speckle park cattle for sale victoria

Out of registered Mt Eccles sire. The association was established in 2008 and the first New Zealand member joined in 2010. Speckle Park x Angus 9 months Livestock Cattle Speckle Park x Angus 9 months old steers soft quiet cattle yard weaned, $1500 incl each ono. Check out other Donors past and present on our Speckle Park females page. Look to the Speckle Park Stud you can trust Rose Hill Speckle Park Stud. 6 yr old purebred speckle park cow $3000 sold Bred heifer. Second calver speckle park cow for sale. $4,000. She was 1550 when she came in open and I sold her. Six Star Eagle. } Fertility Speckle Park Cattle in Victoria are well known for being easy to calve and having few . We took some to the local Warwick show. (Photo above: Fish Creek Farm Thunderstruck L1 2016 Speckle Park Supreme Beef Exhibit). Ready to work in May 2023. Phone calls or text message only please. margin: 2px 5px !important; Certified Semen is available on 1086X for US, Canada, Australia. Legacy Speckle Park Is a 2500 acre ranch operated by the Vogel family in the Beaver Hills of east central Saskatchewan. color: #FFFFFF !important; They are however tribal and prefer to be in the company of other cattle. $1800 sold 5 yr 3/4 speckle park 1/4 black . border: 0 !important; Fish Creek Farm is proud of its breeding program and the successful results we have been delivering. to low 80 lb. PTIC results available. AuctionsPlus the most effective way to buy and sell livestock. 11:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEDT 9954503 - 50 PTIC Cows MUMBANNAR, Victoria Boona Pty Ltd 100% Angus / Angus 660.1kg live COMPLETE DROP OF TEAM TEMANIA EU ACCREDITED PTIC N DROP COWS . A white Eden calf topped the Casino sale when we sold it and weve sold the others as private kills or direct to butchers., I purchased two heifers from Waratahs sale last year. My loss is your gain. There is a percentage of blacks. color: #FFFFFF !important; and mature bulls 1000 kgs. Join Our Association Today! Message for prices, Speckle Park cows, heifers, bulls, steers, calves delivery, 3 x F2 speckle park weaner bulls for sale. Breeding 1. 10:00 AM (SYD, NSW) AEDT 9954673 - 1 NSM Future Breeder GRESFORD, New South Wales Pure bred speckle park bull for sale. If anywhere replicates the Canadian origins of Speckle Park here in Australia, its Woodend North! Fish Creek Farm Thunderstruck L1 Semen Available in November 2016. $1300 1 jersey friesian cross heifer. PRETTY AS PICTURE " ONLY A SMALL LOT BUT A VERY GOOD LOT. } To improve our herd we also have an extensive embryo implant and flushing program. border: 0 !important; speckle park Clear all Top Speckle Park bulls for sale Registered Breeder F3 Speckle Park bull for sale. 8 Speckle Park Cows with calves Our breeding enterprise is building on the key attributes of the Speckle Park breed foundation having been established in Australia in 2007. 5160 Skyline Way NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Tel: 403-453-9544 info@canadianspecklepark.ca. Has had 1 calf. On July 6th 2006 the Minister for Agriculture announced the SPECKLE PARK BREED a DISTINCT PURE BEED the first and only breed to be developed in Saskatchewan CANADA. Fish Creek Farm has their own High Quality Meat Brand and will be happy to Partner with our customers and negotiate a buy back agreement, because Speckle Park Cross cattle are fast becoming the most consistent performers in Australias meat processing. Catalogues are available online in the weeks leading up to each of our Sales. In the Naracoorte female sale, held the following week, WV James and Son, Lucindale sold 24 Speckle Park heifers averaging 296kg, making $2240 or 757c/kg. $1800 cash Pic: 3sfar020. Speckle park breeder quality heifers 100% quite. There have already been some exceptional results through the saleyards, online and in private sales this year, with strong prices for weaners - both steers and heifers - and some record-breaking results with older cows. Livestock for Sale | Cattle, Goats, Cows, Calves, Poultry | Farm Tender Home Livestock Livestock - Total 603 listings All Listings 603 For Sale 532 Wanted 71 Sold 1307 Auction Most Recent 1 2 3 . .imageElement { All with veterinary checks and up to date health protocols. Registered female numbers have grown 20pc in the past 12 months, among about 500 society members. Steers & heifers. Tallarook, VIC . Beaudesert breeder Matt Tame has exceptional results over AuctionsPlus in February, selling a line of 59 Santa Gertrudis-cross heifers pregnancy-test-in-calf to Speckle Park bulls. } Good cross which throws beautiful markings. 15-18 months old, excellent condition, drenches and vaccinations all up to date. Resources News & Events Membership Youth Gallery Contact Us Merchandise. to 370+kgs. Speckle Park cattle are relatively new to Australia, arriving only 14 years ago. Quiet heifer. All Rights Reserved. All of our bulls are from Waratah. Copyright Wattle Grove Speckle Park|All Rights Reserved|Site by. Originating from Canada, they are renowned for their quiet temperament, milking ability & meat quality. @font-face {font-family: 'entypo-fontello'; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-display: auto; Full details here. Please contact us or SPI for more details. 31 Total 603 listings List Grid Dorper lambs 10 Dorper wether lambs great for a hobby farm Livestock, Sheep - Wethers, Dorper Mooroopna, Central, VIC Extremely quiet and easy to handle 3LAAT157 Cowwarr Victoria. Our current programs have calves on the ground sired by HS Untapped, Codiak Spencer, JSF Unmarked, Minnamurra . She was led by my younger sister, so she is definitely a quite animal., Our experience with the Waratah bulls has shown them to be very tractable with a quiet attitude that they seem to pass onto their progeny., We are very pleased with the Speckle Park bull we bought from Waratah, our first group of calves are outstanding. Red speckle park heifer ptic to speckle park bull Speckle Park cattle & their crosses have been consistently dominating the Calgary Stampede Carcase competitions in Canada & more recently in Australia at the 2010 Brisbane EKKA. } The successful buyer Todd Joyce, Kooroomba, Mt Alford, near Boonah, was looking for red females, but since the sale has had offers from agents and producers looking to buy the Speckle Park-infused progeny as weaners. .jdGallery .slideInfoZone p { All our embryos come with a Registration guarantee. Rose Hill has bulls, females and genetics on offer at two leading sales each year, along with cattle and genetics available on property year-round. On Feb. 14, 1995, ministerial approval was granted for the Canadian Speckle Park Association's first set of by-laws. ?> Running a small feedlot we produce calves for the supermarket trade. We also send them out to our mailing list. The breed comes in 3 colours and in black. It is always looking for a better way to do . This allows us to maximise our genetic gain and use animals that we believe meet our criteria. Other beef cattle breeders saw them come through the cattle markets and bringing a premium price. Brilliant calves! The first record was set in May when Jackungah Speckle Park, Pine Lodge, Victoria sold a joined cow and calf for $57,000 at the inaugural multi-vendor Blueprint Opportunity Sale, setting a then world record for the breed. Pretender produces small, fast growing calves, ideal for all breeds. WOLF LAKE JACKPOT 10J - CONSIGNED TO THE INTEGRITY SPECKLE PARK SALE. border-radius: 5px; Talk to Alex and Natalie about running an ET program specifically tailored to your requirements. Jackungah Nellie N09, bought by Gavin Lang, Mansfield, was joined to Canadian sire INC Breaking News 63F and her bull calf at foot was her second calf, with her first daughter sold earlier in the sale for $22,000. The females produce rich milk in abundance, weaning strong calves well suited for beef development or grass raised beef programs. border: 0px solid #000000; Contact Lynne and Bruce Lewis on 0488 110 149 or email: robroyspecklepark@bigpond.com Sale Day Inspection of Sale Animals Rob Roy Speckle Park Stud Rob Roy Speckle Park Stud 25. Speckle Park studs got in on the action with high prices, celebrating stud, national and world records throughout 2021. JAD Speckle Park was launched in late 2016, in. Its as though the drought has brought the characteristics of the breed to the fore and has just added toour conviction that Speckles will have a real place in the Australian herd in the future. McMurry Cattle has raised one excellent herd bull, MC SPECKLE PARK 1086X. WOLF LAKE JANGO 19J. font-weight: bold !important; For sale - speckle park cows heifers and calves Save search and get notified when new items are posted, Commercial Sales, Leasing & Property Mgmt, Residential Leasing & Property Management. Can be bucket fed - very tame. Laiton: 0420 548 299, 2014 Farmer of the Year Runner-up, Dorrigo NSW, 2015, Speckle Park Breeders, Goolmangar NSW, 2015. background:#FFFFDD !important; DOB: $44,000 for the pen AuctionsPlus is a market leader in providing online services for the We provide the best product possible Due to calve around September. The first daughter of the $68,000 world record bull Wattle Grove Paperboy P503 was purchased by Ivery Downs Cattle Co, Colinton, Qld, via Elite Livestock Auctions. Structural Soundness LEARN MORE WHAT WE OFFER The majority of the Hereford or Black Baldy F1 offspring feature the color pattern of the 1086X herd bull, with an occasional black calf. Great Mum. It isnt uncommon to get an exceptionally good carcass from any breed, but what is IMPRESSIVE is when the carcass from a particular breed is consistently good. The 2023 JAD Sale offering will be feature more bulls but fewer purebred females. A heifer calf out of a Gelbvieh cow by Waratah Front Runner won Grand Champion Prime Vealer. Far fewer instances of crashing or freezing. F1 SPECKLE PARK/ FRIESIAN HEIFERS 10 -12 MONTHS. 1 was here. Below you will find a range of Speckle Park cattle available for sale throughout the UK, including a number of cross-breeds. else{document.documentElement.className+=' avia_desktop '};document.documentElement.className+=' js_active ';(function(){var e=['-webkit-','-moz-','-ms-',''],n='';for(var t in e){if(e[t]+'transform' in document.documentElement.style){document.documentElement.className+=' avia_transform ';n=e[t]+'transform'};if(e[t]+'perspective' in document.documentElement.style){document.documentElement.className+=' avia_transform3d '}};if(typeof document.getElementsByClassName=='function'&&typeof document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect=='function'&&avia_is_mobile==!1){if(n&&window.innerHeight>0){setTimeout(function(){var e=0,o={},a=0,t=document.getElementsByClassName('av-parallax'),i=window.pageYOffset||document.documentElement.scrollTop;for(e=0;e

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