The palm has more positive characteristics for cold weather regions: it does not survive in humid conditions and it does not attract pests or diseases. Due to its attractive shape, curved petioles, and bluish-green or grayish-green leaves, the palm is best used as a specimen plant. The Mexican Fan Palm grows to 100 feet and is hardy in Zones 8b-11. However, it also has a longer lifespan than most palms and can flourish for over 100 years. The saw palmetto palm belongs on the list of cold-hardiest palm trees because it tolerates temperatures as low as 0F (-18C). 7B is the lowest zone which may grow Trachy unprotected. The stiff spine-covered stems are sharp and jaggy. Palmsincluding cold-hardy speciestend to fare better in drier conditions. Other identifying features of the California fan palm are its grayish and tan trunk that stands erect. The Blue Hesper Palm, also known as Brahea armata, is native to Baja California and can be found in dryer and colder climates of South America. However, more mature palms are even cold-hardier. The tall palm with its fibrous trunk grows 20 to 40 ft. (6 12 m) tall and up to 25 ft. (7.5 m) wide. 2023 Warner Bros. Snow and palm trees can go togetherif you get the right variety. Its native to Japan and commonplace in warm region landscapes. Checking the ability of the soil to drain well is easy. A silvery coating on leaves gives this fan palm its blue tones. Growth Rate: Slow. It will tolerate very infrequent freezes down to as low as 15 to 25 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a clump forming palm and makes a nice statement in a landscape. The date palm is one of the oldestand most importantcultivated palm trees. Some of the cold tolerant palms can grow in places like Texas, California, Georgia, Virginia, and much further north. Great for USDA zones 9b-11. Emerald Island Giant is the palm for you. Great forUSDA Zones 8b 11. The Mexican palm tree has a long narrow trunk and bushy-like leafy foliage at the top. It is a drought-tolerant palm with brownish trunk and striking silvery-blue foliage. Here is a comparison table to show you how these palms measure up against each other when it comes to cold tolerance. Keep in mind, palms are individuals, and thus even within the same species or variety there are some variation in cold tolerance. Call today. Palm Tree Types to Know. As a particularly shade-tolerant tree, the windmill palm is a striking, low-maintenance addition to any garden. Bulgaria windmill palms typically grow in hardiness zones 7 through 10 and have a mature size of 12 feet tall with a canopy of 4 to 5 feet across. Mazari palm is hardy to USDA zone 7, meaning it will tolerate temperatures around 5F (-15C). The Needle Palm Trees are evergreen being cold hardy planted near pools, outdoor restaurants and seaside bars for that tropical look in northern states. The Puerto Rican thatch palm, sometimes called the Barbados silver palm, is a palmate-leaved tree that can tolerate temperatures of 2830 degrees Fahrenheit. You can start palm winter protection in the late fall or early winter after it gets noticeably cold. The typical specimen can handle temperatures as low as 0 F without leaf damage, and a specific variety called McCurtain has been known to survive temperatures as low as -24 F. 10 Shade-Giving Trees that Grow Fast in Zone 5. It is hardy to 5F (-15C) and thrives in zones 6 through 10. Windmill palm (Zones 8A-11): A cold-hardy palm with a texturized trunk that doesn't get too big (usually 10 to 20 feet) Dwarf Flowering Trees to Plant in Small Spaces. We are in cold hardiness zone 8B-9A which is just above the Queen palm's preferred area. The other name for the species Washingtonia robusta, the Mexican Fan palm, gives an indication of its leaf shape. It will get leaf damage at about 10F (-12C). Plants tend to form clumps, with pups appearing around the main stem. Home; About; . Mary Marlowe Leverette is one of the industry's most highly-regarded housekeeping and fabric care experts, sharing her knowledge on efficient housekeeping, laundry, and textile conservation. McCurtain Dwarf Palmetto (Sabal minor McCurtain), Bulgaria Windmill Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei Bulgaria), Needle Palm Tree (Rhapidophyllum hystrix), Blue Mediterranean Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis v. cerifera), Mexican Fan Palm Tree (Washingtonia robusta), Emerald Island Giant Dwarf Palmetto (Sabal minor Emerald Island Giant), Chinese Fan Palm Tree (Livistona chinensis), 20 Winter-Friendly Plants for Your Outdoor Space. There are other self-cleaning palms that don't need pruning and instead drop their dead fronds to the ground. 4. This slower developing palm is ideal for chilly regions in USDA zones 7b-11. This tough, cold hardy tropical plant is one of very few palm trees able to handle freezing temperatures. Spray with freezepruf. To protect it in the winter, wrap the trunk in a blanket, or burlap. The needle palm tree is a shrub-like palm with several short trunks growing from the ground. Duplicate those conditions of hot, dry and sunny, and mazari palm yields relatively fast growth. Cold damage usually starts around 12 degrees but can recover from single digits and lower depending on duration.. (3) Windmill Palm - Trachycarpus fortunei. It's grown successfully in the chilly Pacific Northwest as well as across in icy New York State in zones 5 to 7. Fertilizer. Welcome. The windmill palm tree is a cold hardy and slow growing small palm. The petioles are sturdy and are lined with spines. This palm grows well in coastal areas where it is useful as a, The pinnate fronds consist of 10 to 20 stiff leaflets, 24 (60 cm) long, growing in a semi-circle shape at the end of 4 ft. (1.2 m) stems. It will survive -10F but will lose all of the foliage. Its the only cold hardy feather palm and tolerates temps as low as 5F, which means it can grow as far north as coastal New Jersey and British Columbia. Wetness at temperatures below -15 degrees Fahrenheit is also dangerous for these plants. 7. This beauty is native to Madagascar and survives temps as low as 15F, which means it can grow in places like Nevada, Texas, Arkansas and Alabama. This palm grows 40 to 50 ft. (12 15 m) tall. Once established, this palm handles itself well in 7-degree Fahrenheit temperatures and it's tolerant of cold, moisture, frost, and drought. Additionally, youll get information on minimum temperatures they can survive without suffering extensive damage. The famous Windmill Palm Tree is local to eastern China and can even be found growing in the mountains there. Moved into a new house and my wife had her heart set on planting sagos when I landscaped front yard with flowers and plants that will sustain this cold weather. The European fan palm tree has bushy foliage of spiky, blue-green fan-shaped leaves, rough brown trunks, and brown fruits. The Guadalupe palm tree is a small cold hardy palm plant with fan-shaped leaves growing on the stems, a rough, brown fibrous solitary trunk, and sweet black palm fruits. I dont think I have ever seen any here. . David J. Stang / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0. It gets much more cold tolerant as it becomes more established. These create a broad, rounded head of attractive palm leaves. Plants survive temps as low as 15F and grow to 100 feet, although in colder areas they stay smaller. It can survive in cold weather, up to 10-degrees F. or lower. There was a splendid specimen at the Atlanta Botanic Garden for years until it was killed in a severe winter. It's a good choice for winter gardeners in places like Ohio and Delaware who want to inject some tropical ambience into their landscapes. The small Bismarck palm tree has beautiful silvery gray foliage and it tolerates short frosty conditions. Native to South America, pindo can grow to 20 feet, but usually tops out from 12 to 15 feet. Gauras are usually hardy in zones 5-8. You can easily find pictures of Needle Palm covered with snow. While windmill wins first place in climates with cool summers, Needle palm (Rhapidophyllum hystrix) is considered to be the MOST cold tolerant palm in the world in climates with hot summers. The tree can grow in states with temperatures that infrequently go down to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. Mexican blue palm has a lovely blue hue to its long, fan-shaped fronds. Though it's a popular palm in Florida and south Texas, it's also found as far north in the west as Oregon (zone 8b) and east as Georgia (zone 8a). Of course, it lost all of its foliage. Northern gardening climates, even in growing zone 7, are still able to grow this . Small Business. Thank you, Im looking for palm tree that looks like a palm of a hand or an open fan. The Best Privacy Trees: List of Great Privacy Fence Trees (With Pictures), Texas Flowering Trees (With Pictures) - Identification Guide, Chokecherry Tree: Leaves, Chokecherries, Flowers (With Pictures) Identification, Alder Trees: Leaves, Bark, Flowers, Cones - Identification (Pictures), Cold-hardy palms are plants from the family, that can tolerate short periods of cold temperatures near or below freezing. Trachycarpus fortune (windmill palm) - This taller palm is hardy with a wide crown and grows in USDA zones 8 to 11. Palms for North Florida. Not growing more than 6 ft. (1.8 m), this landscaping palm has blue-green, fan-shaped leaves growing 3 ft. (1 m) in diameter. Brighter Blooms - Windmill Palm Tree - Large Cold Hardy Palm Trees- Trachycarpus Fortunei - 3 Gallon Pot - No Shipping to AZ. In USDA zones below this, it will need winter protection or be planted in a container to bring indoors for winter. The full-sun palm tree tolerates poor soil and dry conditions and is drought tolerant when established. Being native to China, this palm is not as cold tolerant if grown in areas with hot wet summers. Florida Palm Trees is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This adds no extra cost to your purchase but helps this site grow and cover the costs of running it. It takes palm tree full three seasons to get fully established. This slow growing palm adapts to wide range of soils and can tolerate cold down to 25F (-4C) but it has also been reported to survive 15F (-9C). This native to Southeast area of China is very slow growing shrubby evergreen that can tolerate low temperatures down to 15F (-9C). Oregon does contain some warm zones where cold hardy palm trees can develop. Palm Trees In Oregon. 'McCurtain' grows in Wichita, where it's known to have survived temperatures of -24F. It is identified by its stiff, glaucous-green fan leaves, clusters of white flowers, and, edible palm fruits that are brown or orange. Below is a list of some of the best hardy palm trees for this zone. This palm is the. The slow-growing, clumping palm with its fan-shaped fronds grows 5 to 10 ft. (1.5 3 m) tall and wide. It is great for USDA Zones 8b Propagation: Propagated by seed that takes around 3-4 months to germinate. Think again! The European Fan Palm can tolerate cold down to 5-10F (-15 to -12C) with defoliation occurring at about 15F (-9C). The Pindo Palm, also known as Jelly Palm, is native to Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. Learn about growing palms to choose the . In fact, a few cold hardy palms will grow as far north as USDA plant hardiness zone 6, where winter lows dip to -10 F. (-23 C.). Despite their warm-weather origins, this fan palm is strongly cold hardy, surviving temps to 10F. This slow growing palm is very durable and adapts to different types of soil. Spines between leaves protect the plant from animals. The northernmost clump known to be growing without protection resides on Cape Cod. It is perfect for landscape in USDA zones 7b-10a. include exceptionally fragrant clusters of white flowers, small brown to black palm fruits, and an attractive appearance. Nothing gives an outdoor space a tropical feel quite like landscaping with palm trees. The small palm tree grows as a small tree or rounded shrub, making it a versatile landscaping pine. The small saw palmetto palm tree can tolerate freezing conditions and is suitable for limited spaces. Livistona chinensis is widely grown in Arizona, Texas and California. Tips for Protecting Palms Through Winter. The salt and drought-tolerant palm tree grows well along streets, in coastal sands, in groves, or as a specimen plant. Hardy in Zones 8b-11. The Windmill Palm cold tolerance can handle temperatures down to 5 F. Windmill Palm is an . If you have any gardening questions, contact a Master Gardener Extension Volunteer at the UGA Cooperative Extension Carroll County office . Cold-hardy palm trees are ideal for planting in a landscape that gets occasional freezing temperatures and some snowfall. Its tuft of palm fronds can survive low temperatures. When we lived in California we had the Mexican date palm which we really enjoyed. The characteristics of this hardy palm are its large fronds with 40 pointed segments, leaf stems 3 ft. (1 m) long, yellow flowering clusters 15 ft. (4.5 m) long, and yellow fruits. One of the hardiest palms, Rhapidophyllum hystrix (Needle Palm) is a shrubby, rounded, evergreen palm with a short, thick trunk and large, palmate, lustrous dark green leaves that can reach 3 ft. in diameter (90 cm). The cold hardiness zone for this palm is 9B - 11. if the cold temperatures are limited in duration. The Cabbage Palm, scientific name Sabal palmetto, is native to extreme southern coastal North Carolina southwand through Florida, the Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico coast. 1. For super cold states, experiment with indoor/outdoor palms like lady palm and Chinese fan palm. It is hardy down to 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Hardiness: Zone 8 to 11 (16 F) Palm Tree Mart, Inc. 2332 London Bridge Rd. It grows well as an indoor palm, a foundation plant, or in mixed shrub borders in shady locations. Use sago palm with palms, in rock gardens or as a patio plant. It produces large seed cones that have edible seeds. The hardy palm is identified by its fan-shaped leaves growing at the end of straight stems. We do understand that it cannot be the same but still love to see some a[lm trees in our yard It is also known to survive 3F (-16C) without permanent damage but I wouldnt plant it anywhere with temperatures below 5F (-15C). This palm is cold hardy and can tolerate cold temperatures down to 25F (-4C) and is perfect for USDA zones 9b-11. Hardy Banana. Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Image by Andy Reago & Chrissy Mclarren via Flickr. Winter hardy palm trees and tropical plants add interest and color to the landscape and require very little maintenance once they are planted. Its native to the Southeast and has sharp, needle-like structures on leaf stems. Is just above the Queen palm & # x27 ; s preferred area, meaning it will tolerate infrequent. With hot wet summers ( -15C ) and is suitable for limited spaces a... 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