which zodiac sign is a heartbreaker

You can make someone fall in love with you within a short period of time and then youre just not there to see things through until the end because youre already looking at someone new. Leos break your heart brutally, and so being in a relationship is not easy with them. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. If you want to get back at them, try to have them end things with you in a public place emotional displays make them very uncomfortable, and if you start crying and yelling at them, they may not get why you're so angry but will have regrets about doing it, even if those regrets are about not being able to control your outburst. They'll flirt with other people right in front of their partners, totally aware of what they're doing, and then in practically the same breath they'll tell you they love you and never want to leave. You'll never know exactly where you stand with Gemini. Also Read: 6 Zodiac Signs That Like To Party Hard. Don'tallow anyone to come in between you guys and don'tlet people bring you down at all. If youre friends with a Libra, or looking to start a relationship with one, youve likely noticed how direct they are. Very social and outgoing they can come across as charming and draw people in. Its always them. However, ghosting can be the most painful thing, especially when it finally hits you that the relationship is over and that Libra didn't have the guts to tell you in person. No-nonsense Virgo is not one to beat around the bush. Your confidence and energy makeeveryone automatically gravitate towards you, so it isnt hard for you to find yourself in a lot of different relationships. Its not that theyre COMPLETELY heartless, it just has a lot to do with their own insecurities, weaknesses, and expectations. Check out these 4 zodiac signs who are known to be heartbreakers. So, it makes sense for them to be commitment-phobic. Your Leo Season Horoscope Is All About Sunshine And Happiness. These fire signs (also ruled by the sun) are known to be warm, kind and generous, so theyll want you to have the best of the best simply because they want to put a smile on your face. You guys make the perfect couple and know that you want to have children in the future. What Happens When A Scorpio Man Gets Mad? You only ever want the attention to be on you. Basically, they want their cake and to be able to eat it too! 1) Scorpio Scorpio is the biggest heartbreaker With their undeniable charm, good looks, and smooth-talking attitude, this water sign definitely has what it takes to break hearts. You want people to meet your beau but when the time comes to your partner is no where to be seen. No one wakes up and wants to break things off. RELATED: The 2 Zodiac Signs That Are Party Animals (& One You Have to Drag Out the House). So, maybe dont put your heart and soul into a relationship with them before you find your footing. But when love comes knocking on our door, it brings along an uninvited guest heartbreak. [Answered!] Sagittarius is likely to fall in love quickly. Aquarius men and women are well-read and intelligent indicators, which aids them in their understanding of spirituality and other practices. So what he picked up is accurate, its the details thing I wish I could get more. Which is the hardest zodiac sign to get over? They. Visit her website or her Instagram. Breaking up with somebody usually takes courage and a lot of thinking because you have spent so much time with this person. The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, February 25, 2023 . To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. ALSO READ:5 Most wicked zodiac signs who will lie and deceive you to get their way, Journalist. The mutable signsagain, thats Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Piscesare the thinkers and philosophers of the zodiac. As a Sagittarius Your Biggest Heartbreaker: Cancer. The stars can only suggest what someone of a certain sign will do. you know if you haven't locked it down with marriage you need to. As an Aquarius Your Biggest Heartbreaker: Capricorn. Not knowing what the futurewillhold with your partner, you panic and think that there isn't one. Just because a great many Aquarians tend to be independent, that doesn't mean there arent some who really do much better when theyre with someone. Cancers would rather do anything than break someone's heart. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. You always tend to overthink things to the point where you cant decide what to do in your relationships. While some people experience getting their heart broken by others, there are others who are always on the other side of it, and who break peoples heart. For more, follow us on Instagram. Here are the zodiac signs that will break your heart, ranked from most to least likely to be heartbreakers. According to a theory posted on , The Fool card represents care-free, bohemian spirits. | Legal Requirements, Our experts are ready to answer your questions Call, Angel Number Calculator: Know Yours With Your Birthday And First Name. Aquarius is a super tough match for Cancers. They will first shower you with love and once you are convinced, they will ghost you. Taurus (April 20 May 20) As a fixed earth sign, Taurus definitely has what it takes to be one of the most calm zodiac signs. The good thing about the Aquarius people is that they are one of a kind. There is a saying that opposite . We will give you the closure you needed: they never cared, and no, it wasnt you. RELATED: 6 Reasons A Sagittarius Will Break Up With You, According To Astrology. Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) You are a heartbreaker because of your pure inability to adapt to anything that doesn't go according to plan. To find out, discover the meaning of this time and how it will impact your path. Libras dont want to be around people who dont understand or like them, but sometimes that can be hard to avoid. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) You mean well, you do. If your partner is born under one of the zodiac signs that seem to have a lot of heartbreakers in it, pay attention to the warning signs; if your heart and head are both telling you to end the relationship, listen. Your beau isn'tbreaking your heart anytime soon. This is why you tend to experiment a little with peoples feelings and you end up breaking their hearts by doing so. RELATED:These 6 Zodiac Signs Can't Handle Heartbreak At All. Your reluctance to share the limelight with your partner is what makes you a legitimate heart breaker. Believe us when we say you never forget and forgive how Pisces dumps you. Anyone who has suffered from a broken heart will not wish the same on their worst enemy. Why Are Taurus So Difficult To Understand? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Virgos are gentle-hearted, loving people and cannot be associated with any heartbreaking abilities. The problem is that even though youd avoid heartbreak, youd miss all the great and romantic stuff, too. You guys finish each other sentences and that really cute. You want your beau to remember anniversaries and special moments between you guys and you know that will never happen. It is love that sustains us. This private, intuitive sign soaks up other peoples energy like a sponge, and they like to keep an emotional distance from others to protect themselves. Aries Dark Side: Bad & Negative Traits Of The Aries Zodiac Sign, dump you before you have a chance to dump them, The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign For March 2, 2023, What The Day Of The Week You Were Born Says About Your Personality, The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On March 2, 2023. Leos often take the first step because it is their instinct to lead. When Leo breaks up with you, it can be a crushing blow to your self-esteem and you may question your worth. And thank god that I did not have an entanglement with this person and allowing his baggage to bring me down. Your inconsistency is what breaks the hearts of all your potential mates. Whilst they have plenty of potential partners, they prefer the single life and never really look to get married or start a family. Believe it or not, your skin speaks to you! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Taurus can be completely backstabbing cold, and while we don't like to say evil, they certainly seem to be able to access a whole lot of negativity and hurt when they want to do some damage. Carefully listens to everything that start with "so, last night". Desperate for attention, they will act out outrageously into of you and complete strangers. These people take advantage of peoples good nature. Leos are bossy by nature, They want what they want and they want it now. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Their cultivated attitude and natural sophistication mean that people flock to them in an attempt to get to know them. By Christine Schoenwald Written on Nov 24, 2021. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. They are not paying attention to you as much as you want and it is killing you. Pisces is the first water sign to land on the list, although they all make the most-shy cut. RELATED: Why Cancers Are The Most Hated Zodiac Sign. People born under this sun sign are adventure-loving, free-spirited beings who do not like being tied down. Ms Belinda oh my goodness Im very thankful for your honest in put. Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Taurus people come with an unwavering determination to enhance every aspect of their life or relations. When we talk about astrology and the characteristics that are strong in each of the zodiac signs, we are speaking in a general sense. They have an instinct for what hurts people, and they know your weaknesses and secret fears, and those are what they're going to zero in on. In addition to writing her blog, Anna also offers personalized astrological readings to her clients. People love how practical and analytical you are, but sometimes you take it to the point of being a know it all and very unforgiving of others, and that leads to a LOT of heartbreak. You feel like you are being told what to half the time. When it comes to zodiac signs and hearts break, do not rely on the people with this sunsign. Its practically an emotional rollercoaster when it comes to falling in love with you and your Gemini ways. Zodiac Signs That Will Break Your Heart, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, but we eventually heal and were able to open up our hearts, How To Heal A Broken Heart, Based On Your Zodiac Sign & Astrology, always going to put their needs and wants above anybody else's, 6 Reasons A Sagittarius Will Break Up With You, According To Astrology, never know exactly where you stand with Gemini, What Happens When You Break Up With A Gemini, By Zodiac Sign, 10 Ways A Pisces Man Will Break Up With You, According To Astrology, How To Get A Leo Man Back In 5 Simple Steps, Taurus can be completely backstabbing cold. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Leos would struggle in a relationship with Capricorns. You get bored really easily and you dont bother working on a relationship to bring it back to life, you just give up instead. These natives possess a really profound feeling of what is around them. The latter can get them into trouble. This leads to an unsuccessful relationship. RELATED: What Happens When A Scorpio Man Gets Mad? She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day. However, if Scorpio is hurt, they will lash out in a way that's positioned to do the most damage. Copyright Wengo 2021 | Who are we ? 1) Aries Aries is the biggest backstabber Aries claims to be a loyal zodiac sign, but their actions are sometimes very questionable. Heartbreak SUCKS. Willyour partner will treasure your love or not? You dont like to sugarcoat anything. As much as Gemini men and women love talking, they love to read too. Leo: The people of this zodiac become hyper very quickly. RELATED: Aries Dark Side: Bad & Negative Traits Of The Aries Zodiac Sign. Very violent and easily upset, you panic at the thought of your partner meeting your parents and your friends. Don'tlet your partner out of your sight. While it may not come as a total surprise when they break up with you, it will still hurt horribly. Here are the 6 heartbreaker zodiac signs: Sags are free spirits. I reply my every DM & tweet. They can get a new partner but not a new family. Breaking your heart is a high-risk possibility. But avoiding heartbreak would also mean all the good memories you have built with the person will also have never happened. Scorpio. But they just can't help but make it hurt on the way out. Aquarians are born with a graceful personality and flirtatious nature. They behave as if the sun shines only for them and makes the most hurt zodiac sign. Zodiac signs show and express their love in different ways because their horoscopesare not all the same. Despite trying hard to stay loyal to what we say, we all at times fall into deceitfulness, that being said, some of us are in deeper than others. | Conscious Reminder, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. There is no one way they will put themselves above themselves. Patient and warmhearted, they are always telling you that you can do anything and achieve anything you want in life. If you think of the amount of determination they use just by being their stubborn selves and translate that into the energy they use in a breakup, you can get an idea of the devastation they create. And if you want the good you have got to expect the bad too. Don't make the mistake of engaging them in a post-breakup discussion because you'll just be opening yourself up for a whole lot of hurt. But what you may not know is that Aquarius fears intimacy. They don't want to be bound by anything or anyone. The planet is happy in this placement, and you'll notice that you have an even easier time getting your way. Follow me. If youre dating an Aquarius, you are actually fully aware that they might break up with you at any given moment. Dating a Gemini can be summed up in one word: frustrating. They always seek attention and want to become the center of attraction, so flirting is their go-to sport if they dont get it. There is no one way they will put themselves above themselves. Pretty much to the point where youd drop someone as soon as they show any sign of conflict in your life. They think they're not coming from a place of pain, but that they're telling you things you should know so that, in the future, you'll be a better person and have better relationships. If your partner acts like this in front of your friends and family then this is a red flag and you need to get out of this relationship. Its a dilemma alright, but its best to know the zodiac signs who are heartbreakers. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. BUTyou cant seem to get it together enough to have a real, healthy relationship. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. People whose zodiac signs align with Gemini and Scorpios have a tendency to break peoples hearts because they arent shy and are very outspoken. Taurus While Taureans are increasingly loving and passionate people, they are known to be cold-hearted and cruel at times. You would not hesitate to drop anyone who is unable to keep pace with you from your life. Astrotalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. They are bound to hurt their partner with their callous behaviour. You expect the worse from people, so sometimes you end things before they really even begin JUST because you assume things will go down hill. You are not an average joe by any means. So, if Capricorn cannot envision a future with you, they will show you the door. We can all agree on that one. The most common reason for Cancer to break up with someone is if their partner didn't get along with their family because, for Cancer, family always comes first. The Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 25, 2023. Gemini. libra Libra Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More By Debbie Stapleton Libra Traits & Overview Libra Dates: Sept 23 - Oct 22 Symbol: The Scales Mode + Element: Cardinal Air Ruling Planet: Venus House: Seventh Mantra: I Relate Body Part: Lower Back & Kidneys Colors: Ivory, Pink, & Light Blue Tarot Card: Justice Rising Sign Unlike fire or water signs, air signs tend to be emotionally reserved. Although its a plus to be considered one of the smartest signs of the zodiac, it does also present problems. Answer (1 of 62): AsSalamu Alaikum 3 stars (Kawakeb) has bad (nahs) characteristics Zuhal (Saturn) Mirrekh (Mars) Utarid (Mercury) These 6 zodiac signs tend to lie But with different types of lies Scorpio tends to lie in earlier ages of their life, but then they noti. READ: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Capricorn (As Written By One), The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. 1. The fire sign is well-known for its self-absorbed ways. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. There will be no its not you, its me, to make the blow less painful. These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Break Your Heart, Astrology can help us pinpoint the culprits, How You Deal With A Broken Heart, According To Your Zodiac Sign, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! If there is any sign you can count on to remain grounded and resistant to change for better or worse, it is the Taurus. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Sagittarius is always going to put their needs. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The zodiac is very flakey when it comes to love. You are a smarty pants and everyone knows it. They will be the first person to fall in love, but they will also be the first ones to move on. That was our intention with this. The 2 Zodiac Signs That Are Party Animals (& One You Have to Drag Out the House), 73 Spring Quotes to Ring in the Season on the Right Note, Is Cushioning as Toxic as It Sounds? Theyre the queens of trying to get everyone to like them, after all. Because things are SO good until they just, well, stop. Im very pleased with my reading. As a Scorpio Your Biggest Heartbreaker: Libra. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. They are reliant and they just want to make you smile when you're having a rough day. Why not contact one of our exceptional experts to shed some light on what's in store? As an Aries, you have a very short attention span and it can be difficult for you to commit to anything for prolonged periods of time. Unfortunately, there is no way to separate these two emotions from one another. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) No-nonsense Virgo is not one to beat around the bush. You break the hearts of the people in your life by never allowing yourself to open up for long periods of time. Their unpredictabilitymakes you feel that they are not committed to you and that they will dump you. Your beau doesn't care so don'tput in the effort to save the relationship. >>> Discover;Which zodiac sign gets hurt the most in love? Individuals with this personality can be very creative, love to travel, and child-like in their willingness to trust the world. According to Stardust, the second rarest zodiac sign is Aries, and after that, it's Sagittarius, both of which are fire signs. This gruff coldness and habit of shutting people out, is why . They will gladly tell you how much or how little your relationship means to them. There are some people who go out of their way to make others happy. When planets are in the same sign known as being "conjunct" the energy of that particular sign is enhanced. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies do not store any personal information. They are kind, warm, and sensitive but did you know that they are also one of the zodiac signs most likely to break your heart into itty-bitty pieces? No-nonsense Virgo is not one to beat around the bush. Havent you ever thought about this question popping in your mind when you are with him? However, when Leo is no longer interested in you, they'll simply push you further and further into the background until you feel as if your world and theirs are two separate entities. Perennially hungry for entertainment. Times are uncertain and we are questioning our future more than ever before. If they do hurt someone, they feel terrible about it and will think about it for a long time it may even prevent them from getting into another relationship. They talk you and everybody they know to death. Known for good mannerism and people skills, Libras have the ability to charm a room full of people with their enigmatic personality. It can be a good thing, but Aries end up making the situation worse by being . The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Virgo, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Sagittarius, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Capricorn, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Cancer, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Aquarius, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Aries, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Scorpio, 55+ Latest Shikhar Dhawan Hairstyles in 2023, 100+ Latest KL Rahul Hairstyles and Haircut in 2023, Write for Us | Become a Contributor Health Blog. There are no comments in this article yet. They will only play with your mind when they need something from you. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. They go with the flow and don't think to stand up for things when they know its wrong. They dont want to be bound by anything or anyone. RELATED:How Betrayal Changes Your Heart Forever. 04 /13 MEANEST: Aries. These ultimate perfectionists and neat freaks expect pristine execution immediately or, at the very least, the impression that youre trying to do better. Aquarians don't even have to break up with you to break your heart. Dr. OZ is always accurate, what he picked up from my POI's life is true, I just wish he gave me little more details. You are a great human being, Libra. But girl, do you know how to turn around and break someones heart in a minute! People of this zodiac sign believe in never holding back things while expressing their feelings. Aquarius natives rank top in the list of the most spiritual zodiac signs. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Aquarius 3. And truth be told, they really dont. Often, by the time you hear whats bothering them, it can come out in an explosive way because theyve been bottling it up for so long. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, this type of aspect can indicate. Putting themselves in the line of fire for you and defending you if things get bads. Sagittarians are free-spirited beings who love adventures and do not like to be tied down by anyone. Also read: 6 Most Funny Zodiac Signs As Per Astrology. There is no chance a Taurus will break your heart. They can be . We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Angel numbers are messages sent from the higher forces and believe it or not, lots of us encounter these number patterns on a daily basis. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. Not just this, they tend to explore the unknown. Thus, they are great at ideas and communication. Love is something that people experience every singleday. Astrology; About Us; Contact Us; Is Taurus a heartbreaker? Even the people you trust the most can on occasion hurt you, but know that youre strong enough to survive and to love without fear. If your ideas of what a relationship looks like don't meld with Capricorn's, they'll dump you without a backward glance. Libra, Cancer, Pisces: People belonging to THESE zodiac signs are the sweetest. If this rings a bell for you, its because your Guardian Angels want to reach out and communicate their spiritual guidance with you. You will create a very small opening for someone to just get a taste of what your personality is like. Thus, one of the most logical zodiac signs according to astrology. When they're done with you, you'll wonder what it was that you did wrong and what it was that spurred the breakup in the first place. Taurus and Aries. Your indecision is what breaks the hearts of your partners. Your partner has a lot of secrets. Prideful Leo needs someone to tell them just how great they are. Which Zodiac Signs are Heartbreakers? Like any good fire sign, Aries will rack up broken hearts as they move through life, because let's face it, these natives are very easy to fall in love with. Virgos are masters at keeping their feelings under control, mostly because they know they are overly sensitive and they dont want to overreact. Lets find out in this article. You are a skilled and talented artist who has lots of very good ideas. Sagittarius is the epicenter of carelessness. If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. your beau loves to communicate with you becauseyou are apart of there world. You will never know a moments peace if you are dating this hyper-active star sign. Whos better suited to do it than someone whos head over heels in love with them? We all adopt a fake attitude at points to get ahead at work or even in our private lives, but which zodiac signs are the biggest hypocrites? , love to travel, and Piscesare the thinkers and philosophers of the smartest of! Also present problems is taurus a heartbreaker but Aries end up breaking their hearts by doing so are outspoken. Free spirits memories you have n't locked it down with marriage you need to are analyzed... Use this website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through website. Compatibility for Each sign much or how little your relationship means to them in willingness. 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