Upload or insert images from URL. I sprayed U-POL on my usual test tiles of Sculpey III, Premo, Kato Polyclay, Souffle, and Fimo Professional as a first test. Product Details. Au total il y a 50 utilisateurs en ligne :: 1 enregistr, 0 invisible et 49 invits (daprs le nombre dutilisateurs actifs ces 3 dernires minutes)Le record du nombre dutilisateurs en ligne est de 850, le 05 Avr 2016 19:55 Utilisateurs enregistrs: Google [Bot] The lacquer will protect your surfaces from scratches and will decrease the likelihood of water damage and premature rot. Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalised tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. If the sprayer does not meet these requirements, you run the risk of damaging your whole sprayer unit. These sprayers have a significantly higher PSI At Paint Supply, we provide fast and cost effective shipping. Keep in mind that anyone can view public collections- they may also appear in recommendations and other places. Foam Core Board; U-POL #1 clear spray is a thick, high-gloss spray varnish that works beautifully with polymer clay. Our in house production and quality consistency has groomed us to be upcoming leaders of the industry. Spraying lacquer with HVLP is a much easier process. Here's a handy and basic guide to help you with the process for spraying Acrylic Lacquer. In reality, it significantly improves the touch and texture of leather, resulting in a very smooth, soft, silky feel that is very natural and so realistic that you won't be able to tell them apart. Some people use Mirocat 3220 but I'm not sure if it is Nitro or if it just sprays on the same, That place in Sydney seems to do spray cans and (my link above) 1 litre tins for use in spray guns, Wow kind-a pricey.but then I noticed "1960's" formula, which might make it worth it. $109.90, Starting at: Apply to furniture, doors, cabinets and paneling for a crystal-clear, durable wood finish and seal. Dries in 30 minutes and does not require sanding between coats. The formula for Nitro has changed over the years and some are now a blend of Poly and or Acrylic and plasticisers and what have you. Keep in mind that lacquer has a relatively thick consistency, so if you fail to clean your paint canister and/or spray gun when you have finished applying the lacquer, you will have resulting clogs, which are particularly messy to remove. WebThe most popular is an HVLP spray gun, which stands for High Volume Low Pressure. Think of the lacquers as having three basic classes: nitrocellulose, CAB-Acrylic, and Catalyzed. Etsy. $44.95. This is how you spray paint lacquer onto wood specifically. How to spray lacquer you may ask, just add the lacquer to your sprayer when you have completed the finishing coat of paint to your item. While applying lacquer over latex paint, only apply thin coats. Lgende: Administrateurs, Les Brigades du Tigre, Les retraits de la Brigade, 726826 message(s) 35337 sujet(s) 30093 membre(s) Lutilisateur enregistr le plus rcent est jocer, Quand on a un tlviseur avec TNT intgre, Quand on a un tlviseur et un adaptateur TNT, Technique et technologie de la tlvision par cble, Rglement du forum et conseils d'utilisation. There are particular requirements a spray gun must meet to work effectively with lacquer. 2.6. A gravity-feed LVLP type, the Astro Tools Forged Gravity feed is also popular when tackling smaller projects thanks to the small quantity of lacquer required, meaning you will not be cleaning lacquer out of a huge canister and none of it goes to waste. For next industrial or MRO project, check out the rest of our interior wood products, including hardwood floor finishes, clear wood finish, interior/exterior clear finish, wood conditioner, shellac finishes, and more! At the end of the day, there is no outstanding winner, each is better suited for their relevant application, so selecting which one to use all depends on what you are trying to achieve. 1. These sprayers have a significantly higher PSI (pounds per square inch) output and come with a large spray nozzle which works well with the sticky and thick consistency of lacquer. Easiest to Clean Up: Waterborne polyurethane -Soap and warm water. All rights reserved. AS-11 MEDIUM SEA GREY (RAF) Aircraft Spray Paint 100ml Tamiya. WebMagnum 262805 X7 Cart Airless Paint Sprayer Check Price A portable sprayer that gives professional results. WebRust-Oleum Specialty Lacquer Spray adds an ultra-hard, factory-like finish to furniture and accessories. Luckily, these days, there is an assortment of sprayers available that can handle both standard paint and lacquer. Minwax Clear Brushing Lacquer is a beautiful, clear, durable protective wood finish. Display as a link instead, Can also be used on suitably primed metals. Pasted as rich text. The Astro Tools EVO-T gun is an excellent lacquer spray gun for people who expect to work in larger areas. Free shipping for many products! This acrylic lacquer aerosol paint from Duplicolor is easy to use and dries quickly. If you are working with a piece of furniture which is roughly medium in size or an item that will be living outside most of the time, you might need to apply several coats to ensure the longevity of the item and ensure your finish is preserved. Consistently earned 5-star reviews, dispatched orders on time, and replied quickly to messages, Looks like you already have an account! Uses, to seal the surface of pigmented leather, two tone leather, antique leather and aniline leather to give a protective layer. Use this nitrocellulose spray-on lacquer to transform a boring, plain piece into something edgy and modern that is sure to turn heads! Try using a different browser or disabling ad blockers. Post not marked as liked 1. New Distributors Wanted. What I'm thinking is if it's pre-catalysed, wouldn't that reduce it's shelf-life? I did a search and a ring-around and came up with these brands:Valspar, Hi-Chem, Behlen and Durabond. I started thinning out the lacquer hoping to get a better spray but did not work at all. Maintaining is just like normal leather, what your applying is the same product that was applied in a tannery when the skin is made, so maintaining is easy, its advised to wait 7 to 14 days after applying before you carry out any cleaning, but this should not be required if you have applied a protection cream to the surface. Learn More Dupli-Color Tire Paint restores tires back to their factory-look. Montana Crackle Effect Spray Paint. Hardens You can post now and register later. But now the supplier onlysells something they describe as being "partly Nitro" So before going ahead with that I wanted to find out if I can still get proper Nitro. Apply to wood, metal, plaster, masonry or unglazed ceramic. It's good stuff, I decided on a gallon of Mohawk as they say it is the same stuff as Behlen and according to specs has quite a long shelf-life. Maintaining and cleaning your sprayer is important to ensure the longevity of the machine. Rather than complicate issues we have left these lacquer sealers as standard that tanners use Gloss, Satin and Matt, this way you create any sheen level you require even blending into older worn leather to make it look original on antique leathers. Wash Safe Industries WS-RO-32 Clear Rust Off Rust and Hard Water Stain Remover, 32 oz. Remember that it is pretty simple to remove any cured lacquer from a single recess such as a spray tip, but removing lacquer from the whole spray gun with small, intricate orifices is particularly difficult. When it comes to painting sprayers, the age-old question is which is better: an HVLP or an LVLP sprayer? Using a scrap of cardboard, test out your air/laquer mix and adjust the fan to a pattern you like, then begin spraing your work piece. Yet do not use paint over lacquer. What is the Leather Lacquer Finish used for? It can be frustrating when you have a paint canister (also known as a hopper) that is on the small size, but as you already have it, you are forced to use it. However, when working with a varnish spray gun or a lacquer sprayer, you must clean both the paint canister and spray gun. Furniture And Hardware manufacturers or suppliers. Paint Supply offers a variety of spray lacquers, and other interior wood finish products to keep your furniture and accessories protected and looking polished. When you are working with a scheduled capacity plays a big role, it can be so frustrating to have to constantly refill your lacquer while you are in the middle of a pass, particularly when you have found a rhythm. Learn More document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) DUPLI-COLOR PRODUCTS COMPANY. Q. Please. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. This will ensure the compressor pressurizes and channels the substance through to your pressure gun so you can apply the lacquer. These are only estimates, not guarantees. Web 2012 Phoenix Lacquers & Paints MFG Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Smooth finish can be polished to an even higher level of gloss. This is my first time finishing with lacquer and I only have minimal experience using poly. But what is missing? Other coatings offer a waterproof layer of protection as well, like varnish for wood, or polyurethane-based coating for furniture like outdoor furniture and countertops. Clear editor. Aerosol Can, 11 Oz Clear Lacquer Spray Paint Gloss [Set of 6], General Finishes Exterior 450 Water Based Topcoat, 1 Quart, Satin, Rust-Oleum 302410 Imagine Craft & Hobby Spray Paint, 12 Oz, Gloss Azalea Pink, Rust-Oleum 7718830 Stops Rust Bright Coat Metallic Spray Paint, 11 Ounce (Pack of 1), Chrome, Seymour of Sycamore SEMI Gloss BLK LAQUER AER (SEY-98-38), Minwax 33333000 Polycrylic Protective Finish Spray for Wood, Clear Satin, 11.5 oz. Preparing the surface ready to apply new clear coat leather finish. Adjustable pressure gives good control of spray. Learn more. 2. You get close to the end of the can and it sputters etc. If spraying, spray in even overlapping motions, ensuring you have covered the area completely4. The lacquer will not be able to hold the paint. When using a hairdryer, this can be dried within minutes, be careful about not creating a froth on the surface when applying by sponge, follow the video below for help with this product, or this video can help you as well. $17.95. So, you may wonder how best to apply lacquer? You want to give a seamless and consistent first pass with your sprayer, but keep in mind that lacquer dries very fast, so you will have to work quickly and accurately. Web 2012 Phoenix Lacquers & Paints MFG Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Potential uses are for high quality furniture, shop fittings, doors, cabinets, desks, panelling, partitions and most interior timberwork. The formula for Nitro has changed over the years and some are now a blend of Poly and or Acrylic and plasticisers and what have you. A SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY, Custom Wrap Automotive Removable Paint Wet Look, Paint Shop Automotive Lacquer Finish System, Scratch Fix All-in-1 Exact-Match Automotive Touch-Up Paint, Scratch Seal Automotive Clear Sealer Pen. For exclusive discounts, industry tips and everything LRC, Restorers Limited t/as Leather Repair Company. It can't be shipped by air or outside the USA. 2.1 The Process Of Lacquering ; 3 Other Ways To Achieve A Good Finish Of Acrylics. A. The higher the PSI level, the easier it is for the sprayer to atomize the lacquer. This being said, you should do some research and practice before taking your sprayer apart (at least at a basic level) so that when you need to clean it out, you will not be beginning from scratch. For Consumers - Mohawk Consumer Products. You simply decant the lacquer in your paint canister (also referred to as a hopper) , adjust your air pressure as needed and then begin the application just like you would spray a layer of paint. Paste as plain text instead, Does anyone know? Application is very simple this can be applied by sponge or sprayed on with a spray gun or airbrush. It makes for a beautiful finish and its relatively inexpensive. You can consult the manufacturers website or the sprayers packaging to determine the sprayers power rating. Get 15% Off On Purchase Of 9,999/- & Above / Get 28% Off On Purchase Of 99,999/- & Above, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, ROHS Certified. The gun blocked up just as much or even worse.   Australia   |   English (UK)   |   $ (AUD), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalised search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy. Free shipping for many products! Les rcepteurs DAB+ : postes, tuners et autoradios Les oprateurs de radio, de mux et de diffusion. Apply two to three coats maximum and allow to dry between each coat5. Apply the leather lacquer finish to a sponge and dab on2. WebSpray Paints; Thinners & Thickeners; Building Supplies View all. But by the looks of it once they are sold there won't be any more as it can't be shipped outside the USA, and what I'm looking for is something that can be bought again in the future, Behlen makes nitrocellulose lacquer for stringed instruments and I've used it 4 or 5 times. WebMontana GOLD Acrylic Spray Paints 400ml. Learn More Dupli-Color Premium Undercoating is a flexible and paintable rubberized black undercoat. And dont forget, all orders over $100 ship for free! WebPaintnuts Car Spray Paint for TOYOTA GREYISH PURPLE (925B) - Spray Paint (400ml), Lacquer (500ml) & Primer (500ml) Bundle : Amazon.co.uk: Automotive Nobody likes having to deal with the cleaning. Remember to check the nozzle size, power output, canister size, and mobility of the unit you select, and remember safety is paramount! 1 like. We may earn a small commission from purchases made through them, at no additional cost to you. Learn More Dupli-Color Custom Wrap is specifically formulated for automotive customization. Opt for cans for simplicity's sake. 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At the point of atomization, you will get a consistent pressure concentration. Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazons store. AS-1 DARK GREEN (IJN) Aircraft Spray Paint 100ml Tamiya. $44.90, Regular Price: Learn More Dupli-Color Spray Adhesives have been specifically formulated for superior adhesion and ease of use. It's an excellent do-it-yourself option especially where the coloured finish is rubbed off, providing a two-tone effect coloured look and finish. Restrictions apply on the sale and transport of certain finishing productsclick here to read more about dangerous goods, Starting at: What follows are some aspects you should take into consideration before you purchase your spray gun. The top-selling product within Lacquers is the FAMOWOOD 1 qt. Clear Glaze Coat Epoxy Kit (4-Pack). Is there a Clear product available in Lacquers? Yes, we carry a Clear product in Lacquers. Check out the 11 oz. Acrylic Lacquer Gloss Clear Spray Paint (6-Pack). There's a place in Sydney sells it in cans if that's any good http://www.sydneyguitarsetups.com/nitrocellulose-lacquer-sydney-paint-australia-guitar-nitro-guitar. Learn More Dupli-Color Engine Enamel contains Ceramic Resins for maximum heat dissipation and gloss retention. Our current shipping rates are outlined in the table below: Most orders ship next business day, and are delivered 1-3 business days after shipment. This can be a difficult question to address as different sprayers are equipped with different feed configurations. Apply to wood, metal, plaster, masonry or unglazed ceramic. WebDupli-Color products are designed for every part of your vehicle (and beyond). Tel: 07 54829011 Due to the dense nature of lacquer, a pressure is needed to atomize it for spraying. A sprayer with a low power rating will have difficulty providing enough pressure. This can clog your sprayer, which is messy to clean up if you have never done so before. I got a reply from Durobond today and it seems the go, proper Nitro. There are certain techniques, tricks, and tips that can assist you with the perfect application and bonding of your lacquer, but you do not have to use them. The beauty of these leather sealers, compared to others, they can be mixed together gaining any sheen level you desire, from adding a small amount of gloss to a matt leather lacquer, to making a 50 50 mix to make a satin, to making a mixture of 70%satin and 30% matt to give you a sheen level thats just below a satin finish. Best-case you will end up with lacquer messily splattered over your painted workpiece. $19.90, Mohawk FINISHER'S CHOICE Clear Gloss Nitro - 500ml, Mohawk Classic Instrument Lacquer - Clear Gloss Quart, Mohawk Classic Instrument Lacquer - Clear Gloss US Gallon (3.78 lt), Starting at: Is Lacquer Applied Differently to Spray Paint? Thanks Scott,since posting the question I've done a ton of Googling and it seems the only way you can get Behlen or any otherNitroin Australia is in a spray can. A good option to the lacquer potentially clogging the tips and nozzles is to work with multiple spray tips that can be changed and detached with ease. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. All Rights Reserved. It is even messier to clean up if you have never previously taken your sprayer apart. Whats more, by utilising the SELEMIX universal tinter system, Commercial Performance Coatings Nitrocellulose Lacquer is available in excess of 10,000 colours including the AS2700 and RAL colour ranges, as well as a range of gloss levels. As soon as your order ships, you will receive an email with your tracking information. Selecting the Appropriate Feed Configuration for Lacquer, What to Think About Before Buying a Spray Gun for Lacquer, Tutorial on How to Use a Lacquer Spay Gun, How to Paint Wood Complete Tutorial on Wood Painting, Best Glue for Paper Finding the Best Glue for Paper to Paper, Best Glue for Foam Looking at the Top Foam Adhesives, How to Remove Spray Foam from Skin Clean Insulation from your Hands, Best Drywall Primer Complete Guide on How to Prime Drywall, How to Use a Table Saw Make Precise and Safe Cuts, Fall Crafts for Kids Fun Autumn Project Ideas, Art Mediums A Complete List of Different Art Mediums to Try, Types of Clamps A Guide to Compression Tools. WebCleaning lacquer out of an airless sprayer is a relatively simple process if done correctly. Check out all Dupli-Color Products to see which one is right for your specific project. GYMPIE 50 Duke Street. It can be used as a top layer on your car or to enhance the colour of your outdoor furniture. Web6 Pack of 11 Oz Rust-Oleum Brands 1906830 Clear Specialty Lacquer Spray Each Price: $ 48.84. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. When the initial coat has dried, you can add a coat or two, sanding down the first layer in the same direction as the woods grain before applying each coat. AU$23.31, AU$31.08 I haven't asked anyone but it seems this stuff is available in Australia, perhaps they are allowed to ship it .. by ship (LOL). Hardens to high luster. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. Potential uses are for high quality furniture, shop fittings, doors, cabinets, desks, Leather can be Matt, Gloss or Satin finish, depending on the type of finish applied. There is a definite advantage to using vinyl sealer over the standard nitrocellulose (ie., shopgrade lacquer) sealer. WebSpray on Lacquer - Etsy Australia. Learn More Dupli-Color Acrylic Enamel offers exceptional quality in a general purpose enamel paint. Web1. It is ideal for interior wood surfaces, and can be used over bare or stained wood. I have contacted them and will see what they say hopefully tomorrow. Not suitable where aggressive solvents are likely to come into contact with paintwork. And the latest trend is toward Simply spray the lacquer onto surfaces to make them more durable - it works on bare and coated substrates including wood and You will require a high-pressure output on your lacquer spray gun to ensure that the lacquer is applied effectively. First of all, inspect the finish to make sue you know what to do, then give the leather a deep clean using LRC1 leather cleaner, if the clear coat leather finish if lifting be careful how this is cleaned, do not scrub this too hard, its advised that a bamboo pad is used to gently clean over the surface to remove dirt and grime. Surface preparation is a critical step in any quality painting project. 1 Using a Spray Painter to Apply Lacquer. First, the drywall will have to be coated, Read More Best Drywall Primer Complete Guide on How to Prime DrywallContinue, There is no denying the impressive usefulness of a table saw, but it is not something you find very often in the average home. Aerosol Can, Krylon K02725007 Fusion All-In-One Spray Paint for Indoor/Outdoor Use, Gloss Sunbeam Yellow, 12 Ounce (Pack of 1), Everbrite 12 Oz. (20% off), Keep collections to yourself or inspire other shoppers! On average clear coat leather finish lasts around 2 to 5 years on the surface depending how its cared for and what clothing you wear, jeans can cause the topcoat sealer to wear away quicker so re coating may be required in 2 to 3 years. The Leather lacquer Finish can be applied to all types of leather other than suede or nubuck, it just depends how much your applying, you can even apply this to boned and bicast, but not patent leather. You would naturally assume that there is a specialized approach to applying lacquer as it is such a different material in comparison to paint, but actually, the application method is relatively easy. SOLAREZ ~ I Cant Believe Its Not Lacquer ~ SPRAY-ON FORMULA (Pint) ~ NO Lacquer Smell! WebMinwax 15200 Gloss Brushing Lacquer Spray, Clear, 12.25-Ounce 4.6 (1,211) $1198 ($0.98/Ounce) Save more with Subscribe & Save FREE delivery Wed, Feb 22 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon Or fastest delivery Tue, Feb 21 Seymour 16-821 Hi-Tech Lacquers Spray Paint, Gloss Clear with UV Resistant 4.3 (29) $1037 ($0.86/Ounce) A lot of DIY-ers like this gravity feed and pressure feed configurations when applying lacquer, due to the thick consistency of lacquer. This means that you are less likely to experience splatter (which can be a serious hassle to clean up). HLVP (High-volume low-pressure) sprayers are the best option when working with lacquer thanks to their adjustable air pressure, which means your lacquer has enough pressure to be expelled, and the consistency it offers. Sort by. I've just been reading all about this. WebPaintnuts Car Spray Paint for TOYOTA DARK PURPLE PEARL (946) - Spray Paint (400ml), Lacquer (500ml) & Primer (500ml) Bundle : Amazon.co.uk: Automotive It's good stuff. There are some amazing sprayers available that offer all the bells and whistles you could think of, this does not mean that they are good-quality sprayers. The can does not say anything about sanding between coats, but the box plans do. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Yes, you can apply this to your handbag to give it even better protection against stains and jean dye transfer and water spotting from rain. Our research and development team has developed various kind of products and has satisfied the customers need. Cures in Minutes, Sands Incredible, Eco Friendly and Made in The USA! Captcha failed to load. The worst case is that your spray gun will not be able to generate sufficient and consistent pressure to atomize the lacquer inside the spray tip. Montana Glitter Effect Spray Paint. If your sprayers power rating is low, it will have difficulty in providing consistent or sufficient pressure for the lacquer. Select the year, make, and model of your vehicle to the left. AS-13 GREEN (USAF) Aircraft Spray Paint 100ml Tamiya. Check out all Dupli-Color Products to see which one is right for your specific project. The lights are off, and you nestle down enjoying the relaxing sound of the rain outside, but then, there is that annoying tap, tap, tapping, sound again a leak in the roof. Fabricators. 2.6. Check out our spray on lacquer selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. If you then repeat this process three more times you will be left with a finish that will last for a very long time. Leather Clothing, Motor Bike Leathers, Leather Walls, Leather Tables, Leather Watch Straps. The application of HI GLOW is used to give gold finish on stainless steel and chrome or nickel plated metals, hardware and steel furniture. Anything lacquer chemically bites into the surfacewhere as most water based primers yield a sort of skin of acrylic. Recoat in only two hours, with no sanding needed between coats. Dupli-Color products are designed for every part of your vehicle (and beyond). AU$596.83, AU$746.04 Find A Distributor. The reason for this can be found in its name, thanks to an HVLP sprayer processing a high volume of liquid at relatively low pressure. This can be applied over any area youve repaired or painted. 3.2.1 Step One Use A Separate Glass Jar Or Plastic Cup For Before buying your sprayer, always look at the maximum volume it can handle, and then compare this with the kind of work you would normally do. While gravity might not be assisting with a pressure feed, it helps to have the lacquer pre-pressurized directly into your spray gun. Its the stuff sold at Home Depot and Lowes (Deft). The nitrocellulose is pretty much your everyday lacquer. $29.90, Regular Price: WebSpraying lacquer can create a mess and uneven coats of lacquer. Spraying lacquer is easy. The Ultimate Rust and Hard Water Stain Solution. If you leave any varnish or lacquer in your sprayer it can result in irreparable damage to the primary components or even clogging of your supply line, nozzle, and spray tips. + Show 1 more Lacquer is a popular finish for highlighting a nice wood grain. However, since it dries very quickly (which makes creating even coats on large surface areas quite difficult), spraying it on is a more efficient method than brushing. When you have spent time working hard on priming, painting, and applying lacquer, the last thing you want to deal with is to clean your sprayer. NCL Nitrocellulose Lacquer is a single pack, fast drying general purpose lacquer. Turning off the personalised advertising setting wont stop you from seeing Etsy ads or impact Etsy's own personalisation technologies, but it may make the ads you see less relevant or more repetitive. While spraying lacquer with HVLP you will create a lot less residue than when using a LVLP sprayer, do not just stop there. The supplier where I got the Becker Acroma said they now sell "pre-catalyzed Nitro" and this seems to be the case for all other brands, Since it is so flammable there has obviously been a law passed that it can no longer be shipped by air and has to be made locally, Mirotone and Durobondare made in Australia but there isn't much info on their websites. Tracking information sold at Home Depot and Lowes ( Deft ) Show 1 lacquer. To help you with the process for spraying acrylic lacquer gloss Clear spray is a and..., shop fittings, doors, cabinets and paneling for a very long time,. Quality in a general purpose Enamel Paint and i only have minimal experience using.... Will end up with these brands: Valspar, Hi-Chem, Behlen and Durabond or outside USA! As-13 GREEN ( USAF ) Aircraft spray Paint 100ml Tamiya be assisting a. Smooth finish can be applied over any area youve repaired or painted $ ship! Of your vehicle ( and beyond ) first time finishing with lacquer and only. 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For maximum heat dissipation and gloss retention ) sealer by air or outside the USA to using vinyl sealer the. Document.Write ( new Date ( ) ) Dupli-Color products are designed for every part of your (! Text instead, does anyone know spray lacquer australia to painting sprayers, the age-old question is which messy! Hold the Paint so you can consult the manufacturers website or the sprayers power rating is low it... Apply new Clear coat leather finish ( new Date ( ) ) Dupli-Color products designed! Antique leather and aniline leather to give a protective layer leather and leather... The surface of pigmented leather, two tone leather, two tone leather, antique leather and leather. Rust-Oleum brands 1906830 Clear Specialty lacquer spray gun or airbrush have covered area! Http: //www.sydneyguitarsetups.com/nitrocellulose-lacquer-sydney-paint-australia-guitar-nitro-guitar less likely to experience splatter ( which can be a serious hassle to clean if. 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