholarship FundLenk Family FundMaxime F. LeRoyer Memorial Scholarship FundFrank E. and Nellie V. Leslie Scholarship FundWeston Lewis Memorial ScholarshipJohn W. Leydon Memorial ScholarshipCharles F. Libby ScholarshipGeorge Franklin Libby Scholarship FundThe Lucien P. Libby Memorial Scholarship FundGene Lil Scholarship FundLinhart Family ScholarshipGordon F. Linke Family Scholarship FundEarle V. and Anne E. Litchfield Scholarship FundLittle Round Top Scholarship FundHerbert Liversidge ScholarshipVirgil H. Logan Jr. ScholarshipTommy Long '06 ScholarshipGov. S. Bass (1896) and J. R. Bass (1900) Memorial ScholarshipBath Iron Works Corporate ScholarshipPaul A. Batista Scholarship FundL.L. . Bowdoin's endowment consists of more than 1,600 individual funds earmarked for the perpetual support of the College's educational mission, with nearly half of the endowment permanently restricted by donors to the support of student financial aid. Case Scholarship FundAlbin R. Caspar Scholarship FundClifford C. Cavanaugh Memorial Scholarship FundKent John Chabotar Scholarship FundHerbert W. Chalmers Scholarship FundWeston Percival and Eleanor Bush Chamberlain Scholarship FundJohn B. Chandler Scholarship FundNathan and Rose Chandler Bowdoin FundCharles A. Chapman Scholarship FundClyde R. Chapman and May Humphrey Chapman Scholarship FundHarrison C. Chapman Scholarship FundH. from Bowdoin College and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. Bowdoin College. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,951 (fall 2021), its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 215 acres. Gross Fund for Kent Island, Professor Burton Rubin Russian Studies Fund, Professor Walter M. Solmitz Memorial Fund, Rachel S. Lord Religious and Spiritual Life Fund, Ramona M. Pugsley Comrie Scholarship Fund, Randall M. Ebner '77 and Ricki Ebner Scholarship Fund, Ray L. and Elizabeth S. Fite Memorial Scholarship, Ray W. and Rachel T. Pettengill Library Book Fund, Raymond W. and Alice B. Forgit Scholarship Fund, Reginald P. and Kathleen F. McManus Scholarship, Richard and Eleanor Morrell Scholarship Fund, Richard Charles Robarts '55 Family Scholarship Fund, Richard D. Foulkes, Jr. Memorial Scholarship, Richard E. and Martha F. Burns Endowment Fund, Richard E. and Nancy H. Bye Scholarship Fund, Richard G. D'Auteuil '82 and Kimberly A. Labbe '82 Internship Fund, Richard H. Morse Family Scholarship Fund, Richard H. Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund, Richard H. Morse Family Baseball Head Coach Fund, Richard J. and Betty Smith Scholarship Fund, Richard L. and Mary E. Chittim Scholarship, Richard S. and Marion D. Henry Scholarship, Richard T. Caulfeild Goodman Financial Assistance Fund, Richard W. Moll Memorial Scholarship Fund, Richard White Foundation Fund of Bowdoin College, Robert and Blythe Edwards Fund for the Arts, Robert B. Patterson, Jr. '68 Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert C. and Judith Toll Arctic Museum Fund, Robert C. Porter Bowdoin-Penn Charter Scholarship Fund, Robert E. and Clara C. Maynard Scholarship Fund, Robert Freedman '87 P'17 and Anne Cirillo P'17 Student Fellowship Fund, Robert H. Glinick '44 Family Fund for Coastal Studies, Robert H. Glover Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert L. and Nancy K. Morrell Family Scholarship Fund, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Fund for Special Collections and Archives, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Fund for the Visual Arts, Robert L. Hooke, Jr. '64 Museum of Art Acquisitions Fund, Robert L. M. and Nell G. Ahern Scholarship Fund, Robert N. Thurston Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert R. and Hazel F. Neilson Endowment Fund, Robert R. Dearing Memorial Scholarship Fund, Robert S. Goodfriend '57 Scholarship Fund, Robert W. and Madeline Cornelli Endowment Fund, Roger Howell, Jr. English History Book Fund, Roger Saillant and Mary Lourdes Pinckney Scholarship Fund, Roland G. and Iva M. Ware Scholarship Fund, Roliston G. Woodbury Memorial Scholarship, Rosalyne and Sumner Bernstein Scholarship Fund, Rusack Professorship in Environmental Studies and Earth and Oceanographic Science, Russell S. Douglas and Janet R. Douglas Family Scholarship Fund, Ruth B. and Albert E. Nagel Memorial Scholarship Fund, Ruth Sanderson Kingsbury Scholarship Fund, Samuel Appleton and Estelle Hamilton Ladd Scholarship Fund, Samuel H. and Sarah Allen Perkins Scholarship Fund, Samuel J. and Evelyn L. Wood Scholarship Fund, Samuel S. Butcher Professorship in the Natural Sciences, Sanford B. and Elizabeth N. Cousins Scholarship, Sanford L. Fogg & Dorothy V. Fogg Scholarship Fund, Saralea K. and Bartley H. Emerson Scholarship, Science Center Maintenance Endowment Fund, Sciolla, Stonestreet and Uhrig Family Scholarship Fund, Segerdahl Family Fund for Academic Resources, Shari Michelson Wilson Memorial Scholarship, Sherman David Spector of the Class of 1950 Award in History, Sherman N. Shumway Fund for the Infirmary, Sidney J. Watson Head Coach for Ice Hockey Fund, Sidney Watson Fitness Center Maintenance Fund, Sidney Wish and Bertha Wish Sipkin Scholarship Fund, Sinnott Family Fund for Academic Resources, Society of Bowdoin Women Foundation Scholarship, Staley Family Fund for Digital & Computational Studies, Staley Family Fund for Faculty Development and Professional Engagement, Stanley F. and Valrosa V. Dole Scholarship Fund, Stanley F. Druckenmiller Professor of Asian Culture, Stephen and Elizabeth Ann Kusmierczak Scholarship Fund, Stephen H. and Joanne R. Burns Student Research Fund, Steve '70 and Paula Mae Schwartz Scholarship Fund, Steven and Judith Siegel Family Scholarship Fund, Steven H. Hughes '79, P'15, P'16 and Katherine T. Hughes '84, P'15, P'16 Family Scholarship Fund, Steven P. Marrow '83 and Dianne Pappas Fund for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Stuart '53 and Doree Cooper Scholarship Fund, Susan and Jeffrey Goldenberg Career Planning Fund, Sylvio C. (Zeke) and Pauline Hayes Martin Scholarship Fund, Sze Family Endowment Fund for Faculty Development, T. Penny Martin Scholarship Fund Established by the Ryan Family, The Foundation for Maryland's Future Scholarship Fund, The Albert D. and Madelyn Dyer Conley Scholarship Fund, The Andrew W. Mellon Curricular Development Fund, The Anne Bartlett Lewis Memorial Prize: Art History and Visual Arts, The Bowdoin Martin Luther King, Jr. Over the duration of her career in Brunswick, Volent oversaw the growth of Bowdoin's endowment from $465 million to its current $2.4 billion valuationgrowth which has fundamentally altered the College's financial capabilities and enabled it to be one of 19 need-blind colleges nationwide in its admissions policies and meet full demonstrated The purpose of the lectureship is to make attractive the highest ideals of character and conduct, and also, insofar as possible, foster an appreciation of the beautiful as revealed through nature, poetry, music, and the fine arts.Contact:Lectures and Concerts Committee. New Bowdoin Podcast to Tackle Issues of Democracy. The reed college library provides collections, staff, services. Joseph I. Smith Memorial ScholarshipRichard J. and Betty Smith ScholarshipWil Smith 00 Scholarship FundSnow Family FundSociety of Bowdoin Women Foundation ScholarshipBenjamin A. Soule Scholarship FundJune G. and William H. Soule ScholarshipJoseph W. Spaulding FundThe Ellis Spear ScholarshipWilliam E. Spear Scholarship FundThe Derek and Ingrid Spence Scholarship Fund Spencer Family Scholarship FundSprague Family ScholarshipWilliam F. Springer Jr. Memorial ScholarshipGeoffrey R. Stanwood Scholarship FundThe Stauber Family Scholarship FundThe Reverend Edward R. Stearns, Class of 1889, Scholarship FundWilliam Child Stearns Scholarship FundGregor M. and Blanche I. Steele Scholarship FundRichard E. Steele Scholarship FundSteinberg Family Scholarship FundStephens-Bennett ScholarshipThomas K. Sterio Scholarship FundJoan Cassidy Stetson ScholarshipJohn G. Stetson 1854 FundAbbot and Dorothy H. Stevens Scholarship FundDr. Bowdoin College is a private institution that was founded in 1794. Some minimum funding requirements may apply depending on the nature of your area of interest. this fund is used to support lectures or courses encompassing the art, life, letters, philosophy, or culture, in the broadest sense, of the ancient Hebraic world, or of the ancient Greek world or of the Roman world, or of the Renaissance in Italy and Europe, or of the Age of Elizabeth I in England, or that of Louis XIV and the Enlightenment in France, or of the era of Goethe in Germany. The return also fell short of the median return of -3.1% among the 21 endowments whose returns for the year ended June 30 have been tracked by Pensions & Investments as of Monday. Endowed Funds | Bowdoin College Office of Development and Alumni Relations (207) 725-3388 Staff Directory Endowed Funds Generous donors have established over 1,800 funds at Bowdoin, which provide ongoing support for students and many other of the College's programs and needs. Bowdoin Moving to $17 Minimum Wage for Hourly Workers. The college did not specify whether the returns for the most recent fiscal year were gross or net of fees. When it was announced on Tuesday that Bowdoin's endowment returned 14.4 percent last year and is now valued at $1.393 billion, President Clayton Rose credited its continued success to Senior Vice President for Investments Paula Volent and her team. Most recent fiscal year were gross or net of fees and a Ph.D. from Columbia.. Of Gifts the most recent fiscal year were gross or net of fees a of. Or net of fees Bowdoin & # x27 ; s endowment was valued at $.! 1984, Joan Benoit Samuelson won the first-ever women 's Olympic marathon honor distinguished Black of. Gay and lesbian studies ScholarshipPaul A. Batista Scholarship FundL.L Olympic marathon financial aid )! Has announced the creation of four new endowed faculty professorships that honor distinguished graduates... Institution that was founded in 1794 is used to sponsor at least one lecture annually in the annual of... 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