The classroom was filled with even louder protests. Yes, silly. Both of them were laughing, now, as she pulled him in for a kiss. #1. Want to throw it all away? Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (96), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (2), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (2), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (29), Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott, Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger/Adrian Pucey, Unexpected character is brought back to life, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Gryffindor & Slytherin Inter-House Friendships, Bill Weasley/Original Female Character(s), Oliver Wood & Original Female Character(s), Cedric Diggory/Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Adrian Pucey/Original Female Character(s), Harry Potter & Original Female Character(s), Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom & Original Female Character(s), Draco Malfoy & Original Female Character(s), Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships, Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, everyone has nightmares but especially draco, obviously they have sex in the metal bathtub, Inappropriate use of the Malfoy signet ring, Ministry of Magic Employee Hermione Granger, Hermione Granger also needs a hug but she won't admit it, They're still friends but ron made it weird, Blaise just wants everyone to get along so he can go home, The Greengrass sisters get really into green grass if you catch my drift, Draco Malfoy & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, HP_Fanatic_Going_To_Hell (The_Bat_Shit_Insane_Slytherin), Sirius Black/James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Both of them are so done but want to believe this is all real, Lily Evan Potter is a Member of the House of Slytherin, Trigger Warnings Are A Thing In This Book, James and Lily Live :) They Are Also Pretty Fucking Pissed, Harry Potter is Obsessed with Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape is Draco Malfoy's Godparent, but don't worry Snape is here for the rescue, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Draco Malfoy is Obsessed with Harry Potter, Past Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies. She was sorted into Slytherin house and in her fifth year she became a prefect along with her fellow student and friend, Draco Malfoy. Are they kind? Work Search: He cant be doing this. Meanwhile, in the future, Ron tries to keep the world together as it falls apart now that a horcrux has replaced Harry.This is the darkest part of this series. resilienza:capacit di un materiale di assorbire un urto senza rompersi. James Potter - Lily Potter, it had read; Birthdates, a respective 27 March, 1960 and 25 January, 1960. Here she was asking after Harrys health and he was none the wiser because she was supposed to be his friend. Things do not go according to plan. En este libro sern publicados pequeas fragmentos de cosas que se mencionan en la historia principal. This is a rewrite of another Harry Potter SI that I wrote. And Harry isn't about to be beaten down just because he's the youngest. Severus is responsible of taking care of him. Walk with me, Harry, please? After the battle of Hogwarts, many return for their 8th year. Spoiler: there's a lot of it. chapters to be posted once or twice a week ! Now he has to work around classes, nosy Gryffindors, and people whom he thought were his family, in order to win the war against rival Masters and their Servants. Oh well, its more interesting like this, isnt it? A collection of unrelated one shots/drabbles posted to Tumblr. All were unheard and left to crumple to nothing in the frozen air. Y alguien en quien confiar. Messrs Colin and Dennis Creeveyshe indicated the brothers with a regal nodhave asked me to make a small announcement. Eventually. A muggle-raised saviour, with little knowledge of his heritage, returning to the world after ten years. Harry has always loved animals, and he knows that they don't attack without reason. Each of the cups, dinner plates, and salad plates are decorated with matching house crests and mascots: the Hufflepuff Badger, the Slytherin . She does an ultrasound and tells Harry he is pregnant with both Draco and Snape. Harry Potter goes back in time during his fifth year and becomes Salazar Slytherin. Pansy Parkinson had once been on top of the world: she ran Hogwarts and was slated to become the next Lady Malfoy. Harry will be their precious little boy wife by the end of the night if they get their way, but their baby will still need his Daddy. He eventually lives enough lives to return, but something went wrong, and the god is stuck in a loop he tries desperately to break. Are you feeling all right, Hermione?. Family history unraveled, a curse on the border and the gift of the sight, Sunniva learns friendship, love, and loss because no year at Hogwarts is ever normal as long as Harry Potter is around or having a mass murderer for an uncle. [AN: bear with me, none of the other chapters are as short as the first T-T]Feb 18 23: I'm on a trip for a week, there won't be any updates until I get back! There are a million things to deal with between new inventions, lost knowledge, missing spirits, & parasitic dark lords. I don't own Harry Potter and all rights go to J.K Rowling. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Who knew that an errant Snitch could change the course of history forever? ", Ron took one look at Harry's expression before turning to Hermione, her eyes burned in a resolute fashion, affirming that she too had come to the same conclusion as Ron. Nevermore Academy was in for a ride it could never be prepared for as secrets uncovered themselves and homicide fills the minds of adolescents. Their hands were up, and he instinctively knew the Gryffindor was trying to shield the other two with her body. Tom Marvolo Riddle finds a different way of getting back at the Deputy-headmaster, and ends up receiving a few other perks as well. Slytherins at Play Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Slytherins at Play By: Lomonaaeren HPDMBZTN. In which on James Potters birthday, Sirius receives a phone call from St Thomass Hospital, and greets some unwelcoming news on the other side of the line about his baby brother, Regulus Black. Eyes sightless as they say things that happened years and years ago, but oh-so clear to him. Tonight, here in the Great Hall, for the first time in the history of Hogwarts School, an, ah, filmwhich, for those of you unfamiliar with the culture of the non-magical world, is a play presented in the form of moving pictureswill be shown. A kid says to his dad. O; donde Harry Potter muere en la batalla final y despierta en los 40's en el bosque prohibido golpeando a Tom Riddle. On their way back to the Entrance Hall, they met with Millicent Bulstrode, who was coming from the direction of the stables, dressed in boots and breeches and Barbour jacket. After living with his great grandfather for 4 years, Harry Potter-Black comes to Hogwarts with a different mindset than might be expected. Good evening, everyone. Will his newfound self-preservation override his need to be a Gryffindor hero? Please consider turning it on! The founders of Hogwarts castle have their spirits intact and within the castle grounds, however, non-corporeal. She swears never again will she be a victim, and if she has to burn down the world to surviveso be it. Until one day, he tried to steal from a masked manwithout knowing it was a Death Eater, and the event escalated until it reached Voldemort's ears. Im the one did it., Youre all very brave, Hermione said, but really, its all right. They're created from what's left of the broken. Reborn, he shall lead the four and bring them to an era of balance. That bit about the ice cream ration was perfect., That? And change the future? Colin got to his feet, with minimal use of his cane, and cast his own Sonorous. Flashback detallados vitales para la historia de Una perfecta seorita. NO VILLAINISATION OF CHILDREN IN THIS HOUSE !! Directed by Chris Columbus. We werent, ah, expecting the noise. Err He thinks Im going to curse him, doesnt he? (AKa, Draco malfoy got de-aged not two months after the Battle of Hogwarts. harry potter fanfiction harry sits at the slytherin table 1 Jul 2, 2021 Harry Potter views them as the enemy, too, especially when playing Quidditch. Uploading monthly! Auror Harry Potter. But for now, lets find our seats.. Harry nodded. So he wouldn't rely just on his magic to survive this death trap that people called a 'friendly tournament'. a bunch more characters I don't have the time to name. Some children are never saved, left to fester and rot in terrible environments, but some do manage to get away. Odin sends Loki to another universe for many years. But I didn't say that. They'll eventually make sense.]. Harry and the Malfoy families reverse roles, The Potters were an inner circle death eater family while the Malfoy's changed allegiances when their son was prophecized to defeat Voldemort. A brief murmur of delighted wonder seemed to pass through the Great Hall, and then there was silence, quickly filled with a cheerful song. It may take a few years, but Fate hadn't dictated a time limit. She fights for every breath, desperately trying to claw her way out of the gaping chasm that is her heart. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Please call me Angharad., Kirsty Thompson. ), Of Unlikely Friendships & Famiglia [KHR+HP]. including but not limited to sirius black starring as:- good godfather- mob boss- dark, morally grey, Black heir- good grandfather- impromptu, emergency midwife. The castle is near destroyed, his friends and family are dying, but he had won. Even six months ago, I wouldnt have imagined that, would I? Harry had no idea how the Golden Snitch inherited from Dumbledore would change his life. He hated how his brother always gets the good stuff in life. /. It wasnt until Ron and Lavender sat down beside him that it struck Harry they were eating at the Slytherin table. And now, the details, if you please, Mister Creevey?. Having just survived her first year in the Wizarding World, things turn a darker turn for Shade, having so much end up on her plate that she is bound to drown Or will she? He pets the appendage lovingly, his smile growing. In the same year, she was one of the members of the short lived Inquisitorial Squad. Actually, Merwin Yaxley was his uncle., Millicent shook her head. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (104), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (18), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Harry Potter should not live in a cupboard, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Chlo Bourgeois, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, The Soul Exchange of Two certain Blonds [DISCONTINUED], Mr Death | Charlie | Sally Williams' Teddy Bear (Creepypasta), Slaps child this bad boy cant fit so many issues!, Harry is basically an even MORE murderous version of Kurapika, basically voldy is defeated by dumbledore in the future, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape Friendship, Harry's age isn't specified but he looks young and small <3, Harry Potter isn't a horcrux but he is a human fleshlight, harry's just really horny here but just keep in mind he literally needs sex to live LMAO, noncon tagged bc LV is unwilling at first and under the influence of Harry's pussy, haha get it bc he's a demon and has horns and wants to bounce on cock--, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (mentioned), [Valentine's Day 2023] Flowers in Your Hair, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Gages - Death Eaters/Harry - Slytherins/Harry, (gonna try very hard to keep non-canonised tags off this for once! It does look that way, doesnt it? Hermione said, and Harry nodded. There wasn't the weight of betrayal and the world on his shoulders. There is a reason why most people feel bad about hurting a child, it being in their nature to nurture the next generation, while common sense and basic decency prevent them from wanting to hurt children. Estranged uncles and grandparents, house of Serpents and Badgers but raised in America, and summers spent in Egypt studying. The letters have been waiting over four hundred years, and another day wont do them any harm., He pressed his palm to her forehead. Ill have to ask them about the projector, later on, Hermione said. Of course not, but there's a reason he got in Slytherin. Harry Edelfelt is chosen as the eighth Master, with a Servant that is highly unusual for an event like this. I promise you that!". The last time the Virent Rosa was seen, the wizarding world was on the edge of extinction. Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry Potter is unhappy with the lack of progress in the Wizarding World. Sunniva Northmann comes from a broken home full of secrets and lies. Y ahora a regresado para enderezar las cosas. All the same, thank Merlin I dont have to say it under Veritaserum. Wrong G/BWL Au, Harrison time travels to the past to grow up with the founders only to go back to the future a month before his first day at hogwarts. (the fic where Voldemort suddenly finds himself as the next meal of a Sex Demon named Harry). Harry is a true heir in Sarcasm and Slytherin, which is my favorite Slytherin!Harry fic and one of the only 'wrong boy who lived' fics that I've enjoyed reading. Pure fluff written for the HP Shipuary 2023. The first few chapters are admittedly a bit on the rougher side in my opinion, but well worth a read! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. And now he's back to set things right. Thomas Riddle was astounding and thirteen year old him was utterly enamored. (This sounds so sappy, I promise it's not. The first day of Hogwarts is the beginning of when they really start to question who they are. Harry closed his eyes and leaned in, pressing his lips against Flint's, whose eyes had also closed and who now stood still as a statue. A renowned member of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black. Evan knows he's going to die when @Hadrian_inWonderland (a semi-famous dancer he's been following for months) finally shows his face. After Harry and his friends leave they head to Madam Pomfrey where Harry tells her about the two lights. Small snippets of things that are mentioned in the main story will be published in this book. Harry Potter was supposed to spend his childhood at the Dursleys. Slytherin Table. He knew they were worried about him after everything that happened the previous year and with Cedric, but he didn't want any more sympathy. Slow-burn fanfic that will be lengthy ON WATTPAD Language: English Words: 37,052 Chapters: 9 /? The Gryffindor table, was however, nearly deserted of people he knew, apart from Neville who was looking dolefully at his toast. Be expected Egypt studying chapters are admittedly a bit on the rougher side in my opinion, but really its... Struck Harry they were eating at the Slytherin table his cane, and he was the. In life merlin I dont have to ask them about the ice cream ration was,! Asked me to make a small announcement words > 1000 sort: hits that an errant Snitch could the. Seats.. Harry nodded vitales para la historia de Una perfecta seorita apart... As she pulled him in for a kiss, Draco Malfoy got de-aged not two months the. 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