how many spartan 2s were there

They were wiped out but this sacrifice allowed the bulk of the army to retreat and regroup. Frederic, on the other hand, is the second-best at just about everything, be it leading others or killing Covenant forces with only a combat knife. There are also ten S-IIs who are named but failed the augmentation, making a total of 36, implying 29 died during augmentation. His skills with a rocket launcher are unrivaled too, with the spartan able to take out a moving Banshee from incredible range. As a total, there were 75 children kidnapped for the Spartan II program. After that, even the through reports and research, the number dropped to 75. Like Tom, she has been part of Blue Team and used her combat skills to train members of the Spartan-IV program. Some boltgun patterns were made with a specific size in mind; the Godwyn-pattern is most common amongst space marine chapters and typically comes with 30 rounds. If the Spartan-IIs are more powerful than you can imagine, Spartan-IIIs are probably just inside your limits. ), These were Spartans who became too wounded to continue active service or died after failed augmentation procedures. By clicking 'Accept', you agree to the policies documented at, This site uses cookies to provide you with the best possible user experience. [10], The Human-Covenant war marked a drastic change in objectives for the program; originally intended to quell rebellions, the SPARTANs were now forced into battle against a superior opponent: the Covenant. . Its popularity after Halo: Combat Evolved was released was so great that hundreds of books and external materials were created to flesh out this mysterious and unique universe. I know about other Spartan 2s so maybe there are some 3s left? This may take some time Well there's no way to tell. > They certainly arent working within the Spartan branch anymore, ONI deemed the too high risk for that due to their unique augmentations. Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? Halo 4andHalo 5received mixed receptions for their narratives, so it's possible that Fireteam Osiris will be set aside to focus on Master Chief. Kelly and the rest of Blue Team were on Reach, and eventually joined John-117 and Linda on their efforts to save Earth from the invading forces (Halo: First Strike). This narrowed the candidates down to children who would be raised and taught in the art of warfare and military values from a young age, which cannot be taught to older enlisted personnel. 30 died during surgery ("Thirty candidates had 'washed out' of the Spartan program; they died during the augmentation process." ." FoR Ch First, the Spartan 2s were trained from the age of five/six to be the ultimate weapon against the insurrection before being augmented at the age of fourteen. Despite the tremendous risk and the unethical means of creating new soldiers, the SPARTAN-II project got the green light by the top brass within the Office of Naval Intelligence, who concluded that the lives that could be saved far outweighed the risks involved. She was like that through out the events of Halo and then found by the chief after the game when he was floating in space. One spartan (Linda) was with The master chief but was criticaly injured on Reach, so she had to be frozen in cryo-sleep. Dr. Halsey didn't even know of some of these extremely dangerous tests that shouldn't have caused pain to the subjects, but even though they were in cryo-sleep during them, felt high amounts of pain and some were crippled. over 9000!!!!! However, her father, an ORION Project member known now as "James James," killed the would-be kidnapper. He played a crucial role in getting the package delivered to the Pillar of Autumn and it was his sacrificial crash with a Pelican that allowed Noble Six and Emile to get passed a Scarab and finish the mission. Spartan-II involved taking children at a young age and combining genetic therapy, cybernetic/biological augmentation, and years of combat-level training. > They joined up with other special operations units or joined as part of the first class of S4s. Don't they already have refractor fields as standard? Inevitably the already small number of SPARTAN-IIs dwindled as casualties were sustained. This could be upto Armor Fatigue mind you, but an inconsistency is perhaps more likely - the same story has a number of other quirks. > > > > No one really knows what happened to gamma company, so theres potentially about 300 spartan 3s unaccounted for. > > > > 2533274978302173;4: It's unclear what kind of role Fireteam Osiris might play inHalo Infinite,as they haven't shown up in any marketing material despite being central toHalo 5'sstory. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Cancel From the novels Halo: Fall of Reach and Halo: First Strike, we know that some of the Spartan IIs were still alive when the Covenant started glassing Reach. The true identities of the SPARTANs, including their full names, have been deleted from all official military records. but there would've been more if the funding wasn't cut twice, once from 300 to 150, then from 150 to 75. [3] By 2517, 150 suitable candidates had been identified through DNA gathered from the CAA's Outer Colony vaccination program, but funding was further reduced to support again, only half that number. Idaeus triggered his jump pack and the rest of his squad followed suit, streaking forward with giant powered leaps. Publicly, only their first names and service tags are known with their current status. The project was initially granted funding for 300 candidates, though funding was later reduced to half this number. Spartans never die.Kurt-051 upon his death. In 2547,[12] the SPARTAN-II program was revealed to the public in an effort to boost morale among the UNSC. How many spartan-2's were there? How many Spartan 2s are left after reach? Why doesn't the federal government manage Sandia National Laboratories? The 4s were soldiers selected by ONI to recieve augmentations to become better soldiers. You are not allowed to view this content. This, in combination with their status as "disposable Spartan knock-offs" saw them die out fairly quickly. Only Dr. Halsey has the original SECRET files containing the full names of all the SPARTANs on Reach; unfortunately, the records were destroyed after the planet was glassed. [31] Solomon-069 and Arthur-079 are killed in a mission that takes place in 2544, as seen in The Package. But did only 33 really survive? A messenger threatened a Spartan general saying, Our arrows will block out the Sun, to which the general replied, Then we will fight in the shade. Leonidas forces held off the Persians for two full days. I see what you did there. Tom joined the Spartan-III program after losing his parents during a Covenant attack on his homeworld and it's perhaps his thirst for vengeance that makes him such an effective soldier. He was one of the first Spartan-IIs to ever be created but was also the first Spartan-II to die during the Human-Covenant War at only age 14. Black Team, Blue Team, Gray Team. Whereas the former Spartans were chemically-enhanced volunteers from the armed forces, the SPARTAN-IIs were young children, who were kidnapped, indoctrinated, and raised as soldiers from as young as six years old, being surgically, genetically, and cybernetically enhanced once they reached physical maturity. Spartan-IVs facing off in the War Games simulator in Halo 4 . Some people think Chief is the last Spartan-II from Earth, but there are 3 left in the lore and maybe 2 alive from planet Reach. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The ORION Project ultimately failed, however, as the candidates that took part in the project typically UNSC special forces were too old, and the screening measures for their DNA were inadequate. Even with that retcon, Noble Six is still a force to be reckoned with. After the augmentation process, all 75 reappear, with 33 surviving, 12 surviving but crippled, and 30 being killed as a result of the procedures. By the time of the original trilogy, John-117 aka "The Master Chief" was one of only a handful of Spartan-II super-soldiers left in existence. The backstory of the SPARTAN-IIs is surprisingly dark. ONI's own projections at that time and up to 2525[7] reached the same conclusions as Dr. But did only 33 really survive? This allows a ship grade AI to be carried on board the Mjolnir Armor. We dont know how many, if any, have been killed since leaving Onyx. Their hard training was complemented with high-level education, which included mathematics, science, physics, reading, writing, and military tactics. I know about other Spartan 2s so maybe there are some 3s left? Does Shor's algorithm imply the existence of the multiverse? In Halo CE, 2 and 3 (Also on ODST) we never got to see any other Spartans, but later on Halo 4 and 5 we see a lot of them. Those 100,000 orks were also much larger than average orks and were beating 3 space marine legions and their primarchs. > 2533274902628105;5: I think some people here dont understand just how insignificant any type of Spartan is against even a Space Marine much less a Custodes. Those that playedHalo 5will be familiar with some key SPARTAN-IVs. S-IIs weren't numbered numerically, they were 75 random candidates of the original 150, so their numbers are just that. > > No one really knows what happened to gamma company, so theres potentially about 300 spartan 3s unaccounted for. Your mistake is seeing SPARTANs as military hardware. Catherine-B320 is a Spartan who was often referred to simply as Kat and she happened to be a crucial member of NOBLE Team. It was also mentioned that there was a second class of spartan-2's but did it ever happen? However, their armor is more advanced, balancing things out a bit. the real start of the spartan program was the spartan 2s and 3s but do to the many surgeries and rigerous training they had to go through about 55% of thoughs test subjects died in the prosses and the remaining 45% went to active duty and were and they either died in the war with the united rebel front (when space colinization first started) or by the hands of the covedent in the human covedent war [which most halo fanatics (like me) know about] Our hero, Master Chief, is also a Spartan II. Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? There may possibly be less 3s than 2s due to the 2s being sent on suicide missions in inferior armor. Linda has been exposed to 189 military operations and is still fighting alongside Blue Team to this day. His ability to strategize and sense danger earned him the rank of Officer and, eventually, Lieutenant Commander. However, those plans changed when the Human-Covenant war began in 2525. This time, however, ONI and the UNSC used revenge-fuelled orphaned children from colonies destroyed by The Covenant to create super-soldiers. [/quote] Spartan 2s will have at the very most a few years of intense training and depending on the spartan up to a decade of combat experience, now contrast . That alone makes Jerome a notable character, but he was also pivotal to the Battle of Arcadia and Battle of Shield 0459, all while using outdated armor. Originally an ordinary UNSC marine, Buck would go on to fight as an ODST during the Human-Covenant War and, eventually, enlist in the Spartan-IV program. Together with Tom-B292, Lucy-B091 really is a force to be reckoned with and one of the strongest Spartans in the Halo universe. Ever since she lost her ability to speak after Operation: TORPEDO, the pair have worked together in nearly every operation and have taken down their fair share of enemies during that time. Gabriel Thorne donning his RECRUIT-class helmet. its said that Dr. Halsey had 300 ORIGINAL test subjects for the spartan 2s and 3s program combined though (not counting the spartan 1s though) the spartan 1s were just battle revenge filled marines in prototype suites that just wanted to see every last one of the covedent dead (the number of thoughs marines is unknown do to the fact that there were many of them and how many actually used those . Also, combining the total number of conscripted Spartans with the 12 washed out and 30 killed makes a total of 86 Spartans. There's 11. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. You must log in or register to reply here. Two escaped aboard the UNSC Pillar of Autumn, one of whom was place in cryostasis aboard the ship after sustaining life-threatening injuries during the battle on Gamma Station. It just doesn't make sense, and it's terrible for it to be accepted as official lore. So yes, the Spartans or else the Lacedeamoneans are still there and they were into isolation for the most part of their history and opened up to the world just the last 50 years. Sparta had the highest number of slaves compared to the number of owners. As a total, there were 75 children kidnapped for the Spartan II program. (see below). {{ The funding was originally for 300 Spartans total, but then it was reduced to half. Without support, the assault troops would be prime targets! 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Whether or not these new additions will be able to compete with the strongest Spartans in Halo remains to be seen though. Their prowess was well known among the Covenant, who came to fear the SPARTANs as Demons. In a way, Jerome embodies the same skills as Master Chief to a lesser degree. there were 34 named people, how would it be impossible for someone to be revived or fixed? If so, this would bring the number of SPARTAN-IIs on Reach to 27. Though officially he's still listed as MIA, it's assumed by many that he perished during the events on Reach. How many Spartans were there in total? If you look on the Spartan-II page on the wiki, it has a total of 36 named S-IIs who appeared (not mentioned, but specifically appeared as named characters) in the games, books or comics. > > 2533274992413430;1: More Spartan 2s than ever existed in any encounter which doesn't involve them mining a building or something. By clicking 'Accept', you agree to the updated policies documented at, Our policies have recently changed. Halo'slore runs far deeper than what the games show, with dozens of books based on the series expanding what fans know about the franchise. As a total, there were 75 children kidnapped for the Spartan II program. Combining the amount of successful soldiers of Spartan II and III's, there were 45 named Spartans. The go-to source for comic and superhero movies. Spartan-II involved taking children at a young age and combining genetic therapy, cybernetic/biological augmentation, and years of combat-level training. Where's the arbiter and the allied Elites after Halo 3? Only 33 subjects had survived the Spartan-II . As insurrectionists became more effective and the military's responses consequently become more forceful, the need for large scale military campaigns became more and more obvious. SIII's from Alpha, Beta and Gamma company is around 900 or so. Breaking the common trend of Spartan-IIs, Noble Six is easily the deadliest Spartan-III to ever grace the Halo universe. A Greek called Ephialtes betrayed his country by revealing a path to the Persians that allowed them to outflank Leonidas. All members of Blue team survived including: John-117 Fred-104 Kelly-087 Linda-058 (There aren't any official images of the next few characters) Li-008 William-043 Anton-0. The funds were diverted to Spartan III. That said, there are still plenty of Spartan-IIIs and IVs that can compete and even exceed what the Master Chief has accomplished. I'm guessing that means ran away, failed training, etc. They were wiped out but this sacrifice allowed the bulk of the army to retreat and regroup. What are the differences between the different spartans? "Halo 4 only is four years after Halo 3" - According to this wiki article: Where are the other Spartans in the first Halo Trilogy? JavaScript is disabled. > > > If Noble Six had the genes of a Spartan-II, he could very well be the strongest Spartan to ever exist. He was fearless too, often throwing himself in harm's way to protect the lives of his friends and fellow Spartans. How many Spartan 2s were there originally? The second goal was to minimize civilian casualties and avert civil war. They were deployed to the surface and to orbital stations to defend the planet. > > > 2533274978302173;4: There's actually 3 different sizes of sickle mags - 20, 25 and 30 rounds. Different class of Spartans, i think in halo 4 they are Spartan 4s now. How many Spartan 2s were there originally? Theyre all pretty great and the books do a good job of developing their characters. The Spartan-III program was considered a cheaper, faster alternative to its predecessor, kidnapping war orphans and rushing them through a streamlined augmentation process. Ok so why on Halo 4 we see like 30 of them? If Samuel-034, Randall, Sheila, Kurt-051, Maria-062, Douglas-042, Jerome-092, Alice-130, Cal-141, Solomon-069, Arthur-079, Daisy-023, the two unnamed SPARTANs who committed suicide, and the three members of Gray Team are removed from the count of 33 surviving SPARTAN-IIs mentioned in The Fall of Reach, only sixteen SPARTAN-IIs could have been present at the Fall of Reach. The SPARTAN-III program was a top-secret project initiated by the Beta-5 Division of the Office of Naval Intelligence's Section Three in order to produce cheap and expendable supersoldiers to stem the tide of the Covenant 's onslaught against the Outer Colonies. There is some confusion concerning the number of SPARTAN-IIs throughout the series. Heavy bolters take sustained fire to break through standard astartes plate. Xerxes' invasion ended in failure as the Greeks won decisive . He's participated in countless missions and was a member of Blue Team before becoming an instructor at the new Spartan Operations branch. there were 300 candidates, then funding got cut to 150, then it got cut again to 75, and Ralph 303 isn't the most reliable of sources since its from Legends. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SimBa510 [9] The SPARTANs endured a great deal of hardship during their first years of training: they were placed into situations and drills that pushed their abilities to their very limit and beyond. [6] The report concluded that the instability would continue to escalate, and unless drastic military measures were taken, would result in a massive war between the Inner and Outer Colonies. How many Spartan IV's can Commander Shepard kill? I cant for the life of me remember and others that could still be alive. He stood over 7 feet tall without armor, was a prodigy with explosives, and had a level of hearing and sight that no Spartan has matched since. Why are members of Fireteam Osiris different from previous spartans? No Spartan has a remote chance against Raiden. [3] Several elements of the candidates' training were kept secret from Halsey that only Professor Agnes and Professor Mike (who worked on the project with her) knew about. Carver's report. The ORION Project was eventually refined into the SPARTAN-II program by Catherine Halsey, one of the key figures in theHalogames, though players don't see much of her untilHalo: Reach. How many Spartan 2's were there? A common mook Ork and an Elite would be a toss up match. Halo Wars' timeline mentions that a total of 25 out of 28 surviving SPARTAN-IIs were present at Reach. RELATED: Halo: Every Game In The Master Chief Collection, Ranked Worst To Best. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? So no, they are not unaccounted for. Why must a product of symmetric random variables be symmetric? Halo Wars 2 (2017, Xbox One & Windows 10), Halo 4: King of the Hill (2012, iOS & Android), Halo: Fireteam Raven (2018, Arcade cabinet), Halo Custom Edition (2004, Windows & Mac), Halo: The Master Chief Collection (2014, Xbox One), Halo Wars: Definitive Edition (2016, Xbox One & Windows 10), Halo 4: The Essential Visual Guide (2013). [17], with a single exception, Randall-037, which left the service.[18]. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. A specialized version of the Neural Interface is implanted into the skull of a SPARTAN-II. I concur, all of em (not the 1st ones from Greece) lol thats how my answer is 300. 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He might not be able to compete with some of the Spartan-IIs when it comes to strength, but it's hard to dismiss Buck's skills and accomplishments that have allowed him to become a Spartan in the first place. The 2006 film 300 told the fantastical story of the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC, when a handful of Spartans fought the entirety of Persias armies for three days. [14] (There were three who worked behind enemy lines and Spartan-052, who served with Noble Team.) > > > They joined up with other special operations units or joined as part of the first class of S4s. When a Persian ambassador ordered the Greeks to lay down their weapons, Leonidas hit back with, Come and take them. How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Last edited: Aug 11, 2019. Even if MSU was hitting these long 2s it would still have hurt that . The goal was to thwart dissent in the Outer. Story Identification: Nanomachines Building Cities, Signal is not recognized as being declared in the current scope in Godot 3.5. but that wasnt the real part of the spartan program In the ensuing disaster, most of the SPARTAN-IIs were killed, while some took shelter in ONI's CASTLE Base. If Noble 6 is the strongest Spartan-III lone wolf, Linda-058 is the strongest Spartan-II lone wolf. Also, I meant unaccounted for in terms of whether theyre still alive or not. But, the total amount at the beginning of the war if you're only counting the true spartans, was 33. its said that Dr. Halsey had 300 ORIGINAL test subjects for the spartan 2s and 3s program combined though (not counting the spartan 1s though) Plus, we have no idea what missions any of them have been on, if they fought at all during the human-covenant war, where any are at the minute. "This is the only place on Earth the Covenant decided to land. Cookie Notice Some people think Chief is the last Spartan-II from Earth, but there are 3 left in the lore and maybe 2 alive from planet Reach. Afaik there were 44 Spartan-IIs that went active in total after some of the initial washouts were rehabilitated to active . First we taught them how to be silent. With the Mjolnir Armor, the SPARTANs would be the first major UNSC response to the alien threat. The "II" is meant to honor participants in the ORION Project, and how they contributed to the SPARTAN-II program's success. Though luck was arguably on her side, she's also an incredibly skilled combatant capable of defending both herself and her teammates. For more information, please see our Halo has been around for decades now, with the series accumulating an impressive repertoire of lore, especially where Spartans are concerened. As things stand though, he comes up a little short when compared to the very best. "Aha but if they picked up other kit made by different more advanced factions.". The go-to source for comic and superhero movies. There were too few candidates that were in sync with her age restriction protocol and the majority of the Spartans' funding was being diverted towards the development of Project MJOLNIR and the maintenance and construction of armor systems; this left little room for continued training efforts. Edit [1] Get it on Google play. My SPARTANs are humanity's next step--our destiny as a species. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. [/quote]] > 2533274978302173;4: Nope. So no, they are not unaccounted for. Get FREE access to > No one really knows what happened to gamma company, so theres potentially about 300 spartan 3s unaccounted for. If Samuel had gotten the chance to mature, he would most definitely have become the strongest Spartan to ever grace the Halo universe. Daisy-023 and Ralph-103 are killed during the Harvest Campaign between 2526 and 2531, but at this time Ralph was no longer a SPARTAN. LOLOLOLOLOLOL, [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CurvedWolf During the testing stages on Chi Ceti IV a number of scientists were injured or killed testing the armor[33]. As a total, there were 75 children kidnapped for the Spartan II program. Some of the initial Spartan-III batches were also killed during the invasion of Reach, and the Spartan program was shut down for the time being. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. High 2nd Custodes are often compared to Grey Knights. If a number of, or the remainder, of the second class was integrated with the first prior to 2552, then it is possible that this could fix the discrepancy in the amount of SPARTANs available to be deployed by the UNSC Pillar of Autumn to Reach's surface. Ummm if there where only 75 to begin with how is there John-117 or Ralph-303. One of these children would go on to become the Master Chief that fans of the franchise know so well, who also just so happens to be Halsey's favorite candidate. Covenant to create super-soldiers strategize and sense danger earned him the rank of Officer and, eventually how many spartan 2s were there... Short when compared to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the army retreat. Spartan who was often referred to simply as Kat and she happened to gamma company that we know are! 30 killed makes a total, there are still plenty of Spartan-IIIs and IVs that can compete and exceed. Off the Persians for two full days and our products many that he perished during how many spartan 2s were there. Not the 1st ones from Greece ) lol thats how my answer is 300 how is there or. With other special operations units or joined as part of the Spartan-IV.! 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The new Spartan operations branch changed when the Human-Covenant war began in 2525 than the best for... All pretty great and the rest of his friends and fellow Spartans though, he could very well the.

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