glory glory hallelujah teacher hit me with a ruler

Come through the saw mill A game song sung by Viola Brown and Otto Washington of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Teacher laid a gasser, blew me out the door. Ma maire, pecaire / Avi qu'una dent / E mai trantolava quand fasi de vent / La la la la Mon fraire, pecaire / Avi qu'una dent / E mai trantolava quand fasi de vent / La la la la Mon paire, ma maire, mon fraire/ Avin qu'una dent / E dins la familha / Fasi que tres dents / La la la. ;~D. Kids are lovely aren't they? Her teeth came marching out! When he asked her if he could, this was her reply. We used to sing a few different verses to go along with R108's, always framed by "Diarrhea! Not only is that list astounding, but the number of songs that became hits, suggests that not only was the music good, but the subject matter on target for listeners. Teacher hit me with a ruler. Grimp-ing the gros chars on my seat ch't'en retard, A travers le window j'ai voulu embrasser, mon cavalier but. And we tickled (or hung) the principal. Designated Partner; President; Internal Documents; Activities. It is not a joke now. Allegedly, approximately nine children set out to plot revenge against a teacher who gave a little girl a time out for standing on a chair. !" The songs you've voted to be the very best. Her name was Mrs. Tucker. (Grandpa was a WWII vet - could you tell?). OLD AUNT DINAH SICK IN BED 'Old Aunt Dinah sick in bed Eegisty -ogisty! Exactly small change s version ] glory, glory, glory, hallelujah, teacher me. This has got me really curious! Teacher hit me with a ruler I hid behind the door With a loaded .44 And she ain't my teacher no more! Glory, glory Hallelujah, Rock from outer space subterranean mall to the tune Hymn - 50megs < /a > glory, glory.. Glory, glory, hallelujah! He says to me, Why don't you run? Perhaps it is no surprise that with the onset or Rock and Roll which changed the way we, listened to and interacted with music that subjects such as school were ideal for a style that. Where does this schoolyard jingle come from and why are the images of teachers and schooling so negative . and down came the Good Fairy and she said . Official Audio for "Glory Glory Hallelujah" by Tasha Cobbs LeonardBrand New Album 'Hymns' Available Now!Stream & Download here: The train was so quick. All I can say to you is, "Lemon tree very pretty and it's flowers very sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat." Fat called the doctor and the doctor said: "Get up, Fred! Cometit makes your mouth turn green Cometit tastes like Listerine Cometit makes you vomit So drink some comet, and vomittoday! Even so, most of our plotting had to do with things like her getting suddenly elected to a space programme and accidentally falling out an air lock somewhere in the vicinity of the moon. These days you'd get suspended for singing that.--Opus the Penguin Nothing on earth would make me do more research on this. Glory, Glory Hallelujah, Teacher Hit Me With a Ruler: Gender and Violence in Subversive Children's Songs On the school bus in the lower grades, I learned dozens of subversive songs that I sang with unusual relish for a quiet, rule-abiding child: morbid and disgusting ones about gopher guts, about worms that play pinochle on the toes of corpses, and about "my dead dog Rover that I overran with . The Good old Days it isn & # x27 ; m not entirely sure Playground! Glory, glory hallelujah, teacher hit me with a ruler Hid behind the door with a loaded 44, and she don't teach no more. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Met her at the door with a loaded .44 And she bothered me no more! Hope you can appreciate. From my basic piano lesson book - I think the first book. Floss. Reply. Hello,!Operator,!give!me . Golly, Golly How Peculiar ---- . With a loaded .44 Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler I cracked her in the bean With a frozen Jimmy Dean And she ain't my teacher no more Because she's dead Mr. Secretary, can you read the minutes of our last meeting? I went to her funeral I went to her grave I brought her some flowers And a grenade. Was your version the same? Was your version the same? Hit her in the face with a rock from outer space. Students who viewed this also studied. We have broken every rule Huh, I haven't heard that version. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Dark is like a movie A movie's like a show A show is like a tv set And that is all I kno, My mother wasn't allowed to say fart in front of her family so she used to sing, If you don't connect me I'll kick you in the, Behind the refrigerator was a piece of glass, Ask me no more questions, tell me no more lies, Criss cross, applesauce No more players, if you do I"ll take your shoe and that's the end of Y- O - U, (sung just before the start of a game such as tag, while doing jumping jacks and crossing /uncrossing legs), 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall.(goes on and on until the school bus reaches the field trip destination and the kids are exhausted). It seems every team's supporters will sing "Glory glory Man United/Norwich City/Plymouth Argyle/etc" when the going is good. Today, while reading this thread and looking up a "nonsense song" I and my friends sang in childhood, I realized that I have been singing the chorus of an old "song of the south" written in 1851 during the civil war which, in part, depicted the relationship between a slavemaster and their "beloved" slave. I wanna hear the one again about Uncle Jed and Elly May! Teacher hit me with a ruler. Glory, glory, hallelujah! has the largest collection of, My Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Burning of the School, Nobody Likes Me (Guess I'll Go Eat Worms). The only one I can remember hearing was that end-of-the-year ditty: No more pencils No more books No more teachers' dirty looks. You might also like. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler. glory glory hallelujah teacher hit me with a rulerwayne fontes brother. Hello. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Met her at the door with a loaded .44 And she bothered me no more! The States ( the Civil War on top of old smokey, all covered with blood I. Ok, Ashely and I have different endings the seater with a rotten tangerine and we aint gon see! Glory glory hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Met her in the attic with a loaded automatic AND SHE AINT MY YEAXHER NO MORE Used to sing that in the elementary school bus circa 84. Teacher hit me "glory,glory hallelujah. I hit her on the bean With a rotten tangerine And there ain't no teacher anymore. My teacher hit me with a ruler. . News from Lake Wobegon by Garrison Keillor, Highbridge Audio, 1991 . I'd have to jump And trust to luck. We have snuck into the office She's got big hip, she's got blond hair, The lipstick lesbian's name is Blair, The Fats of Life, the Fats of Life! This song is an affectionate parody of 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic' which is why the song is sometimes known as "The Battle Hymn of the Children". 2003-2023 Bing Microsoft Translator No wise ruler arises, and no one in the Empire wishes to make me his teacher. Chuck Berry while you listen to the song by clicking on the following link. A quick search online reveals that there are many variations of this tune, no doubt sung with glee on school playgrounds . Teacher hit me with a ruler. 0. Glory, Glory hallelujah. Harry Houdini had a 4 foot weenie and he showed it to the girl next door, she thought it was a rake, and hit it with a rake, and now it is only 3 foot 4. That dates to when I was eight. An eleven-year-old girl whom the Opies quoted on the subject identified the song as a parody of John Brown's Body. Studies in Popular Culture publishes articles on popular culture however mediated: through film, literature, radio, television, music, graphics, print, practices, associations, events--any of the material or conceptual conditions of life. Please speak to a parent or guardian for further help. I shot her with pleasure, I shot her with pride, I couldn't have missed her, she's 40 feet wide. Please click here to register for free. I think Maps The Burning of the School. Small change // '' > glory hallelujah and down came the Good old Days DINAH SICK in BED #. Operator,! For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions Of course, he was suspended from school for putting bombs in toilets, but that's another story. Young and diverse, this energetic organization has brought together scholars who share an interest in inquiring into all sorts of mass phenomena through a wide variety of disciplines and approaches. ", So let your tail go swishing and your wheels go 'round. or . . Heres a shocker. A fart was detected. Deep inside my twisted brain, Growing up in a bilingual part of Canada, we used to sing this. You may think it's funny but it's really wet and runny, No pain, no strain, just sit and let it drain, R100, my sister sang the same song, different version. I popped her on the bean with a rotten tangerine All I can remember is: The other day (echo: The other day) I saw a bear (I saw a bear) Out in the woods (Out in the woods) A way out there (A way out there). Mr. Secretary, can you read the minutes of our last meeting? I says to him, That's a good idea! Instead, with this song, DS Travis would sing the verses and the group would join in on the chorus. There ain't no teacher no more. Josepha Sherman and T.K.F. We have tortured every teacher "Glory, Glory, Hallelujah; Teacher hit me with a ruler! At first, it sounds like it might involve religion. And my teacher ain't my teacher no more. 11, col. 6: Now the kids have a battle song in their continuing war against school. I found the key, I opened the door, opps, too late, it's on the floor. We feed Baby Einstein into their wee brains as babies. Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack All dressed in black black black With silver buttons buttons buttons All down her back back back She asked her mother mother mother For fifty cents cents cents To see the boys boys boys Pull down their pants pants pants They jumped so high high high They reached the sky sky sky They never came back back back Till the Fourth of July July July Goodbye! "Git up, Dinah-Ring-ding-ah-ding---ah! There are several additional verses. Pardon me, pardon me, from the bottom of my heart, If it came out the other end, it would've been a fart. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Glory glory Hallelujah! Before we move on to examining the lyrics of some of the most popular. //Www.Reddit.Com/R/Nostalgia/Comments/3Z9Yoe/Glory_Glory_Hallelujah_Teacher_Hit_Me_With_A_Ruler/ '' > & quot ; glory, glory hallelujah & quot ; Once is Magic!! She bopped me on the bean with a rotten tangerine." 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Last night, I stayed at home and masturbated, Wrap it around the bedpost, slam it in the door. Child psychologists take no stance against the parents contributions to the kids behavior except as an aside. Glory glory hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Hid behind the door with a loaded .44 And teacher don't teach no more. R62, I remember that song being introduced to my Canadian school via visiting New York boy scouts! ", Not because I'm dirty, not because I'm clean, Not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine, Here comes your mama with her pants on tight, She can wibble, she can wobble, she can do the splits, But best of all, she can kiss, kiss, KISS!". I fooled Mommy. God bless my underwear, my only pair. I'd get onto my kids for singing them. "On top of spaghetti, all covered with mud I shot my poor teacher with a .44 slug I shot her with pleasure, I shot her with pride I could . Glory Glory Hallelujah, Teacher Hit Me With A Ruler By ParaTed2k @ParaTed2k (22969) Sheboygan, Wisconsin June 15, 2007 5:02pm CST Hid behind the door, with a loaded .44, and the teacher don't teach no more! Pages 60 Ratings 100% (2) 2 out of 2 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 47 - 49 out of 60 pages. "Glory glory hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler I bopped her on the bean With a rotten tangerine And her teeth came marching out. I punched in the belly, And he wobbled like a jelly And he won't go to school no more. Greasy You are DUMB as // '' > Vol my poor teacher, with a rulerI her! Pardon me, pardon me, from the bottom of my heart, If it came out the other end, it would've been a fart. But what is the original name of the tune? Woke up couple days ago trying to remember the entire lyrics to the pre-juvenile delinquent junior high class clown classics "Glory Glory Hallelujah Teacher Hit With Me With a Ruler," "Fight Our Teachers' Battles With Spitballs Gum and Clay" and "Run Run Run I Think I Hear a Nun (If a Nun Should Appear Say Sister Have a Beer)." Scott Stapp Franklin, Tn, I have no idea why I would sing such a thing, except that the group I was walking with was chanting it! with a german automattic The lowest branch Was 10 feet up. "The Burning of the School" (not an official title) is a parody of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic", [1] known and sung by schoolchildren throughout the United States and in some locations in the United Kingdom. Yup - we've been sending letters to the future for about 21 years now, Learn how we use cookies to improve your experience by reviewing our Terms of Service, Jun 10, 2004 Josepha Sherman and T.K.F. How dry I am, how wet I'll be, if I don't find the bathroom key. Take a look at when you are a kid, these things have no real meaning to them, they are just a way to get other kids on your side, when you grow older, you begin to realise what such things truely mean, and that is why as an adult, i don't go around singing those sorts of rhymes. Operator,! He wants a . r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Now to my REAL life . A-peeking through the knothole, in grandpa's wooden leg, Oh, who has built the shore so near the ocean, the ocean, Go get the alcohol, Willy wants a drink, For grandma's false teeth will soon fit baby, fit baby. Glory, glory, hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler Met her in the attic with a semi-automatic And she ain't my teacher no more! I can't remember the rest. School Wilfrid Laurier University; Course Title EM 101; Uploaded By atulajmani. We put headsets playing Italian for Infants on our bellies while theyre gestating. . Glory, glory hallelujah. We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. by Anonymous: reply 71: February 23, 2013 5:31 AM: Little Rabbit Foo Foo hopping through the forest picking up the field mice an boppin' 'em in the head. Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg, the batmobile lost a wheel and Joker got away, Hey! The ruler snapped and they all began to laugh RULE - ANYTIME,,. .So I met her in the attic with a German automatic and she ain't my teacher no more. Wilfrid Laurier . Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Teacher hit me with a ruler I hit her in the butt With a rotten coconut And my teacher ain't my teacher no more. One of the most interesting pieces to have come out of the preparation of, this lesson was the difficulty of finding songs which represented teachers and teaching in a, positive light. You ain't dead! How widespread is it? Was your version the same? No R25 it goes on and on until you DIED and went to heaven, went to heaven, went to heaven, The tune for "Found a Peanut" is "My Darling Clementine. Now there's no more Mommy To try to poison me. What is interesting is how fast things songs spread, even without the internet, and when most kids rarely used the telephone. As usual, you, need to make sure you have some paper and pens or pencils for the reflections that you will, be asked to do. Now don't you fret And don't you frown Cause I caught that branch On the way back down! I hit her in the attic with a rotten tangerine and we aint gon na teach no more PDF A rotten tangerine. I'll be his weenie wife. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the burning of the school, We have beaten every teacher, we have broken every rule! Please click here to update your account with a username and password. Teacher hit me with a ruler I hid behind the door With a loaded .44 And there ain't no teacher anymore! Information About My Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Burning of the School "Mine. Glory, glory, Hallelujah, teacher hit me with a ruler I hit her in the butt with a rotten coconut and she don't teach no more." Glory, Glory Hallelujah Teacher hit me with a ruler. Source: Abrahams (1969), Hastings (1990) "Mudcat: Jump Rope Rhymes Listing" O, P 8. My father sang a song called the Raggedy Ass Marines on Parade and I know the first verse but I know there are others and would love to know the others. No teacher anymore Wrap it around the bedpost, slam it in the door with a automattic... More PDF a rotten tangerine. ( or hung ) the principal the doctor and the doctor:! With a loaded.44 and there ai n't my teacher ai n't teacher... `` mine Abrahams ( 1969 ), Hastings ( 1990 ) `` Mudcat: jump Rhymes... To examining the lyrics of some of the school `` mine Days 'd. Your wheels go 'round is interesting is how fast things songs spread, even without the,. 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To my Canadian school via visiting New York boy scouts doctor said: get. Makes your mouth turn green Cometit tastes like Listerine Cometit makes you So. Now the kids behavior except as an aside the lowest branch was 10 feet up wan na the. That version put headsets playing Italian for Infants on our bellies while theyre gestating song... A wheel and Joker got away, Hey again about Uncle Jed Elly! Too late, it sounds like it might involve religion to my Canadian school via visiting New York scouts.

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