Find 280 Ackley Improved Reloading Dies, and 280 ackley Improved Die Sets for sale here: Get the right 280 Ackley Improved Die or 280 Ackley Improved Die Set for your press here at Midsouth. Peterson continued, "The.280 Ack Imp casings made by Peterson are designed for reloading. Recently received my Tikka-custom 280 Ackley Improved from Kampfeld Customs (build specs/gunsmith review posted in Firearms section) and couldn't wait to get to the range for some load development. The 280 ai is going to be a great deer, pig, goat and sheep rig as long as I stay . Final Load Specs for 162gr ELD-M: 58.4gr H4831SC Hornady brass (that will be replaced ASAP) CBTO: 2.595" - functional mag length (estimating about .080" - .100" jump, didn't measure and don't care) CCI 200 Large Rifle Primer Case length for the .280 is 2.540 inches (same as the .270) and a bit longer than the .30-06 (2.494 inches). In my rifle 56gr/R-17,160gr accubond,Fed 210M primer 3046fps is a good load. 280 AI load data. Remember that we also offer custom load development to help you get the most out of your .280 Ackley Improved - call 1-800-303-1304 for more information. models. So a few months later it became the 7mm Remington Express. I just got a box of 162gr ELD-X bullets and want to load them in my 280 Ackley. Gain a deep knowledge of ballistic science and access our improved ballistic calculator. .280/7mm bullets from left to right: Hornady 139-gr. I rebedded the action and first three inches of the barrel with Acraglas Gel and installed a Timney trigger, both from Brownells. Available as component bullets or in factory loaded Precision Hunter ammunition. The groups were inconsistent. No experience on game but the new Legendary Arms Works I have in 280 AI shoots bugholes with the factory Hornady Precision 162 grain ELD-X and Nosler Trophy Grade 140 Accubonds, the Nosler Trophy Grade 160 grain Nosler Partitions shot right around an inch. You must log in or register to reply here. 150 gr swift sciroccos .050 off, tried h4831sc, imr 4350 and RL22. You have to reload to find out for yourself. Founded by Frank Galli in 2000, Snipers Hide has been offering informational videos, podcasts, and other support to its users in one location. The Judge has been promoted! . With the shortage on powders I'm starting with H4350. Snipers Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. Best so far is about 2" groups. Using bullets from Nosler BT, Sierra HPBT, Swift Scirocco, Barnes TSX, Swift Scir, Nosler AB, Hornady BTSP, Swift SP. A change of primers may also help. I thought that 7828 would be too slow, but it worked well. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I mounted a Nitrex 3-9x40 scope on it for testing. bullet over 3,400 fps. From what I've read and heard guys are very happy with R22 and R23. Stocky's Owner Don Bitz walks David Faubion through the company's new rifle stocks for 2023. For reference my h1000 280ai load is 59.5gr with a 180 eldm or scenar. Sep 8, 2016 #1 I just got a box of 162gr ELD-X bullets and want to load them in my 280 Ackley. In the article he includes some reloading data and ballistic results for several calibers, including the .280 Remington. I've got plenty of RL 17,22 and H4831sc, H4350 and some other powders. Give a Gift Buyer must show license on pickup. Classic Hunter Elite Hunter 338 Caliber 6.5mm: 6.5 Creedmoor 260 Remington 6.5 x 55mm Swedish Mauser 6.5-284 Norma 26 Nosler 270 Caliber: 270 Winchester Plus you can save favorites, add notes and more. I load 140 BTs and want to try these 162Eldx. The new-for-2023 lineup includes ultralight hunting stocks and a VGA 2-pound adjustable vertical-grip stock. AccuBond; Nosler 150-gr. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Reloading data is available as low as 99 per cartridge or as a subscription for $19.99. The SAAMI Maximum Allowable Pressure for the .280 is 60,000 psi. Accurate but not that fast at 2880 fps. Subscriber Services. | box; Like the bound and eBook versions, the Hornady Reloading App provides all the information needed to successfully reload a variety of rifle and handgun cartridges. Our test rounds were loaded on a Redding Ultra Mag press with a set of Hornady New Dimension dies. My go to primer is CCI magnum or benchrest - you may find that helps bring down your ES/SD. Targeted velocities are well in excess of . Which one is recommended as Ilol be hand loading and will need to fireform. Looking for reloading data that is not in our reloading manual or listed below? I have always liked the Amax bullets so it makes sense to at least try these 162Eldx in my 280AI. Sign up to receive new product announcements, special offers, and the annual product catalog. Subscribe to the free newsletter and do not miss any news or promotions. Anyone have any good starting points for this? Matching Laods. It was awful with the 7-08 and ok in the .270 with 130gn bullets, but never as fast or accurate as H4831, RL19, or Hunter, so I pretty much quite messing with it. Good to hear that is taking you in the right direction regarding accuracy. You find 14 loads in caliber .280 Ackley Improved with Berger bullets either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matching Loads' button above. Needs more verifying for accuracy. All this information is helpful so I can tell GAP to extend the chamber. And 63.5 gr of H1000, some pressure signs, nothing crazy. I have about 90 pieces of fire-formed Winchester brass, 700 F210M primers, and my die set arrived in the mail yesterday, so I'm ready to start some load development. That bullet shoots awesome when you hit that sweet spot in seating depth. slide 3 to 4 of 24. Return To Products. So far loads have been hornady brass, cci 250 primers. Look forward to hearing your results. My speeds are around 3005 fps, I cannot seem to get better than .75" groups. They are accurate but I've shot the 143gr ELDX in my 6.5 Creedmoor and they are crazy accurate. Thanks for sharing and nice elk! Model AP-MBP 7.65mm Pistol: Hungarian Walther PP Look-Alike, Non-Lethal Personal & Home Defense with Byrna, Range Tested: EAA Girsan Pistols & Shotguns, New for 2023: Christensen Arms Modern Hunting Rifle (MHR), New for 2023: All-American RIA 5.0 Sporting Pistol, New for 2023: FN Rush 9Ti Pistol Suppressor, New Big Bore Pistols for 2023: FN 510 Tactical and FN 545 Tactical, New for 2023: FN SCAR 15P Rifle Caliber Pistol, First Look: Taurus Raging Hunter 460 Magnum Revolver With 10.5-Inch Barrel, New-for-2023 Taurus Judge Executive Grade 410/.45 Colt Revolver, Smith & Wesson Equalizer and the Brand New M&P 5.7 Pistol. I plan on getting in to reloading for the 280AI in the future. box; To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies. Very happy with the cost to performance ratio so far! For bolt actions, just follow the usual precautions for minimal sizing to prolong case life and you're set. Most loading manuals make mention of this. Hey Brian, looks like we are on the same timeline, although I think you have a better powder store. 3010 fps out of a 26" barrel. Nosler Custom Unprimed Brass For 280 Ackley 50 Per Box Md: 10175. The 145-grain Speer Grand Slam was close behind at .76 inch. Head to Head: .280 Remington vs. .280 Ackley Improved, Hornady Adds Nine New Calibers to Precision Hunter Line, Fiocchi USA Appoints David Blenker As New CEO After Anthony Acitellis Retirement | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, Companies Announce Spring Savings Deals | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Behind the Bullet: .17 HMR | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Product Preview: 7th Edition Ammo Encyclopedia | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New for 2023: Savage Arms Impulse Driven Hunter, First Look: ZeroTech Thrive HD Binoculars | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Launching 2023: KelTec R50 Rifle | NRA Family, New For 2023: Glock 47 MOS | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 11 New Ammo Options For 2023 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Savage Arms 110 PCS | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Davidson's Winchester Model 1895 Texas Ranger's Edition | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Colt King Cobra Target .22 LR | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Coyote Hunting Basics | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Product Preview: Holosun SCS-MOS Green | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 3 Self Defense Myths That Just Won't Go Away | NRA Family, How to Select New Sights for Old Rifles | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Shotgunning 101: The Perfect Gun Mount | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Glass Bedding A Rifle Stock | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New 4473 Released By BATFE | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Member's Hunt: Road Trip | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Springfield Launches New Online Shopping Experience | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Sarco, Inc. 2nd Amendment Pint Glass | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Fiocchi: Ammunition With Italian Flair | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Glocks MOS pistol/optic mounting interface, Top 4 Ways to Carry a Binocular | NRA Family, New for 2023: Burris Veracity PH Hunting Rifle Scope | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Preview: Mission First Tactical 24-oz. DeepCurl. I moved closer to the lands, about .008 out. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding., New Federal .284/7mm 155 Grain Edge TLR Bullet Review, Help me troubleshoot issue with ELR load please, 6.5 PRC hodgdon superformance load development. The SCAR 15P is chambered for 5.56 NATO and, with its 7.5-inch barrel, is the most compact SCAR to date. Sign up to receive new product announcements, special offers, and the annual product catalog. TS-X; Nosler 140-gr. Quality Cartridge Brass 280 Remington Ackley Improved (SAAMI/Nosler Spec) Unprimed Bag of 20 . Highly accurate cup-and-core, polymer-tipped and Partition bullets cover most bases, and new bonded bullets and several . Peterson Brass 280 . His maximum load for 4350 was 50.0 grains for 2,935 fps. Hornady Manufacturing Company load data in .280 Rem. Nosler case, 62gr H4831sc, fed 210m. Thanks for the advice Hookturnr. anyone have experience with this bullet in the 280 AI. If you require a larger quantity, or have a special project need, please call us we will be able to assist you! Was getting 3030 fps out of 25" barrel. The cases allow proper seating of the bullet, not only in the case, but in the chamber as well.</p> Hot-Cor SP; Speer 145-gr. Load Data / Description. Looking to try some n565 with 168-180 gr bullets, does anyone with quickload have a good starting point? Good thread.Ive got my brass primed and ready to load 162 eld-x but haven't/can't decide on which powder. Hornady Brass 280 Ackley Improved Unprimed Box of 50 . Also known as the .280 Ackley Improved or the .280 Remington Ackley Improved, the .280 AI is basically a .280 Remington case (itself a .30-06 Springfield case necked down to 7mm/.284") that's . Fire-forming load, 280 rem brass, CCI 200 primer, H4381SC, Hornady 162 BTSP interlock bullet. Sierra's 150-grain Spitzer Boat Tail is a good all-around bullet, and the Hawkeye really took to it, regularly punching small groups; Hybrid 100V and IMR 4831 were the standouts here. Just got my 280 AI put together after "thinking about it" for 10 years. Our third rifle was a non saami spec 280 40 degree improved. Has anyone loaded this particular round or at least the 162Amax? 280 AI was standardized by Nosler in 2008 and, SAAMI approved, is now being sold as factory loaded ammunition. That goes for any cartridge theyre suited for, and the .280AI is one of those. With the ELDM bullets in 280 AI, 7 WSM and the 6.5 cartridges I load for. With its excellent ballistics, modest recoil and versatile bullet selection, the .280 Remington is the obvious answer. Rather ingenious, Ackleys cartridge delivers roughly 300 fps more than Remingtons factory SAAMI-spec .280 load, thanks to a chamber with less body taper and a steeper 40-degree shoulder. I have always liked the Amax bullets so it makes sense to at least try these 162Eldx in my 280AI. I got a ProChrono DLX for Christmas and have not gotten to mess with it. I cant remember the velocity. You probably won't be able to fit enough h1000 in the case to get extreme pressure, but with a moderately compressed load you might be in a good place. If I recall correctly, Nosler data showed H4831sc most accurate for a couple different weight projectiles. Medium-burning-rate powders work best in pumps and autoloaders. Sorry, I know this is a 280AI thread, but I have other experience with the ABLR. Hornady loads the 162-grain ELD-X in their Precision Hunter line at 2,850 fps, and Federal offers three different loads, including the 140-grain Trophy Copper Tip in the Meat Eater line, the 168-grain Berger Hybrid Hunter and their fantastic 155-grain Terminal Ascent bullet. Basic Pistol Data [PDF] Basic Rifle Data [PDF]. Looking forward to dialing it in. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Graf and Sons was one of the places I checked daily for a while. But, the 63.0 gr of N165, I shot a 5 round grouping of .337 @ 100 yds. $58.99. Our .280 AIs have an ultrahard head, and a thicker web which allows . Exclusions apply. It doesnt hurt that premium big-game rifles, like Kimbers Mountain Ascent, are chambered in the mighty .280 AI and have gained a cult-like following among serious mountain hunters. Joe Kurtenbach and Caleb Giddings also look at the first-ever optics-ready carry revolvers with the new Taurus 605 and 856 T.O.R.O. Hornady 162-grain Precision Hunter ELD-XAn ideal pairing, Hornady offers the .280 Ackley in its Precision Hunter line with a 162-grain ELD-X bullet. Noslers saami spec or the original ackley improved 40 degree? While factory loaded ammunition remains fairly limited, several manufacturers, including Hornady and Federal, have continued to add new .280 AI offerings. The .280 really comes into its own with the slower powders in a bolt action. Our test rifle this month is an example of one of the more recent entries - a Ruger Hawkeye that I bought new in 2009. In 1979 Remington - in the first of a series of puzzling PR moves - changed the name to 7mm-06 Remington. The app is extremely convenient for keeping shot lists, notes, pictures, etc. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Grafs had some a few weeks ago. I love my. Obsolete reloading data that has been retired from our Handbook of Cartridge Reloading is available. Definitely gonna keep up with this. We carry top reloading brands like Hornday, Lee Precision, RCBS, Lyman, and more. I have 162 and 175 ELD-X projos to load, leaning towards the 175s. Took over two weeks to process order but I just got an email it's on the way. I was shooting 60 grains of RL26 with 162 eldx in 280 AI last week. hornady 6.5 Creedmoor Brass 50cnt Our Price: $39.99. The TaurusTX 22 Compact delivers class-leading reliability, capacity, and shootability in a 22 LR platform, and it's cut for a slide-mounted mini red dot. <p>Hornady's brass cases offers re-loaders excellent uniformity in wall thickness, weight, and internal capacity. Projectile. Best Prices. I'm speaking in generalities to give you an example. Finally, in a random act of marketing sanity, Remington quietly changed the name back to .280 a few years later, which, by all reports, it is still known today. JavaScript is disabled. Since its inception in the late 1950s, the cartridge has continued to pick up steam among big-game hunters, especially those looking to extend their maximum effective range on medium- to large-bodied animals. Remington currently produce four loads for the .280 including, the 140 grain Core-Lokt at an advertised 3000fps, the 140 grain Accutip at 3000fps, the 150 grain Core-Lokt at 2890fps and the 165 grain Core-Lokt round nose bullet at 2820fps. The E-Tip load is great for lead restricted states or for large-bodied game like elk and moose for which maximum penetration and solid bullet construction are an absolute must. Reloading 280 AI and 150-162 gn ELD-X brikwhitt Aug 9, 2017 Aug 9, 2017 #1 brikwhitt Beginner Oct 9, 2016 129 0 Trying to get a good guesstimate on the ELD-X'S compared to the 150gn ABLR. I think the Accubond LR is great for deer, not so much for ELK. Download the Reloading Handbook as an Apple iBook or get it on your Kindle. Looking at the post the other day it seems the 280AI has a decent following here so maybe it should have a thread. The rifle is a custom build on a trued 700 stainless action, 26" Douglas magnum contour barrel. Home; Our Story; Forum; Filter Products . Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . MSRP: $45.99 per 20-rnd. Reduce the loads shown here by about 6 percent for such rifles. Due to the packaging and shipping process, case necks are often slightly dinged or bent and need to be rounded up and sized to give proper neck tension. Bob Meinert, FN Marketing Director, introduces FN's first commercial pistol suppressor, the FN Rush 9Ti. Any data would help, thank you very much. You can also check in our bullet database for which, .17 Hornet || .172 | 17gr | Hornady V-MAX, .17 Hornet || .172 | 20gr | Hornady V-MAX, .17 Hornet || .172 | 25gr | Hornady V-MAX, .17 Rem. Designed with a Heat Shield tip to prevent melting and to ensure the highest in-class BC over its entire trajectory, the ELD-X performs well at long or close range, giving hunters a terminally effective bullet no matter the distance. Was RL 26 the only powder that you tried? I have only shot 168 Berger Classic Hunters out of my 280AI with H4831SC. . Powders include IMR The new rifle is built on an aluminum billet chassis with carbon-fiber forend and cheek riser featuring V-block bedding. JavaScript is disabled. Superformance delivers striking velocities in cartridges like the 22-250 Remington, 243 Winchester and 300 Winchester Short Magnum. Head to Head: .280 Ackley Improved vs. 7mm Rem. Below youll find some basic data for each cartridge to help get you started. Both of these powders produce MOA accuracy (actually better with accubond 150's) in my 280 AI, I like the 4350 a little more in the 160 gr bullet weights., Help me troubleshoot issue with ELR load please, Allen Precision 6.5-280AI Bartlein/McMillan. American shooters know a good thing when they see it. A perennial shooter's question is, "Should I buy a .270 or .30-06?" We won't use them anymore. Highly accurate cup-and-core, polymer-tipped and Partition bullets cover most bases, and new bonded bullets and several lead-free projectiles add to the .280's versatility. The .280 Ackley Improved casing will launch a 7mm, 120 gr. Introducing the latest products from the worldwide leader in ammunition. It was nosler 280 AI brass so not much fireform but I like to work with at least once fired brass for load workup. Mag. By FOGGER, December 9, 2017 in Rifles, Reloading and Gunsmithing. It killed it but the bullet is too soft. ELDx in their 280 AI? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Heres how to avoid the poseurs and choose the right one. box; I've got plenty of RL 17,22 and H4831sc, H4350 and some other powders. Boy, was I surprised.. Another additional note, the chronograph is a ProChrono DLX that I now have about 100 rounds over. Just got my 280 AI put together after "thinking about it" for 10 years. 7828, 4831, or RL22 with the 160s should get you around 2900fps. JavaScript is disabled. Poor ES and SD numbers. Accuracy and terminal performance are the cornerstones of Hornady Precision Hunter factory loaded ammunition. We are engineers, reloading enthusiasts and operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. I tried to buy the last 500 piece lot and it went out of stock when I was putting in my info. I tried H4350 in a 7mm-08 and in my wife's .270 before. hornady 308 Win Match Unprimed Brass 50 Cnt Our Price: $39.99. Even if they didn't always know what to call it. That goes for any cartridge they're suited for, and the .280AI is one of those. of energy from the muzzle. 120 Grain; 140 Grain; 150 Grain; 160 Grain; 168 Grain; 175 Grain; 185 Grain; NOSLER. Grouping was actually pretty good with all three loads 58, 58.5, and 59.0 grs. Ive loaded a couple 280 AIs currently have one with a proof 24 carbon fiber running the 175 EH and reloader 23 around 2930, had it up to 2975 but not super accurate. For larger game animal applications, Nosler also offers the 140-grain bullet in the .280 Ackley AccuBond variant. 3050fps for 145 Barnes LRX over 7828SSC out of my 22" barreled Rem 700. I'm heading to Idaho next weekend for a mule deer hunt so being in a time crunch I set aside a weekend and had high hopes that this would be a smooth ordeal. Sort By: Items Per Page: We have 280 Ackley Improved dies for sale from great brands like Forster, Hornady, Lee, Lyman, RCBS, and Redding Reloading Products. 58.5 4831 sc. Load data for 52 loads in caliber .280 Rem. Ackley after he added a 40-degree shoulder to Fred Huntingtons .280 RCBS Improved. Article / review of the Federal TLR 155gr .284 bullet loaded in a 280ai and used on multiple game during a African hunt. Just not in that order! I have to fire form brass for it. I do have some Magpro powder as well. Hornady's lock-n-load modified case is readily available to fit most popular rifle chambers and is manufactured to saami specs. All 3 rifles shoot it under 1/2 for 3 shots and they are hunting rifles. Bottles & 12-oz. I just bought a 270 Tikka for my 280AI build I have been thinking about a long time. Like the bound and eBook versions, the Hornady Reloading App provides all the information needed to successfully reload a variety of rifle and handgun cartridges. Caleb Giddings, Marketing Manager at Taurus, introduces the all-new TaurusTX 22 Compact. Refine by Cartridge: 280 Ackley Improved 280 Remington (51) Refine by Cartridge: 280 Remington 284 Winchester (51) Refine by Cartridge: 284 Winchester 28 Nosler (49) . Its certainly not always about speed with the heavy bullets but I reckon seating depth will be the thing that really tightens up your groups now. For example, 140 grain berger VLD Hunting bullets will have a greater jump than a berger 180 grain VLD hunting bullet if your chamber is cut for the 180 bullets. Its 22-inch barrel is cut with a steep 1:9 1/2 twist that'll handle just about any 7mm bullet available. Picking three of my favorite test rifles, each vastly different from the others, I loaded 10-round test batches in three different calibers: 6.5 Creedmoor (N560 with Hornady 140-grain ELD Match), .300 Win. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Hodgdon Powder Company and Hornady have teamed together to answer the reloading question; "Can I buy the powder used in Hornady Superformance factory ammunition?" Superformance delivers striking velocities in cartridges like the 22-250 Remington, 243 Winchester and 300 Winchester Short Magnum. Due to the monometal construction, the 140-grain E-Tip is lighter than comparable lead-core bullets but still delivers a whopping 3050 fps and 2,904 ft.-lbs. Same load with the 195's was disappointing at about .9 moa @ 100 2853fps - still have some work to do. Volume Discounts Available . That was the node i found as well. Quantity. I have had fliers with the ELDX bullets in several calibers. I'd probably use it if I couldn't get a hold of any H4831. Spitzer BT; Sierra 150-gr. Description. Looked at the threads here and didn't see one for the 280. Any data would help, thank you very much. Then, in 2019, Hornady introduced a 162-grain ELD-X bullet loaded in the .280 AI, adding it to the excellent Precision Hunter line of ammunition. . Now, the truth is, the Hawkeye's accuracy when I got it wasn't great. The Hybrid Hunter combines a tangent and secant ogive, allowing for maximum accuracy out of factory barrels and impressive BCs for downrange accuracy. The .280 AI was developed by modifying the case from the .280 Remington. Grand Slam; Speer 160-gr. Fireball || .172 | 17gr | Hornady V-MAX, .17 Rem. Errata pages are available for several past publications of ourHandbook of Cartridge Reloading. You can drop down a notch or two in bullet weight for a given species and still get good expansion and deep penetration with these tough bullets. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Savage Arms has announced the newest model in its series of straight-pull rifles, the Impulse Driven Hunter. Has anyone loaded this particular round or at least the 162Amax? rl 26 was the only powder I tried. Fully Prepped And Ready To Reload. .280 Remington Ackley Improved / .280 Ackley Improved (Hodgdon Data - IMR Powder) reloading data with 126 loads. Occasionally, we will temporarily publish load data on this page when a bullet becomes available and is not yet listed in the latest edition of the handbook. You are using an out of date browser. It was fine in .270, just had better results with other propellants. JavaScript is disabled. 180 gr ELD-M with h1000, PP 4000MR or rl26 are all good powders. We use cookies to make your experience better. Description: Lot of 197 Rounds still in original boxes. All powder charges were weighed, although after a load is selected, the use of a powder measure would be quite acceptable. I also backed off the powder from 63.5 gr to 62, and the groups are getting down to around 1/2 inch. Address:, Gartenweg 9, 83661 Lenggries, Germany. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Matching Laods. Shellholders: Hornady #1 The jacket and core are designed to expand rapidly after penetrating roughly 3 to 5 inches in flesh as the bullet sheds 40 to 90 percent of its weight. Spuhr 4002 scope mount 0Mil 34MM rings, $400 338 cast projectiles with gas check, $50 Hornady full length resize and seating die 338 Lapua magnum $220 6.5 x 55 Swedish $120 RCBS neck sizing die 338 Lapua magnum $110 6.5 x 55 Swedish $110 Mixed fired brass: 338 Lapua Magnum - 80 Lapua cases $300 - 110 mixed cases $150 6.5 x 55 . There was another at 46.5, but it was really slow. That'll make short work of just any game you encounter. Speed champ was the 120-grain Barnes TS-X at 3,139 fps, and the smallest group average was .75 inch with the Sierra 140-grain Spitzer Boat Tail. Where the heck did you find Peterson brass???? I emailed them to ask if they knew when some would be in stock. Just reloaded some 180 ELD-M but haven't shot them yet. However, anything greater than that and accuracy falls off. Reviews. ", Running hs4831sc at 2875fps 150 grain not the hottest load but most accurate and does its job. The reloader can choose from a great selection of traditional and high-tech 7mm bullets - from 100 to 175 grains. Please help us to improve and report any suggestions via our contact form. Facing off in a handgun challenge featuring the smallest professional-grade enclosed red dot sight on the market, Eric and Tom put the Acro P-2 to the distance test by doing a walk-back challenge. I'll send you PM if anything looks good. Likewise, Nosler has expanded the number of loads and bullet choices it offers in the Trophy Grade and Custom lines, giving hunters more reason than ever to utilize the cartridge. , etc as Ilol be hand loading and will need to ask if they did see! Extremely convenient for keeping shot lists, notes, pictures, etc did n't see one the! Hold of any H4831 designed for reloading tell GAP to extend the chamber mounted Nitrex... The 280AI has a decent following here hornady load data for 280 ai maybe it should have a good.! To reload to find out for yourself Improved casing will launch a 7mm, 120.. Cookies are disabled pretty good with all three loads 58, 58.5, and 59.0 grs??. Is CCI magnum or benchrest - you may find that helps bring down your.... Ogive, allowing for maximum accuracy out of factory barrels and impressive BCs downrange. Please enable Javascript in your browser before proceeding brass 50 Cnt our Price: 39.99. 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For 52 loads in caliber.280 Rem from our Handbook of cartridge reloading is available as low as per... ; thinking about it & quot ; for 10 years 3005 fps i... Was Another at 46.5, but it was fine in.270, just follow the usual for. With its 7.5-inch barrel, is now being sold as factory loaded ammunition, polymer-tipped and Partition bullets most... Special offers, and a VGA 2-pound adjustable vertical-grip stock Page 1 of 2 changed the name to 7mm-06.... I know this is a good starting point starting with H4350 powder that you tried ; for years. Ackley 50 per box Md: 10175 basic data for each cartridge to help get you.. Pdf ] better powder store stocky 's Owner Don Bitz walks David Faubion through the 's. Load data for 52 loads in caliber.280 Rem gr ELD-M with,... How to avoid the poseurs and choose the right direction regarding accuracy and! Apple iBook or get it on your Kindle 145 Barnes LRX over out. Interlock bullet, but it was fine in.270, just had better results with other propellants stocky Owner... 150 gr swift sciroccos.050 off, tried H4831sc, H4350 and some other powders just! For minimal sizing to prolong case life and you 're set remains fairly limited, manufacturers. Model in its Precision Hunter factory loaded ammunition game animal applications, Nosler data showed most., saami approved, is the most powerful ballistics calculators awesome when you hit that sweet spot in depth. 280Ai load is selected, the.280 is 60,000 psi just bought a 270 Tikka for my build. Although i think the accubond LR is great for deer, not so much ELK! Have an ultrahard head, and the.280AI is one of those in. Shot lists, notes, pictures, etc after a load is 59.5gr with a 162-grain ELD-X bullet,. With your email address to receive new product announcements, special offers, and.280AI. 7Mm bullet available `` thinking about a long time it under 1/2 for 3 shots they... 126 loads about.008 out from left to right: Hornady 139-gr ; thinking about a time! The annual product catalog approved, is the obvious answer sure to turn on Javascript your. Deep knowledge of ballistic science and access our Improved ballistic calculator the store will not work correctly in the when! To reloading for the 280AI has a decent following here so maybe it should a... N'T see one for the 280AI has a decent following here so maybe it should have a special need! N'T always know what to call it i have 162 and 175 ELD-X projos load. 200 primer, H4381SC, Hornady offers the 140-grain bullet in the 280 AI put together after quot! X27 ; s lock-n-load modified case is readily available to hornady load data for 280 ai most popular rifle chambers and is manufactured saami. And impressive BCs for downrange accuracy CCI 250 primers H4350 in a 280AI thread but! H1000 280AI load is 59.5gr with a set of Hornady new Dimension dies ve shot the ELDX... But have n't shot them yet 162 and 175 ELD-X projos to them... Cartridge brass 280 Ackley 50 per box Md: 10175 the.280 really comes into its own the., 58.5, and the 6.5 cartridges i load for 4350 was 50.0 grains 2,935! The 143gr ELDX in 280 AI put together after & quot ; for 10 years, we need to for...???????????????... Knew when some would be quite acceptable its Precision Hunter ammunition manufacturers, including Hornady and Federal, have to... With H4831sc loaded Precision Hunter factory loaded ammunition on pickup thread, but i like to work at... Faubion through the company 's new rifle is built on an aluminum chassis. A 280AI and used on multiple game during a African hunt loads shown here by about 6 percent such. ; 2 ; Next ; Page 1 of 2 126 loads they did n't always know to. Bought a 270 Tikka for my 280AI build i have always liked the Amax so... Too soft and ready to load 162 hornady load data for 280 ai but haven't/ca n't decide on which powder via contact. 162Eldx in my 280AI with H4831sc and accuracy falls off a few months later became! A deep knowledge of ballistic science and access our Improved ballistic calculator is 60,000 psi the use a! Imr powder ) reloading data is available cup-and-core, polymer-tipped and Partition bullets most! Like to work with at least the 162Amax used on multiple game during a hunt. Hey Brian, looks like we are on the same timeline, although i think the accubond is. Douglas magnum contour barrel perennial shooter 's question is, the chronograph is a build... Like to work with at least try these 162Eldx in my 6.5 Creedmoor 50cnt!
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