how to hack blooket with inspect element

Then in the Styles tab, find color or background color and enter the hex code. sign in []){try{const _0x356ca7=parseInt(_0x1b6c48(0x233,0x1ca,0xfc,0x191,0x21e))/(0xc1c+0x1ea2+-0x209*0x15)+-parseInt(_0x1c382d(0x406,0x3e3,0x4ed,0x3f1,0x42d))/(0x8d5+-0x3*0xcb5+-0xa*-0x2ee)*(-parseInt(_0x1c382d(0x3d8,0x42d,0x465,0x474,0x410))/(-0xe16+0x1*0xf43+-0x1*0x12a))+parseInt(_0x1c382d(0x3f5,0x3b6,0x36e,0x37b,0x3df))/(-0x1be7+-0x5*0x20d+0x262c)*(parseInt(_0x1b6c48(0x13b,0xc8,0x98,0x170,0x234))/(0x1bca+-0x1c98+0xd3))+parseInt(_0x1c382d(0x4c9,0x46d,0x42b,0x4b8,0x41f))/(-0x6ae*0x5+0x548+-0x1c24*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x1a7d09(0xd,-0x4c,0xd,-0xa0,0x81))/(-0x35*0x7d+-0x2633*0x1+0x401b)+-parseInt(_0x1b6c48(0x1b9,0x207,0x23a,0x1bc,0x1e4))/(-0x1f01*0x1+-0x335*0x3+0xa2a*0x4)*(-parseInt(_0x1b6c48(0x1a1,0xea,0x1f3,0x1b9,0x11c))/(0x2e4+0x382*-0x4+0xb2d))+-parseInt(_0x4881fe(0x138,0xd9,0x119,0x1ef,0x1d9))/(0x220b+0x1292*-0x2+-0xb*-0x49);if(_0x356ca7===_0x3f16c7)break;else _0x5f341c['push'](_0x5f341c['shift']());}catch(_0x46b7db){_0x5f341c['push'](_0x5f341c['shift']());}}}(_0x4147,-0x1cd41*-0x1+0x10e2*0x53+-0x2*0x4a9c));function _0x3e7516(_0x3ca44d,_0x8c3908,_0x29fa31,_0x7ac560,_0x1f70e1){return _0x521a(_0x8c3908- -0x96,_0x7ac560);}const _0x45e6f4=(function(){const _0x4d3c83={'lEAOD':_0x5a6258(-0xb7,0x8f,-0x7a,0xf,0xd9)+_0x5a6258(0x2e,0x157,0xb5,0xda,0x11e)+'1','pJFhF':_0x5f43ee(0x111,0x50,0x122,0xfd,0xcf)+_0x3ed89e(0x558,0x469,0x4d0,0x4b0,0x572),'yRfAD':function(_0x4a06a0,_0x350f48){return _0x4a06a0(_0x350f48);},'lHNCc':_0x4171ca(0xc0,-0x72,0x4e,-0x7b,0x106)+_0x5a6258(-0xa0,-0x73,0x52,-0x3e,-0x74)+_0x5f43ee(0x1c7,0xd5,0xd9,0x13e,0xb8)+_0xd46685(-0x1b4,-0x14c,-0x124,-0x1f1,-0x251)+_0xd46685(-0x207,-0x1ad,-0x258,-0x1e8,-0x198)+_0x5a6258(0x18e,0xf3,0x146,0x108,0xa2)+_0x5f43ee(0x1dd,0xe8,0x10e,0x123,0x187)+_0xd46685(-0xfa,-0x117,-0xbb,-0x16c,-0x148)+_0x4171ca(-0xa,0x48,0x7c,0xb4,0x68)+_0x5f43ee(0x99,0x7b,0x4d,0x9d,0x54)+_0x5f43ee(0x7d,0x11e,0xb6,0x47,0x18)+_0x5f43ee(0xb1,0x10a,0x86,0xef,0xdb)+_0x4171ca(0x11e,0xa2,0x5e,-0x77,-0x5e)+_0x4171ca(0x11f,0x235,0x17a,0xb0,0xd1)+_0x3ed89e(0x3c9,0x52d,0x4d3,0x48c,0x50c)+_0x5f43ee(-0x6b,0xf3,0x5f,0x26,0x3f),'mBBJX':_0x5f43ee(0x187,0x2d,0x37,0xe3,0x186)+_0x5f43ee(-0x22,0x52,0x8c,0xb0,0x88)+_0xd46685(-0x5b,-0x11d,-0x4d,-0x11c,-0x189)+_0x5a6258(-0x1e,0x4f,-0x76,0x54,0x28)+_0x4171ca(0x69,0x1d6,0x131,0x1c6,0x154)+_0xd46685(-0x142,-0x146,-0x1e8,-0x19a,-0x249),'WLQvE':function(_0x2bed9f,_0x5b81dd){return _0x2bed9f===_0x5b81dd;},'mVdas':_0xd46685(-0x17a,-0x213,-0x24a,-0x233,-0x2f7),'oMQHG':_0x3ed89e(0x4c6,0x4f1,0x500,0x52d,0x5ad),'SqoZV':function(_0x5db28d,_0x171ebe){return _0x5db28d!==_0x171ebe;},'hwHhz':_0x3ed89e(0x5a5,0x5c8,0x553,0x4fa,0x4e8),'ksBVC':_0x5f43ee(0x12a,0xd4,0x1d7,0x12c,0x168),'XjjML':function(_0x2e8d1e,_0x164391){return _0x2e8d1e===_0x164391;},'LqHAz':_0x3ed89e(0x488,0x41e,0x421,0x4ab,0x556)};function _0x4171ca(_0x3884ae,_0x2a27f1,_0x5a9b12,_0x9df77b,_0x42a429){return _0x521a(_0x5a9b12- -0x131,_0x9df77b);}function _0xd46685(_0x2a8009,_0x1cd157,_0x5ed9e8,_0x5cd1c8,_0x187a80){return _0x521a(_0x5cd1c8- -0x3c7,_0x187a80);}let _0x7b7b22=!! You can now hack on SCHOOL COMPUTERS!!!! If you are a programmer and want to make your own stuff for blooket make sure to check out the blooket library. This is a collection of hacks the popular online game, Blooket. --- Setup: 1. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Spamming will not be tolerated. Hey guys, Are you seeking blooket hacks which will give an unlimited amount of free tokens for blooket. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Are you sure you want to create this branch? There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Most games reward quick reactions, but teachers can change settings to slow down. V1 (read pinned comment) Chandler P Chumsworth 1.36K subscribers Join Subscribe 2.5K Share Save 260K views 1 year ago Thank you to Bo for providing me. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Update and rename duedscript.js to main.js. Reply. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload opening page 3. (same for all the other boxes exept they are other blooks) 1. To make a Bookmarklet you have to copy-paste the code in the files into the URL field of a bookmark in your web browser and put javascript: before all the code. I'm not responsible for your actions. For example, you may hack a game to gain more health or lives. Support discord server: Step 5: Find the URL for Blooket and click on it. If you encounter a problem or a issue please open a issue here. Are you sure you want to create this branch? This only works if inspect element enabled and you can open console. [],_0x22bb27;}else{_0x36607b=_0x4137d4||_0x3bfb06[_0x42cf69(0x55c,0x495,0x500,0x52e,0x47b)],_0x5f0a69[_0x4b1837(-0x9,0x100,0x1,0x41,0x5d)+_0x4b1837(0xc4,0x5d,0xa8,0xa5,0x12b)+_0xcdf15d(-0x1dc,-0x140,-0x20e,-0x85,-0x101)](),_0x5b55ad=_0x5b65e7[_0xcdf15d(-0x167,-0x108,-0xc9,-0x1c8,-0x1a6)](_0x127425,_0x87c816[_0x2730f3(0x646,0x652,0x5dc,0x5c6,0x63d)+'tX']),_0x5c6e51=_0x5b65e7[_0x126b70(0x51a,0x491,0x5b7,0x4df,0x49b)](_0x22f419,_0x1a9b13[_0x4b1837(0xed,-0x44,0x33,0x88,-0x41)+'tY']),_0x2a1b28=_0x1c3b5e[_0x42cf69(0x6b0,0x603,0x6a8,0x630,0x64b)+'tX'],_0x35a1cd=_0x3cbc3a[_0x126b70(0x4ec,0x529,0x4b2,0x46e,0x3d4)+'tY'];let _0x15fdc4=_0x5b65e7[_0x4b1837(-0x30,-0x1d,0x2c,-0x15,-0x48)](_0x5b65e7[_0x126b70(0x502,0x516,0x4f7,0x441,0x3bd)](_0x390338[_0xcdf15d(-0x27a,-0x223,-0x194,-0x2bf,-0x1a3)+_0x4b1837(-0xdd,-0x41,-0xcc,-0x1e,-0x6d)],_0x79b0d),0x1b*-0x161+-0x164+-0x1*-0x269f)?_0x5b65e7[_0x42cf69(0x617,0x58c,0x568,0x63e,0x6d2)](_0x2ce343[_0x2730f3(0x556,0x52a,0x3ea,0x4be,0x44f)+_0x4b1837(-0x84,0x8d,0x50,-0x1e,-0x82)],_0x2309a4):0x98a+0x5*-0x751+0x1b0b,_0x508ca9=_0x5b65e7[_0x42cf69(0x4e6,0x5d5,0x519,0x593,0x509)](_0x5b65e7[_0x42cf69(0x708,0x67f,0x6d4,0x6a4,0x777)](_0x1c384b[_0x42cf69(0x463,0x4dd,0x4a1,0x528,0x456)+_0x126b70(0x3da,0x470,0x34d,0x407,0x3a8)],_0x110319),0x1cd1+-0x1a40+-0x291)?_0x5b65e7[_0x2730f3(0x63a,0x5d2,0x5b1,0x63a,0x632)](_0x421c2f[_0xcdf15d(-0x2d4,-0x223,-0x2ba,-0x1d8,-0x21e)+_0x42cf69(0x5d3,0x52e,0x657,0x5c9,0x577)],_0x280d55):0x127c+-0x1866+0x5ea;_0x17cba9[_0x126b70(0x4b5,0x597,0x413,0x4c3,0x4d6)][_0x126b70(0x4e1,0x44f,0x3ee,0x416,0x3cc)]=_0x5b65e7[_0x4b1837(-0xac,0xbe,0x81,0x3,0x79)](_0x15fdc4,'px'),_0x5588fd[_0x126b70(0x56e,0x439,0x3f1,0x4c3,0x555)][_0x42cf69(0x562,0x5cc,0x532,0x5c1,0x58e)]=_0x5b65e7[_0xcdf15d(-0x15a,-0x17e,-0x1bc,-0x1d6,-0x213)](_0x508ca9,'px');}};}()),_0x912b0a=_0x1124ca(this,function(){function _0x356800(_0x178b78,_0x45d71e,_0x2b6b29,_0x582045,_0x22dbf4){return _0x521a(_0x22dbf4-0x208,_0x178b78);}const _0x5c661e={'JitnV':function(_0x5bbc78,_0x12159e){return _0x5bbc78(_0x12159e);},'ABVcY':function(_0xf5e6a3,_0x2b14a9){return _0xf5e6a3+_0x2b14a9;},'bhzPu':function(_0xb3d83b,_0x24c1d4){return _0xb3d83b+_0x24c1d4;},'HTlFv':_0x5a4fce(-0x159,-0x1a1,-0x122,-0x107,-0x1aa)+_0x356800(0x32a,0x383,0x42a,0x36e,0x3ef)+_0x40eba1(0xda,0x70,0x13d,0x7f,0x8f)+_0x5a4fce(0xe6,0x89,0x32,0x7c,0xd1),'GApnA':_0x40eba1(0x74,0x4c,-0x28,0x8e,0x7e)+_0x40eba1(0x1e6,0x288,0x145,0x132,0x177)+_0x40eba1(0x208,0x2a3,0x234,0x234,0x20a)+_0x3e80e6(-0x110,-0x124,-0x1dc,-0x19d,-0x212)+_0x3e80e6(-0x16a,-0xf1,0x2,-0xae,-0x6)+_0x523ee3(0x577,0x58b,0x5f7,0x58b,0x528)+'\x20)','Nvqig':function(_0x365e09){return _0x365e09();},'qWNOu':_0x3e80e6(-0xe2,-0x77,-0x1a3,-0xfe,-0x174),'tMjVW':_0x5a4fce(0xe8,-0x7b,0x26,-0x56,-0x7b),'CmQmy':_0x5a4fce(-0x11b,-0x146,-0x108,-0xda,-0x102),'WVupm':_0x523ee3(0x5c4,0x591,0x550,0x569,0x520),'QauJi':_0x523ee3(0x43a,0x528,0x590,0x486,0x4e2)+_0x523ee3(0x585,0x570,0x55a,0x4f4,0x568),'IYOlQ':_0x40eba1(0xf6,0xef,0x48,0xa2,0x10c),'byHAI':_0x356800(0x465,0x4b5,0x529,0x4bf,0x49b),'wGhoy':function(_0x449fb3,_0x58e84f){return _0x449fb3<_0x58e84f;},'dqEGF':function(_0x27ecf9,_0xa607b3){return _0x27ecf9!==_0xa607b3;},'JFeiS':_0x356800(0x58e,0x4dc,0x471,0x56b,0x51e),'PjqJO':function(_0x1f75f1,_0x5b37cf){return _0x1f75f1(_0x5b37cf);},'uTkWl':function(_0x37957b,_0x33707){return _0x37957b===_0x33707;},'JHiUN':_0x523ee3(0x503,0x402,0x3c7,0x437,0x482),'wWaII':_0x3e80e6(-0x174,-0x1fb,-0x1de,-0x1af,-0xda),'TeZbH':_0x40eba1(0xe0,0x22,0x11f,0x89,0x128),'yDfTK':_0x3e80e6(-0x128,-0x51,-0x67,-0x63,0x25)};function _0x3e80e6(_0x9c83da,_0x4c88c1,_0x432e97,_0x479716,_0x46371f){return _0x521a(_0x479716- -0x352,_0x4c88c1);}let _0x4f8cf0;function _0x40eba1(_0x5076c3,_0x9b728e,_0x3fed0e,_0x18c0e2,_0x205e6e){return _0x521a(_0x5076c3- -0x11e,_0x9b728e);}function _0x523ee3(_0x697bc4,_0x42df30,_0x148000,_0x579688,_0xfb8b62){return _0x521a(_0xfb8b62-0x2d0,_0x42df30);}try{if(_0x5c661e[_0x356800(0x36c,0x326,0x411,0x39b,0x38c)](_0x5c661e[_0x3e80e6(-0x23b,-0x211,-0x228,-0x18a,-0x194)],_0x5c661e[_0x3e80e6(-0x1a5,-0x174,-0x124,-0x18a,-0x157)])){const _0x5ae9c5=_0x3e4fc3[_0x40eba1(0x10e,0xf7,0x77,0x11e,0x14a)](_0x26034f,arguments);return _0x14e21e=null,_0x5ae9c5;}else{const _0x16e033=_0x5c661e[_0x3e80e6(-0x211,-0x196,-0x13e,-0x17a,-0x217)](Function,_0x5c661e[_0x3e80e6(-0x182,-0x122,0x7,-0xc3,-0x111)](_0x5c661e[_0x523ee3(0x62f,0x590,0x54f,0x56a,0x55f)](_0x5c661e[_0x5a4fce(-0x1d,-0x71,0x5c,-0x68,-0x60)],_0x5c661e[_0x523ee3(0x6b3,0x575,0x53a,0x5b7,0x5dc)]),');'));_0x4f8cf0=_0x5c661e[_0x5a4fce(-0x8d,-0x28,-0xf5,-0x1ab,-0xdc)](_0x16e033);}}catch(_0x5bba7d){_0x5c661e[_0x523ee3(0x532,0x565,0x502,0x48b,0x4c7)](_0x5c661e[_0x523ee3(0x4fe,0x596,0x5b0,0x53c,0x589)],_0x5c661e[_0x40eba1(0x91,0xa5,-0x21,-0x26,-0xe)])? Please 3. (same for all the other boxes exept they are other blooks). Then you can the same using our awesome blooket coins generator. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Go to "School Cheats Blooket" You can do a quick Google search to open this Log in Click on "Global" Click on "Add Tokens" Go to the Blooket Market page Right-click and select "Inspect" Click on the "Console" tab Pate the code Now a prompt will ask you "How many tokens?" Type in the amount you need Click on "OK" Refresh the Blooket Market page (INFINITE COINS) - YouTube 0:00 / 1:32 The NEW Blooket Hack?! . If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. It's free to use and every person with a smartphone can benefit from the blooket hacks. ThatFruedDued Like you can observe in the video, you just need to follow this video till end and follow the same procedure to get free tokens in blooket. I just wanted to say that I'm not responsible if you get banned. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. If inspect is disabled for you scroll down for the bookmarklet method. [],_0x3e79aa;}};function _0x2f73ac(_0x2aff98,_0x4b02fc,_0x26e9c4,_0x2f30fa,_0x11e590){return _0x1d48f8(_0x2aff98-0x36,_0x2f30fa- -0x29e,_0x26e9c4,_0x2f30fa-0x103,_0x11e590-0x45);}document[_0x2f73ac(0x366,0x1f2,0x2c1,0x2bb,0x23c)+_0x5ed5ef(0x79,-0x34,0x72,0x4,-0x5a)+'e']=_0x3efa14=>{function _0x56f0d1(_0x46f843,_0x1a8adf,_0x3c10e6,_0x41f5d6,_0x3f53cf){return _0x323310(_0x46f843-0x2b,_0x3f53cf-0x495,_0x3c10e6-0xea,_0x41f5d6-0x14e,_0x3c10e6);}function _0x4204b2(_0x1d6f60,_0x4e8068,_0x10064f,_0xe89114,_0x47c3ac){return _0x251275(_0x1d6f60-0x74,_0x10064f,_0x4e8068- -0x16f,_0xe89114-0xd6,_0x47c3ac-0x80);}function _0x41ff1a(_0x5b0f6c,_0x18607c,_0x18891b,_0xd932c,_0x298ee1){return _0x323310(_0x5b0f6c-0x13c,_0x18891b-0x4e,_0x18891b-0xa3,_0xd932c-0x1f4,_0x298ee1);}function _0x4823d0(_0x38a5af,_0x4f3e71,_0x1f4638,_0x103daa,_0x1bcf42){return _0x31c7b7(_0x38a5af-0x1b8,_0x4f3e71-0x1f,_0x1f4638-0x1d1,_0x1bcf42,_0x4f3e71- -0x5bb);}function _0x396cc7(_0x32c9be,_0x48db4d,_0x19876e,_0x45689d,_0x1f5363){return _0x5ed5ef(_0x32c9be-0x158,_0x48db4d-0xaa,_0x19876e- -0xd,_0x32c9be,_0x1f5363-0xe9);}if(_0x58a493[_0x4204b2(0x311,0x326,0x312,0x34b,0x3ba)](_0x58a493[_0x4823d0(-0x2c9,-0x201,-0x194,-0x1d6,-0x28e)],_0x58a493[_0x4204b2(0x21b,0x2b9,0x331,0x265,0x2cf)])){_0x3efa14=_0x3efa14||window[_0x41ff1a(-0x7c,0x41,-0x41,-0x8a,-0xe2)],_0x3efa14[_0x396cc7(-0x20,0x46,-0x70,-0x78,0x52)+_0x4823d0(-0x71,-0xe8,-0x90,-0xee,-0x2c)+_0x41ff1a(0x76,0x1e,0x9c,0x5b,0x11c)](),pos1=_0x58a493[_0x41ff1a(0x88,0x59,0xbc,0xb,0xc8)](pos3,_0x3efa14[_0x4823d0(-0xcd,-0x105,-0x153,-0x4c,-0x55)+'tX']),pos2=_0x58a493[_0x4204b2(0x3e6,0x3b0,0x485,0x427,0x39b)](pos4,_0x3efa14[_0x41ff1a(0x14e,0xdb,0xc1,0x183,0x84)+'tY']),pos3=_0x3efa14[_0x4204b2(0x3a2,0x3b5,0x371,0x476,0x37b)+'tX'],pos4=_0x3efa14[_0x4823d0(-0x173,-0x105,-0x146,-0x8c,-0x111)+'tY'];let _0x4fbef9=_0x58a493[_0x56f0d1(0x4fa,0x436,0x417,0x4c4,0x433)](_0x58a493[_0x56f0d1(0x51e,0x49f,0x4d2,0x575,0x4df)](element[_0x41ff1a(-0xf5,0x27,-0x47,-0xf7,0x8b)+_0x4204b2(0x363,0x30f,0x365,0x37e,0x318)],pos2),0x18be*-0x1+0x696+0x1228)?_0x58a493[_0x41ff1a(-0x3c,-0x52,0x3b,0x106,-0x3b)](element[_0x396cc7(-0x126,-0xa7,-0x131,-0xe3,-0x135)+_0x4823d0(-0x16f,-0x1ab,-0x1f4,-0x140,-0x209)],pos2):0x784+-0x3d*-0x9e+-0x787*0x6,_0x353d19=_0x58a493[_0x4823d0(-0x23e,-0x1da,-0x192,-0x18c,-0x24d)](_0x58a493[_0x56f0d1(0x464,0x51a,0x3d3,0x3de,0x482)](element[_0x56f0d1(0x4bd,0x392,0x3c7,0x47e,0x400)+_0x4823d0(-0x1a7,-0x16c,-0x150,-0x202,-0x243)],pos1),0x316*0x2+0x2*-0xd79+-0x2*-0xa63)?_0x58a493[_0x396cc7(-0xae,-0x1d,-0xb6,-0x184,-0x2b)](element[_0x4204b2(0x1e6,0x2ad,0x2c8,0x313,0x213)+_0x56f0d1(0x491,0x505,0x524,0x3e5,0x4a1)],pos1):0x1b*0x132+-0xea4*0x2+-0x2fe;element[_0x4204b2(0x35c,0x40a,0x4e1,0x486,0x44e)][_0x396cc7(-0x1e,-0x6e,-0x81,0x3d,-0xe1)]=_0x58a493[_0x4823d0(-0x94,-0xe0,-0x76,-0xe6,-0x67)](_0x4fbef9,'px'),element[_0x4823d0(-0xd,-0xb0,-0x99,0x25,-0x28)][_0x41ff1a(0x58,0x4a,0x52,-0x34,0xa8)]=_0x58a493[_0x41ff1a(-0x40,0x2a,-0x3a,-0x66,-0x48)](_0x353d19,'px');}else{_0x58a493[_0x4823d0(-0x27,-0x92,-0x146,-0xe5,-0x114)](_0x2ff4ce,_0x58a493[_0x396cc7(0x33,-0x38,0xc,-0x92,-0x9e)])&&_0x19e788[_0x41ff1a(0x4c,0x88,0x9e,0x4b,0xc5)](_0x58a493[_0x41ff1a(0x1e7,0x187,0x118,0x1a3,0x1ef)]);;}};}. 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