18. r/army. SFC Grudzinski, I have to disagree with your statement "Go to college, you will never make the senior ranks in this changing Army without it". ? It got cut last time because people here found you could make like 1500 points in an hour by having multiple windows In short: OP, any hour long course with an exam at the end Le_Ebin_Rodditor 25Busted 1 yr. ago Tracking, my friend. Everyone wants to know how to get promoted and the fact is there is no REAL answer. Web38 Army Traffic Safety Introductory Course U.S. ARMY COMBAT READINESS CENTER ALMS 39 Army Workload Performance System (AWPS) Site Administrator ARMY ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION PROGRAM (AESIP) ALMS 40 Army Workload Performance System (AWPS) Super User Administrator ARMY ENTERPRISE SYSTEMS INTEGRATION PROGRAM JKO has 7 language courses that are 60 or 80 hours each. This means that whether you use both system or just one; the maximum combined promotion points you may earn is Minimum proficiency rating of 1/1 (listening, reading, or speaking) On Off. WebResident Military Education Yes/No List for promotion point status only. Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) 42. This means that whether you use both system or just one; the maximum combined promotion points you may earn is 78 for Sergeant and 84 for Staff Sergeant. If you followed the link above about converting your training to college credits, you can see that a big chunk of points can be added to this category without doing any extra work. To get promoted to Sergeant (SGT) or Staff Sergeant (SSG), you need to gain promotion points. The issue is finding these courses that actually have a course test at the end. For course completion, WLC is worth 80 Army promotion points and ALC is worth 90. Both systems do count for Army promotion points in the Military Education Computer Based Training section. Course list for The Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP). Skillport allows you to skip all the learning material and just take the course test. endstream endobj 64 0 obj <. Make sure you only take courses that JKO has annotated are worth points! It doesn't hurt, and will only help you once you exit the military, but it is not a requirement or a guarantee for promotion to the senior ranks. If you're proficient with another language. Don't miss a single post. If recommended for promotion to SGT, the Soldier must have completed the degree since joining the Army to receive these points. It seems the actual grind is back. Four promotion points per week (defined as 40 training hours) as of 29 May 2015. Yeah I actually had to do the course twice because it reset mine for getting it done in under 22 hours. endstream endobj startxref To take tests in the ACCP, you must have your CAC card to log in. So the no Assessments are not worth points?i watched a youtube video said to do them?? Computer based military education courses include Army Skillport, Army Learning Management System (ALMS), FEMA, Structured Self Development (SSD), and any other qualifying courses your may do online. You can accomplish two goals, you can actually learn something, and Add to your Points. Skillport Skillport Hot www.xpcourse.com. Webwill be granted promotion points based on 1 point per 5 hours of completed ACCP training restricted to courses completed in their entirety. Nothing is clearly spelled out and there always seems to be loop holes and shortcuts that no one bothered to tell you. 180. The resident course that the Soldier list of army schools worth promotion points This is not the case. %%EOF Otherwise, needless to say, they won't count towards promotion. what is the best site to use for courses that are worth promotion points? No points will be awarded for sub-course completion. Each five-hour course is worth a single promotion point, and some sources report that the five hour commitment is in reality much lower depending on the nature of the course and how fast the student can process the information. This is everything Ive done in the past to max out correspondence courses. To qualify, these courses must be a minimum of 1 week/40 hours. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. One medal that most people dont realize they have even earned is the Army Good Conduct Medal. Every 5-hour class correlates to 1 promotion point. Otherwise, needless to say, they won't count towards promotion. If you pass, you are awarded college credits based on the course difficulty. If you're proficient with another language. THese things will make you stand out over those that are not heedeing the words of college. What are some recommendations of classes to knock out first? So we got to pay for it. Trying to get ahead of the game, Im working 24 shifts every five days so I have A LOT of downtime. Skillport Skillport Hot www.xpcourse.com. Didn't know ALMS had curses that translate to promotion points - if I did, I fairly certain my colorful and creative usage of curses would have made me CSM. what courses are worth promotion points on ALMS? What is the easiest way to find courses that are worth promotion points on ALMS? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://usarmy.skillport.com/skillportfe/custom/login/usarmy/login.action. If you pass great! Theres a 22 hour JFO course on JKO. IT certification prep courses/tests in MCSE, CISSP, C++, Cisco, Oracle and many more ( AR350-1) ( e-Learning Waiver Form) ( Certification Matrix) On-line subject matter experts and mentors available No points will be awarded for sub-course completion. Some examples of courses are the Fuel Handlers Course, Generator Operator Course, Bus Driver Courses, and many more listed in the ATRRS Course Catalog. I'm assuming you're talking about maxing correspondence courses (hours) About 400 hours = 80 points (max for E4). If you are fluent in a language other than English, I highly suggest you take the proficiency test for that language. The way the points are broken down; 340 out of the total 800 are in this category for soldiers recommended for SGT. However, the maximum amount of points possible is 800 for both Sergeant and Staff Sergeant. hbbd```b``:"@$R0D2`/4~`(0[D2H`t@dmX"4ek I@)w!>/,Dz@_#`wt{ w Army Skillport courses use the Skillport website to complete the courses. These are two different Army e-learning systems. Pic of helper A for attention. So in case you have a 5th grade reading level just slow down a bit because you can legit complete it in two hours instead of 22. Time in Grade = 5 months. Now don't forget that you can no longer Max out your Military Education with Correspondence Courses, You need to combine that with resident courses. These courses are awarded 1 promotion point for every 4 resident course hours. Once you have tackled these, then you can begin adding points from the other categories until you make cutoff. I'm assuming you're talking about maxing correspondence courses (hours) About 400 hours = 80 points (max for E4). It could you get promoted! What are the best correspondence courses to boost promotion points? You cant really do anything to ensure you gain awards and decorations other than simply being an outstanding soldier. Especially when the boards always emphasize the importance of college in their selection process. If you are taking online Army courses purely for the promotion points, there is no sense in sitting there for 30 minutes clicking next on every page. Sign up to take the tests that sound easy to you. what courses are worth promotion points on ALMS? You receive 1 promotion point for every 5 hours of training. JKO has 7 language courses that are 60 or 80 hours each. This category is only based on months of deployments, your APFT score and your weapons qualification. %%EOF Which courses are best for a SPC who is trying to boost promotion points? Every month you are deployed will get you 2 Army promotion points, for a maximum of 30/60 for SGT/SSG. Don't miss a single post. You receive 1 promotion point for every 5 hours of training. If you are taking online Army courses purely for the promotion points, there is no sense in sitting there for 30 minutes clicking next on every page. Check your height and weight now and start working on losing weight if you need to. This is one of the many reasons I prefer Skillport Army online courses to the ACCP courses. Keep in mind that there are a different amount of points possible in each category. Allow me to apologize in advance if in my combing of past posts regarding this subject I have failed to find answers to my question. WebHome / Uncategorized / list of army schools worth promotion points. The technical certificates portion has a maximum of 50 points. 91 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<2C3F98EDF25E1D42AB618EBE767B70F8><2FC41F3417A10A44A969F47B0B9D648F>]/Index[63 48]/Info 62 0 R/Length 123/Prev 173048/Root 64 0 R/Size 111/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream This list ofCorrespondence courses are all legit classes, that you sign up for through ATTRS, and complete on ALMS, All the material is provided and the classes are structured like the SSD courses. Are all courses on ALMS and JKO worth promotion points? what courses are worth promotion points on ALMS? This means that any supporting documentation must be turned in to your S1 so they can enter the points into your Army Promotion Point Worksheet (PPW). HRC Enlisted Promotions updated the attached course list and information to inform Soldiers of those courses which are valid for points at 4 points per week (40 hours), and those which are not. Net+ and Sec+ are 40 hours. Minimum proficiency rating of 1/1 (listening, reading, or speaking) On Off. Then when you login select Browse The Library > scroll down to ACE/Credly College Credit Courses > select courses on the left under Categories. OP can just filter to DL Points, once they do I believe they are at the last three pages on the JKO catalog. 180. Did a fair bit back in the day to get my E5, but now I'm a SSG and still doing the occasional ATRRS/JKO courses. Both systems do count for Army promotion points in the Military Education Computer Based Training section. I plan on taking everything that works and making a list for the board moving forward so others can benefit from this attempt at crown sourcing information. JKO has 7 language courses that are 60 or 80 hours each. You receive 1 promotion point for every 5 hours of training. However, you can also test for these credits. Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party. The APFT in not the easiest category to max out but it is the fastest. If you do amazing, it gives you a huge chunk of Army promotion points that could get you promoted. Many soldiers consider Army Skillport and Army Correspondence courses to be the same thing. SPC (Join to see) 79.4K 25 13 3 3 0 how do you know what courses on alms are worth promotion points, I've done all courses on jko and still need a little more? Army Online Courses Worth College Credits. 5306 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<577A8424709B5D45848B77CD0783FDA2><6716916D1D832D4CA98B02338E94967F>]/Index[5290 23]/Info 5289 0 R/Length 85/Prev 245863/Root 5291 0 R/Size 5313/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream There are a ton of different certificates you can earn, that are relevant to your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), that are worth Army promotion points. Usually, each credit hour is worth one promotion point. And then take the certification exam and get more points. Promotion Ponts Level 1 Category. Join. On JKO, there is an option in the catalog to select courses that are worth DL points (see attached photo). After a brief view of your profile (unknown if it updated) I can tell you where you missing out.
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